In my opinion its time to get Branch

Gryphon said:
In my opinion its time to get Branch it's time to pull the trigger and get Branch. Get a young guy with a future who is not a complete jerk off. Eat the 5 mil and move on.

In my opinion the TO situation will be resolved by this Friday. The boys will either keep him for the long run or they will make a play for Branch.

seriously, this move would go down as an even bigger one than the minnesota trade.

i do think we're jumping the gun a little bit, though.

simply getting on the field, and producing, heals all these wounds.
Gryph...I can see where you're coming from. I don't think we should go after Branch though. LaTunaNostra is right, missing the meeting/rehab is his only error to date. His injury is part of the game. If things do escalate over the next several days, I do agree with you that maybe we should then look at perhaps releasing him so we don't have to pay his $5mil salary guaranteed by being on the opening day roster.

But so far, he hasn't been near the problem the media is making him out to be. I think everything will be fine.
This is not a terrible idea......but, at what cost?

Could we just trade TO for BRANCH even?
Wouldn't Jerry Porter be a better option, to replace TO, opposite of Glenn.

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