I'm Watching The World Cup Anyone Else?

kØwbØy said:
Would You all agree tho, Soccer is most popular sport World Wide?:D

Well there is no doubt about that, but then again, I have little interest in the most popular sport Namibia... :D

It is a cheap sport to play and takes little effort to actually learn the basics. That in itself helps propel it to it's popularity...
You could say the same about football. All you do is basically Run and Catch. :D But I understand wut you mean, and theres more to soccer and theres more to football than just the basics. For example, the ''routes'' the players run both go for soccer and Football.
kØwbØy said:
Would You all agree tho, Soccer is most popular sport World Wide?:D

There are parts of the world where people think David Hasselhoff can sing. I respect their right to their own opinions, I'm glad they enjoy his music, but that doesn't mean I'm going to feel obliged to run out and buy one of his cd's.
kØwbØy said:
You could say the same about football. All you do is basically Run and Catch. :D But I understand wut you mean, and theres more to soccer and theres more to football than just the basics. For example, the ''routes'' the players run both go for soccer and Football.
I understand that, but it is much easier for a young child to kick a ball around the yard than master throwing a football... that was my point...

A group of 10 youngsters, who have never seen either a football or soccer ball, can much more easily divide up sides and play "kick the ball in the goal", than can decide how this odd-shaped sphere thingy is used... :D

I am not knocking soccer in that respect... the ease and cost of the game to learn make it the number one sport in the world, and deservedly so...

I realize strategy exists in soccer... it does in all sports... that's what makes sports great!
trickblue said:
I understand that, but it is much easier for a young child to kick a ball around the yard than master throwing a football... that was my point...

A group of 10 youngsters, who have never seen either a football or soccer ball, can much more easily divide up sides and play "kick the ball in the goal", than can decide how this odd-shaped sphere thingy is used... :D

I am not knocking soccer in that respect... the ease and cost of the game to learn make it the number one sport in the world, and deservedly so...

I realize strategy exists in soccer... it does in all sports... that's what makes sports great!

AGREED!!..:D Just Imagine Bledsoe playin' soccer...:lmao2:
coogrfan said:
There are parts of the world where people think David Hasselhoff can sing. I respect their right to their own opinions, I'm glad they enjoy his music, but that doesn't mean I'm going to feel obliged to run out and buy one of his cd's.


The day I base my sports watching habits on what people world-wide like...

There are places around the world where people eat dog, insects, etc.

BO is cool in Europe... showering is not.

People in the scorching desert in the Middle East basically are covered head to toe in clothes...

No thanks.
I'll cheer and root for any team the USA puts into ANY competition.As for me personally,soccer isn't any fun to watch.It takes toooo long and it seems pointless to play that long and end in a 0-0 tie.
Hockey, Baseball, Cricket, Soccer, etc are really starting to bore me. I cannot understand how anyone can be excited for THAT long...
DragonCowboy said:
Hockey, Baseball, Cricket, Soccer, etc are really starting to bore me. I cannot understand how anyone can be excited for THAT long...

That Long? Soccer is shorter than footbal hahahaha. Soccer does go by faster than football, Television wise. soccers' only on 2 hours, with a 15 min. break @ half. Football is one for wut? 3 hours? 3hrs. 1/2?

Cricket, Hockey, i have no idea how long they last..lol :D
kØwbØy said:
I'm amazed also, how people in the U.S dont really play soccer as much as other sports. Personally I've never seen many people play soccer on their own outside the house, @ the park. Its mostly other sports.
I love soccer I play on my H.S. team and I like to watch it, but if it came down to the U.S.A. playing any team and the Cowboys playing any team I would watch the Boys, thats just me.
kØwbØy said:
That Long? Soccer is shorter than footbal hahahaha. Soccer does go by faster than football, Television wise. soccers' only on 2 hours, with a 15 min. break @ half. Football is one for wut? 3 hours? 3hrs. 1/2?

Cricket, Hockey, i have no idea how long they last..lol :D

Well, football is just, idk how to explain it...just, soccer is back and forth back and forth, and its just aggravating. The highlights are awesome, but sitting there for a game isn't. Maybe its just because I've grown to love football.

Cricket lasts from 7 hrs to 5 days.

ODI - One Day International - Lasts for about 7 hours
Tests - Last for 5 days (Spread across 5 matches, and they do something weird with the totals to come out with a winner)
DragonCowboy said:
Well, football is just, idk how to explain it...just, soccer is back and forth back and forth, and its just aggravating. The highlights are awesome, but sitting there for a game isn't. Maybe its just because I've grown to love football.

Cricket lasts from 7 hrs to 5 days.

ODI - One Day International - Lasts for about 7 hours
Tests - Last for 5 days (Spread across 5 matches, and they do something weird with the totals to come out with a winner)

:thumbdo: :blech:
dang, cricket...
omg, watch brazil play and tell me thats boring, i agree that the reason most people here dont like soccer is because of the quality of players here. if you had great players playing for your home city, i think it would be different.
MC KAos said:
omg, watch brazil play and tell me thats boring, i agree that the reason most people here dont like soccer is because of the quality of players here. if you had great players playing for your home city, i think it would be different.

Agreed. Brazil can easily make 3-4 NATIONAL TEAMS WITH OUTSTANDING PLAYERS. its just incredible how good they are. wow.
phillycowboyslover said:
see, this is, in part, what i'm referring to. there is a total lack of appreciation for how skilled world cup caliber soccer players are at their craft. how you feel about golf and making those shots...that is exactly how joe-soccer fan feels about their play. something that looks really simple on tv....like say, taking a cross-field pass and being able to knock it down and control it...i assure you, not as easy as it looks.

and then, of course factor in the speed of the players, and the velocity and accuracy that they can strike a ball with....it's really quite amazing.

watching a great dribbler take defenders one-on-one is also pretty awesome. the footwork/headwork is just mind boggling at times.

I in no way am discrediting the soccer players for the skill it takes. But I was refering to how crazy the fans and players are. In golf, if Tiger misses a birdie he isnt getting crap thrown at him lol.

IMO a golf swing is about 10 times more complicated then a soccer kick.

Yes you have to manuver yourself in ways to make bend shots. Golf has its fair share of crazy un-natural mechanics. I learned to kick a decent bend just kicking the ball around with friends.

Trying to make a straight iron shot with a little draw is quite a bit more difficult to learn IMO.

Soccer isnt my cup to tea... A very popular sport none the less but I just cant see why :)
kØwbØy said:
Agreed. Brazil can easily make 3-4 NATIONAL TEAMS WITH OUTSTANDING PLAYERS. its just incredible how good they are. wow.

They are amazing.
Not a big soccer fan. But I'll watch.But only to watch the US and maybe Brazil.
kØwbØy said:
:thumbdo: :blech:
dang, cricket...

India's semi-ability to play well keeps me hooked come Cricket World Cup time, though.

Australia always takes it from us though...Australia's like your Brazil
DragonCowboy said:
India's semi-ability to play well keeps me hooked come Cricket World Cup time, though.

Australia always takes it from us though...Australia's like your Brazil

Actually I did hear @ sum pt. that India was good @ cricket, but not Australia.

So who do you guys think is gonna win the World Cup? I say this year its Argentinas' Turn.
im going to the world cup, i cant wait, just imagine if our best athletes played soccer. if vick grew up playing soccer, imagine how amazing he would be, or if dwayne wade or any of these guys, we would dominate, cant wait to see the US do well in the cup and piss some euros off first hand :)

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