Once again, I am not defending. Never did. What I did was correct you, which given your I, you took at as defending him... Clearly you have failed to distinguish between the two.
Unlike u who can only live in a black and white world of absolutes and extremes, me like most othes am capable of leaving my biases and emotions to the side, and understand the gray area and be able to discuss the different view without resorting to insults.
Unlike u I don't find the need to insult those who have differing opinions than myself and try to ban, delete and remove things that are neither important nor matter because it's not exactly the same as my opinion.
For a measure of low IQ take a look in the mirror, where you will find the best example loaded with hypocrisy.
Leave insults to the side. If you consider yourself a higher IQ person, which given your ego and evident from your posts you do then you don't need to resort to insults.
See insults are easy to throw out. And it escalates from there.
I am sure this was too long for you to read given your level of IQ