uh huh.......Khiladi, cml750, Sultan....let's see how big the club gets. I would like it on record for the future.
Like I said earlier, do not confuse my / our distrust / dislike of Garrett for wanting the team to do bad. I am as happy as anyone that we are doing better this year but I also realize we still have a head coach who has not proven
ANYTHING in this league so my expectations are are low. So how do you so easily dismiss
ALL of Garrett's
MANY mistakes?????? I personally am not wired that way. I have to look at the
WHOLE body of work which so far sucks. Also, just making the playoffs is not enough for me when it is 100% Garrett's fault we did not make the playoffs three years running. If we had one just one of the at least two games a season he blew with idiotic game/clock management or won our win or go home games to end each of the lat three season(to division rival no less???), we would have made the playoffs three years running. That is
ALL on Garrett. There is no other way to spin it. Garrett will get my respect when he earns it and he has not earned anything yet. The
ONLY way for him to earn my respect is to make the playoffs and win at least one game. I guess people like you have become so used to mediocrity that
ANY bit of success excites you and makes you want to jump on the bandwagon. This is the Dallas Cowboys, the team I have rooted for for over four decades, and I am not satisfied with mediocrity or a mediocre coach.
If you want to jump head first onto the Garrett bandwagon that is 100% your right my friend. Personally I am happy for you that you have that ability to overlook all the mistakes Garrett has made. I and others are just not wired that way. We are
ALL Dallas Cowboy fans though, and we all want what is best for them even if we do not agree what that is. So I say
PEACE my fellow Cowboy fan and have no doubt I will be just as happy as you when we win our next Superbowl and I can assure Garrett will have me hook, line and sinker when and if that happens on his watch.