I'm Torn On The Super Bowl


The Duke
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On the one hand, as a QB elitest, I would like to see Peyton Manning shred the Bears defense and put those demons away forever. On the other hand I can't help but wonder what message this could send Jerry about Ron Rivera. It's like two sides of my personal football philosophies are at war. I can't have both no matter how much I wish it was so.

I'm going to pull for the Colts. There are 2 reasons. The first game I ever saw was the Colts vs. the Cowboys in Super Bowl V. There's a sense of nostalgia for me there. I also would like to never again have to hear how Manning nor Dungy can win the big one. It's a tired story that has played out long ago.

Still I can't deny how excited I am about Rivera as HC or DC. If the Bears Defense does extremely well it might mean HC is more possible and I would love that.

Yeah, I'm torn on this one.


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My rooting criteria for any non-Cowboy game is how the outcome will affect the Cowboys. Since these are two teams with one super bowl win apiece, I really can't see a whole lot going for either one. I guess since Dallas beat the Colts this year I will have to root for the Colts to win.


The Grand Poobah
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I have mixed feeling about this game as well.......I rooting for the Colts but I want a close low scoring game...:)


1st Round Pick
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Im rooting for the Bears because im not a big Payton Manning fan and i'd like to see the NFC bring back the Superbowl.

Manning has tried all through the playoffs to screw it up but his defense has just turned it up another level.

It would make me sick to see Rex Grossman win a Superbowl but I like the hardworking mentality of a lot of the players around him.

Plus if Ron Rivera is going to be our new Coach or Coordinator i'd like to see him have success in his final game against the leagues most experienced offense.

So go Bears bring it back to the NFC.


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Hostile;1356586 said:
On the one hand, as a QB elitest, I would like to see Peyton Manning shred the Bears defense and put those demons away forever. On the other hand I can't help but wonder what message this could send Jerry about Ron Rivera. It's like two sides of my personal football philosophies are at war. I can't have both no matter how much I wish it was so.

I'm going to pull for the Colts. There are 2 reasons. The first game I ever saw was the Colts vs. the Cowboys in Super Bowl V. There's a sense of nostalgia for me there. I also would like to never again have to hear how Manning nor Dungy can win the big one. It's a tired story that has played out long ago.

Still I can't deny how excited I am about Rivera as HC or DC. If the Bears Defense does extremely well it might mean HC is more possible and I would love that.

Yeah, I'm torn on this one.

i dispise everything about manning. not because of him, but because of the league's messing with the rules over and over because of games manning has been the loser in. i know thats a consipacy theory type of thught but thats just the way it looks. IMO the league has tried for yrs to get him a trophy. and i hope the bears kill this guy all throughout the game, to further spoil the leagues agenda. lol again this is just my opinion on whats really happening.


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Colts. I want Eli to look even worse compared to his big brother.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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I dont give a damn as long as the total score doesnt go over 35 I am making money

Now if it comes in total of 0-14 points dinner is on me!


NFL Historian
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I want the Bears defense to have such a dominating performance that it makes Jerry think "I gotta hire this guy as HC" If that means a Bears win, then so be it.


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The Colts have always been one of my favorite teams since Johnny Unitas was one of my heroes when I was a kid. I like Manning a lot and am hoping he gets a ring this year.

As for the Bears, I don't care much about them either way and if they were playing the Ravens I would root for Chicago.

Now that I think about it, I liked Bert Jones a lot too, what is it about the Colts QBs?

Colts 27 - Bears 17


The Duke
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THUMPER;1356627 said:
The Colts have always been one of my favorite teams since Johnny Unitas was one of my heroes when I was a kid. I like Manning a lot and am hoping he gets a ring this year.

As for the Bears, I don't care much about them either way and if they were playing the Ravens I would root for Chicago.

Now that I think about it, I liked Bert Jones a lot too, what is it about the Colts QBs?

Colts 27 - Bears 17
They've had a couple with some good character, that's for sure. I've never understood the Peyton Manning hatred. Nor do I want to. When someone plays the game at a high level I appreciate the chance to see it.


Messenger to the football Gods
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I've liked the colts ever since they became the Indianapolis Colts. Being from Indiana, no brainer. I've always liked Peyton and was glad to see him beat NE. He has taken a huge football step IMO. They'll never sway my allegiance for Dallas. However, my Dad is a big bears fan having spent most of his young life living in Chicago. He's rooted for them as far back as I can remember. It's been awhile for him.

Now we're throwing in possible coaching candidates and I'm all for seeing who wins the chess match to sway, ever so slightly, my opinion of one or the other. I must add that I'd take Rivera over just about anyone for our DC so it doesn't really matter what Indy's offense does........I guess.

I've decided to just sit back and enjoy what should be a great football game for the last one of the 2006 season. With these two teams, mine and Dallas' situation, I can forsee a lot of "Hell Yeah-ing" often. :) Whoever wins, wins. Lets just hope the officiating doesn't ruin this game and they let 'em play ball.


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Hos i got a win win situation for you

Colts 7 Bears 0

Peyton manning 0 Td's 3 INT's 200 Yards

Colts RB 65 Yards 2 Fumbles on 21 carries

Colts INT Grossman in the final 1 minutes and return it for A TD


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All Cowboys fans should root for the Colts.

For the simple fact that their GM Bill Polian (sp?) was a big part of putting together that Buffalo Bills team that lost four straight Super Bowls including two to Dallas. So i for one will be rooting him on he deserves it after all those losses he had to go through.


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dargonking999;1356701 said:
Hos i got a win win situation for you

Colts 7 Bears 0

Peyton manning 0 Td's 3 INT's 200 Yards

Colts RB 65 Yards 2 Fumbles on 21 carries

Colts INT Grossman in the final 1 minutes and return it for A TD

Don't forget 20 missed FGs.


New Member
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If the Colts blow out the Bears, does that dampen Norv Turner's prospects as HC? Does it make Jerry lean more toward Wade Phillips and steer clear of the Turner-Rivera tandem as HC & DC?


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CowboyJeff;1356727 said:
If the Colts blow out the Bears, does that dampen Norv Turner's prospects as HC? Does it make Jerry lean more toward Wade Phillips and steer clear of the Turner-Rivera tandem as HC & DC?

We aint worried about the Colts offense (we know our D can stop them) we are worried about the Lions, Eagles, Falcons, and Saints. Which Rivera seemed to handle pretty well.