In regards to Henson

theogt said:
I was unaware that theebs had put out week 1. I've seen weeks 2 and 3 and I am waiting on 4. Since I had only seen these, I assumed (incorrectly of course) that they were weeks 1 and 2. .

The file was titled week 3 that wasn't a hint?
BigDFan5 said:
ouch :laugh2:
It would hurt if it were a valid argument. Since its not it makes no sense to use it as evidence that I'm not a Henson supporter. Thinking we can get better options does not mean that I don't support the guy.
BigDFan5 said:
The file was titled week 3 that wasn't a hint?
I don't recall seeing the title of the file. I just click and it automatically starts playing.
theogt said:
The poll was based on what we knew at that moment. He had a bad game and showed little sign of improvement. I based my vote to dump him on the notion that we could get a better "project" in round 3 of the draft (Croyle or Whitehurst). I was unaware that theebs had put out week 1. I've seen weeks 2 and 3 and I am waiting on 4. Since I had only seen these, I assumed (incorrectly of course) that they were weeks 1 and 2. There's no need to be an ***. If you have a point, make it, but you're acting like a child.

So you are making authoritative posts declaring yourself correct without seeing all 4 games, plus you are on spin number 3 to explain away getting caught not knowing.

You called fellow posters a bunch of homers.

You say you are a supporter and then when your own words that contradict it are thrown in your face, you again start spinning away.

And I'm the one acting like a child?

That's laughable.
blindzebra said:
So you are making authoritative posts declaring yourself correct without seeing all 4 games, plus you are on spin number 3 to explain away getting caught not knowing.

You called fellow posters a bunch of homers.

You say you are a supporter and then when your own words that contradict it are thrown in your face, you again start spinning away.

And I'm the one acting like a child?

That's laughable.
I made authoritative posts about that game based on that game, nothing more. Based on everything I had seen up to the point of that poll led me to believe that we have better options elsewhere. Perhaps if had seen week 1 I might have had a different opinion. Doubtful. Spin? I'm not spinning anything. I didn't realize he was on week 4. What does this have to do at all with any argument about Henson's ability? Have you ever heard of a red herring? Your posts in this thread are a textbook example of a LOGICAL FALLACY. My own words did not contradict that I'm a supporter. Supporting someone does not mean that you have to be a homer. If there are better options you take those better options.

And, yes, you are acting like a child.
theogt said:
It would hurt if it were a valid argument. Since its not it makes no sense to use it as evidence that I'm not a Henson supporter. Thinking we can get better options does not mean that I don't support the guy.

theogt who do you really think you are kidding saying you are a Henson supporter?

Here is your reply to someone who says Henson is the future

you saying to give up On Henson, some great support there

The folloing Quote show us that you already knew there had been three videos since you are claiming to have watched all three and that he sucked in all of them

Just a few examples of your "support" for Henson
BigDFan5 said:
theogt who do you really think you are kidding saying you are a Henson supporter?

Here is your reply to someone who says Henson is the future

you saying to give up On Henson, some great support there

The folloing Quote show us that you already knew there had been three videos since you are claiming to have watched all three and that he sucked in all of them

Just a few examples of your "support" for Henson

Slammed. CAn't get away with that stuff around here.:laugh2:
theogt said:
I made authoritative posts about that game based on that game, nothing more. Based on everything I had seen up to the point of that poll led me to believe that we have better options elsewhere. Perhaps if had seen week 1 I might have had a different opinion. Doubtful. Spin? I'm not spinning anything. I didn't realize he was on week 4. What does this have to do at all with any argument about Henson's ability? Have you ever heard of a red herring? Your posts in this thread are a textbook example of a LOGICAL FALLACY. My own words did not contradict that I'm a supporter. Supporting someone does not mean that you have to be a homer. If there are better options you take those better options.

And, yes, you are acting like a child.

A supporter looking for better options, that wants to have an authoritative opinion, WOULD KNOW HOW MANY FREAKING WEEKS HENSON HAS PLAYED.

The fallacy is you saying you are a supporter.
BlueWave said:
I have seen several posts and comments about how well Henson is playing, often followed by "but he is playing against scrubs" or something of the sort.

Although Henson is not playing against the best players in the world, here are a few things to consider:

1. He is not playing with the best players in the world as well. His teamates are also so-called scrubs, as some have called them. That really came to light this week with the four or five drops that were suffered in the game, three of which would have been first downs. Put Manning or Brady on that Reighn Fire exactly the way Henson was thrown in there, and I feel 100%confident that neither of them would be lighting it up any more than Henson, maybe even less. Especially Brady. Remember, against scrubs, but also, with scrubs.

2. A great pass is still a great pass. Wether it is thrown in Giants stadium, Berlin, or your local park. A great read is still a great read. A great checkdown is still a great checkdown. Henson cannot control his level of competition. All he can do is play well. He is doing that very well. A great pass is.........what it is........a great pass.

3. The competition is not as bad as you think. Though some call them scrubs, they are not really scrubs. Who do you think would win a game between Berlin and Texas Tech? Even though this is the minor leagues of the NFL, if you look at the players profile, most of them played at major college programs and a lot of them were top players at those programs. So, they may be the lower end NFL, but they are still amongst the lucky 25% of major college players who actually play at the next level. In other words, Henson is actually probably playing against better competition than, Leinart, Young, Cutler, or any college QB for that matter. Most of the players Vince Young lined up against will never play professional football, period. Don't lose sight of this.

Good reasonable post.
You didnt over play it make him out to be anything great. Cause we dont know yet.

But when it comes down to it... the basics of football.. "throwing and catching" - he could be doing worse... and he only seems to be getting better.... more acclimated to a REAL TIME football game...
blindzebra said:
A supporter looking for better options, that wants to have an authoritative opinion, WOULD KNOW HOW MANY FREAKING WEEKS HENSON HAS PLAYED.

The fallacy is you saying you are a supporter.

He knew how many weeks had been played, See my post above
Look. I support the guy. I'd love to see him perform well. I'd love to see him be the future of the franchise IIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFF his performance improves. Based on what I've seen, though, I don't think he can do that. I support him in that I hope he improves. I don't support him though in that based on what I've seen I think he can step right in at this moment. Many of the posters here think that and its just ridiculous.

And give it up about the number of weeks played BS. It's completely irrelevant and the fact that your only way of attacking me is some irrelevant point about what week it is is very telling. VERY TELLING.
theogt said:
Look. I support the guy. I'd love to see him perform well.

Yet you puke at the thought of him being our future.

I'd love to see him be the future of the franchise

yet you puke at the thought

IIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFF his performance improves. Based on what I've seen, though, I don't think he can do that.

We have seen him improve every week, How does that equate to not being able to improve?

I don't support him though in that based on what I've seen I think he can step right in at this moment. Many of the posters here think that and its just ridiculous.

Actually most people do no believe he can step in right now, they are saying let him develop and ive him time. I have seen 1 person say anything about him stepping in this yea.
theogt said:
Look. I support the guy. I'd love to see him perform well. I'd love to see him be the future of the franchise IIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFF his performance improves. Based on what I've seen, though, I don't think he can do that. I support him in that I hope he improves. I don't support him though in that based on what I've seen I think he can step right in at this moment. Many of the posters here think that and its just ridiculous.

And give it up about the number of weeks played BS. It's completely irrelevant and the fact that your only way of attacking me is some irrelevant point about what week it is is very telling. VERY TELLING.

It's only irrelevant in your eyes, because it shows you are full of crap.

BigDFan5 said:
Yet you puke at the thought of him being our future.
I'm not sure that this can get any clearer. I haven't seen anything to say that he is the future of the franchise. What I have seen is subpar performance from someone who is touted as having such great skill.
We have seen him improve every week, How does that equate to not being able to improve?
Well if week 3's performance was an improvement, then he's got a long way to go. I can't wait however to see week 4 in order to see the supposed improvement. I've got my fingers crossed.
blindzebra said:
It's only irrelevant in your eyes, because it shows you are full of crap.

:lmao2::lmao2::lmao2:That you think it is relevant makes me realize how ridiculous it was to even respond to you. :lmao2::lmao2::lmao2:
theogt said:
I'm not sure that this can get any clearer. I haven't seen anything to say that he is the future of the franchise.

Again you puke at the suggestion he may be the future. Now obviously if he is the "future" that means he is doing well according to the coach, but that is something that makes you puke.

What I have seen is subpar performance from someone who is touted as having such great skill.

Its hard to reply to this since you can not get your story straiht on what "you have seen" I mean earlier he sucked week2, then he sucked last week, then you said you didn't know there were 3 videos, then another posts proved you knew there were 3 and you said he sucked in all of them. Please excuse me if i can't sift through a;ll the BS quick enough to reply to this post, thanks

Well if week 3's performance was an improvement, then he's got a long way to go. I can't wait however to see week 4 in order to see the supposed improvement. I've got my fingers crossed.

I am sure your fingers are crossed, but I am guessing they are crossed hoping you can find something wrong to jump on here and talk about. But hey thats just me.
theogt said:
:lmao2::lmao2::lmao2:That you think it is relevant makes me realize how ridiculous it was to even respond to you. :lmao2::lmao2::lmao2:

Bud, when saying someone sucks in a weekly video knowing what week you are talking about is very relevant
BigDFan5 said:
Bud, when saying someone sucks in a weekly video knowing what week you are talking about is very relevant
I see. Thanks for the help. I feel enlightened now.

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