In my opinion its time to get Branch

I can't believe people are ready to throw in the towel for TO over this fine today. Branch has never even had a 1000 yard season, TO has put up numbers in one year that we would have to add 2 years together for Branch to match them.

Branch is a mediocre WR, with a great QB.
Deep_Freeze said:
I can't believe people are ready to throw in the towel for TO over this fine today. Branch has never even had a 1000 yard season, TO has put up numbers in one year that we would have to add 2 years together for Branch to match them.

Branch is a mediocre WR, with a great QB.

It's about the system...not the player.
LaTunaNostra said:
KM, what mistake?

The man is injured.

If it were anyone else, even another high priced super star like Ty Law who also hardly played a preseason down and didn't practice much last summer, everyone would accept the fact he was 'healing'

'He's a vet...don't let him reinjure himself' would be the cry. Better to be safe than sorry stuff.

I hate like hell seeing a guy like TO as a 'victim', but his one crime to date is missing a rehab/meeting.

I agree with this. No reason to even bring up the injury, and yes, he is injuried. Ward and Smith can sit around and we are supposed to trust them, yet when it is TO, something must be wrong.

He missed a rehab/meeting and he was punished. Its not a felony to miss a meeting, nor should he be fired for it (and yes, some of you are calling for him to be fired).
Deep_Freeze said:
I agree with this. No reason to even bring up the injury, and yes, he is injuried. Ward and Smith can sit around and we are supposed to trust them, yet when it is TO, something must be wrong.

He missed a rehab/meeting and he was punished. Its not a felony to miss a meeting, nor should he be fired for it (and yes, some of you are calling for him to be fired).

The situation seems to be deeper than missing a rehab/meeting. Where there's smoke there is normally fire.
LaTunaNostra said:
KM, what mistake?

The man is injured.

If it were anyone else, even another high priced super star like Ty Law who also hardly played a preseason down and didn't practice much last summer, everyone would accept the fact he was 'healing'

'He's a vet...don't let him reinjure himself' would be the cry. Better to be safe than sorry stuff.

I hate like hell seeing a guy like TO as a 'victim', but his one crime to date is missing a rehab/meeting.
You're right. We don't know if it's a mistake until the regular season start. I'm thinking a couple of things: TO is such a camera hog, that he doesn't pass up a chance to get in front of one. I really do think he's injured or he would have played against SFO--he would have been the lead-off story on every sportscast.

What I'm afraid of is that he's done, kinda like Curtis Martin. Martin has been brilliant for years, but then he hit the wall almost overnight. I'm just wondering if TO hasn't hit that wall but doesn't want to admit it. He clearly has severe mental problems, but most WRs do. He's got the emotional maturity of an 8-year-old & just doesn't understand the impact of what he's saying or how his reputation precedes him. So, he gets defensive & lashes out rather than admit he's wrong. (We've got a situation like that in our family. My nephew is at West Point, & it turns out he's torn ligaments in his ankle. He refuses to say anything or get a medical out from doing daily running because, well, he's 18. We're trying to explain to him that he could be jeopardizing his potential Army career & even his long-term health--& that he's of no help to the Army if he's hurt, but he simply refuses to tell anyone in charge that he's injured.)

So I guess my thing about Branch is that, TO able to play or not, he's 32, while Branch is in his mid-20s. He's a better investment over the long term, plus he'd make an immediate impact this year (unlike a drafted WR, who usually take a few years to bring along).
Gryphon said:
The situation seems to be deeper than missing a rehab/meeting. Where there's smoke there is normally fire.

Problem is, there aren't people sitting on every square yard of the forest looking for the smoke. In most cases we wouldn't know the smoke is there, but in this case we are searching for smoke more than we are searching for Bobby Fisher.
Deep_Freeze said:
Problem is, there aren't people sitting on every square yard of the forest looking for the smoke. In most cases we wouldn't know the smoke is there, but in this case we are searching for smoke more than we are searching for Bobby Fisher.

I agree. However like Kittymama reported: So who leaked the story about TO's fine?

Interesting point from Steve Mariucci on "Total Access" tonight. He pointed out that a lot of players get fined, but rarely (if ever) does it get reported to the media. So someone had to have leaked it.

Now the reporter breaking it is JJT. I can't figure out what conspiracy theory I'd buy. I don't think he likes TO, so I doubt he got the story from TO. I also doubt anyone in TO's camp would leak it--doesn't serve any real purpose. It's possible that the Boys organization leaked it as a warning shot across the bow. I just can't see that either--surely they'd know the firestorm it would kick up. (You should have seen John "Tweety Bird" Clayton chirping that this is definitely the beginning of the end!)

Kittymama said:
He clearly has severe mental problems, but most WRs do.

As a former WR, I'm offended, lol. I only have slightly moderate mental problems.
Gryphon said:
I agree. However like Kittymama reported: So who leaked the story about TO's fine?

Interesting point from Steve Mariucci on "Total Access" tonight. He pointed out that a lot of players get fined, but rarely (if ever) does it get reported to the media. So someone had to have leaked it.

Now the reporter breaking it is JJT. I can't figure out what conspiracy theory I'd buy. I don't think he likes TO, so I doubt he got the story from TO. I also doubt anyone in TO's camp would leak it--doesn't serve any real purpose. It's possible that the Boys organization leaked it as a warning shot across the bow. I just can't see that either--surely they'd know the firestorm it would kick up. (You should have seen John "Tweety Bird" Clayton chirping that this is definitely the beginning of the end!)


Yeah, I commented in that trend. I just think we are being too hard on the man, let him score a few TDs, and it will calm things down a bit.
Deep_Freeze said:
Yeah, I commented in that trend. I just think we are being too hard on the man, let him score a few TDs, and it will calm things down a bit.

I hope so. But what happens when Glenn starts receiving more passes then TO? I personally thought that was going to be the problem with TO.
Gryphon said:
In my opinion its time to get Branch it's time to pull the trigger and get Branch. Get a young guy with a future who is not a complete jerk off. Eat the 5 mil and move on.

In my opinion the TO situation will be resolved by this Friday. The boys will either keep him for the long run or they will make a play for Branch.

Oh god here we go. TO haters.:lmao: Branch this and branch that. No thank you. Take TO anyday....
Actually I am a TO supporter, however we have an opportunity to end the drama before it gets worse. That is all I am saying. Keep an open mind.
Gryphon said:
I hope so. But what happens when Glenn starts receiving more passes then TO? I personally thought that was going to be the problem with TO.

Yeah, I also have accepted that as the main problem we could have with TO on Sundays, forget the rest of the week. If we are winning and he is well paid, we will probably be OK. But I also know that on Sunday, he is going to want the ball, and I like everyone else, will be doing what TO said:

"Get your popcorn ready, its going to be a show."
Gryphon said:
Actually I am a TO supporter, however we have an opportunity to end the drama before it gets worse. That is all I am saying. Keep an open mind.

:banghead: he has not even played a game yet .....
zrinkill said:
:banghead: he has not even played a game yet .....

Too much drama already. I do not think that it is a distractor to the team, however it is a disactor to BP.
Gryphon said:
Too much drama already. I do not think that it is a distractor to the team, however it is a disactor to BP.

How? Is it any worse than the Vinnie Henson crap from a few years ago? Or the JJ/Barber crap from last year?

It has been nothing ..... Bill has said time and time again that the Mediots (and a few of you "fans") are the only ones worried about this ....

He is just waiting for his Probowl Wideout to get healthy..... period.
zrinkill said:
How? Is it any worse than the Vinnie Henson crap from a few years ago? Or the JJ/Barber crap from last year?

It has been nothing ..... Bill has said time and time again that the Mediots (and a few of you "fans") are the only ones worried about this ....

He is just waiting for his Probowl Wideout to get healthy..... period.

I hope so. But this sound to easy to fix.
Ok, I never liked this idea of bringing that player here, I cant forget "the star incident" and I really dont like that player...
I dont know if hes injured, I guess he´s, but all this thing bout "true or false" surrounding every one of his acts makes me mad, sick, and leaves me with only one conclusion:

If that player brings us to Playoffs, and have a 1000+ Yds receiving 8TD+ this year, it was all worthy... If not... Why bringing that player here?

I would always pick someone like Glenn over that player, always.
Gryphon said:
Actually I am a TO supporter, however we have an opportunity to end the drama before it gets worse. That is all I am saying. Keep an open mind.
The cap hit to release him and the cost to acquire Branch immediately close my mind on the subject.

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