I'm Watching The World Cup Anyone Else?

Reed said:
im going to the world cup, i cant wait, just imagine if our best athletes played soccer. if vick grew up playing soccer, imagine how amazing he would be, or if dwayne wade or any of these guys, we would dominate, cant wait to see the US do well in the cup and piss some euros off first hand :)

Man , Reed thats awesome. it would be nice if you could get sum pictures for the zone or sumthing. Have lots of Fun.:)
kØwbØy said:
Actually I did hear @ sum pt. that India was good @ cricket, but not Australia.

So who do you guys think is gonna win the World Cup? I say this year its Argentinas' Turn.

Oh man, Australia has atleast the last two world cups. Australia dominates the cricket world, even though most Australians don't care about cricket.

On the other hand, in India, people are crazy about cricket. I believe India would be better if the governments are so corrupt. India fixes alot of their games, and brings in alot of people not worthy of being on the team.

Take Mohammad Kaif for example, (i'm not trying to offend anyone) he's Muslim, and, although he's had some great games, he hasn't been playing well at all lately. Actually, he's been playing horrible. However, to keep in touch with the Muslim population in India, Kaif stays, where a Hindu (probably deserving of the job) is cut.

In 2003 I believe it was, India's #1 player (Sachin Tendulkar) went crazy and just started playing unbelievably, playing for as much as 1.5 hrs. (Which is ALOT). He led India to the Finals, where they played Australia. Australia just manhandled India at the start, and although India had a good ending to the game, it just wasn't enough.

U.S. cricket on the other hand, is downright horrible. :)

I don't really know much about the World Cup, but for some reason, when it comes around, I'm hooked on United States or Brazil games, and sometimes England.
Reed said:
cant wait to see the US do well in the cup and piss some euros off first hand :)

Dont know if you want to be pissing euro soccer fans but that is just me.
I have a theory about why soccer has yet to crack the top five major sports in America. They don't use their hands! Humans use their hands to use tools, communicate with one another, grab and reach and push and pull. I know soccer players are very skilled with their feet, but I'm sorry, they'd never become as skilled with their feet as the average six year old is with their hands. Feet just aren't as versatile or as skilled. And if you were to take football, basketball, baseball, hockey, golf, or NASCAR and remove the use of your hands then those sports would not exist.

My opinion, the reason basketball and football haven't grown overseas has to do with tradition and a lack of exposure of these games to foreign audiences. Japan has had baseball for a while at a high level. Is soccer/football as big over there?
trickblue said:
I've tried... the game is just too slow for me...

I DID enjoy going to the occasional Sidekick game back in the day, but I just can't get into the normal game...

HAHAHA! Says the person who watches a sport that has 5 seconds of action followed by 30 seconds in a huddle, with TV breaks inbetween just to make the game last even longer. The only slower moving sport than the NFL is cricket.

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