In regards to Henson

theogt said:
This post is very misleading. First, this thread is not about Bledsoe, so I will not discuss Bledsoe. It's strange that you assume I am a strong Bledsoe supporter. My criticisms of Henson in that game were accurate and you don't seem to deny this. In that thread I posted that he didn't have a good game. People replied with comments like "What are you talking about? He had a GREAT game," and "You must not be able to evaluate talent." In response to these posts I pointed out all the passes that were bad. They outnumbered the good passes. I never stated that every pass had to be perfect. Nice straw man. I do however claim that when the majority of passes are bad, he has a bad game.

Well there is exactly where I disagree. He had about 3-4 passes that were bad in last game. Rest of them were mostly good. But here you think they were mostly bad.

So basically you are mostly in minority in that opinion. Heck I have seen even people who are downright nasty about Henson even admit to the fact that he had a good game inspite of the fact that he didn't have a good statistical game last week.

The reason I pointed out Bledsoe is because of the fact you said his short throws were bad, so its a point of reference. I.e. pointing out, throwing a pretty spiral on every pass isn't the main thing.

So you are claiming majority of his passes were bad, but then the analysts in the game disagree with you and most posters disagree with you. But thats just fine, but don't go about saying they are bashing you, if they say you wrong about your opinion. Or they think you don't like Henson. Now bashing you is not fair, but saying you don't like Henson, seems pretty fair considering majority opinion on how the last week game went. Either way its the opinion. So why are you complaining about it?
theogt said:
It might help to begin by considering the Henson supporters' all out homerism with this guy. I made a simple comment last week after his second game that he didn't look good in *that* game and everyone in the thread jumped on me, saying mess like I don't know how to evaluate talent, etc. The Henson supporters are down right militant at times. Their homerism leads to name calling and vigorous debate that may make people look like they have a "vested interest" in seeing the guy fail when they're simply not homering out over the guy.

That said, I can't wait to see his performance from this week. Hopefully theebs will have it up tonight. It sounded at least that he made some very good throws in week 3. Week 2, however, was by no stretch of the imagination a good (or even solid) performance. His touch passes were bad. His short passes were bad. His long passes looked like me throwing the ball. He made 2-3 nice passes, but those were the exception and not the rule in that game.

2-3 passes huh. So which ones did you think were the exception? I rewatched the vid from theebs and 5 out of his first 6 passes were exactly where they should be, but I'm curious what you found wrong with them.
I am a Henson supporter, actually. I want to see the guy succeed. It just absolutely eludes me as to how anyone can watch the week 2 game and say he had a solid performance. Virtually every pass that required any degree of skill was poorly thrown. Please review the game again with your homerism turned off. It was really was a mediocre game.

I don't think I am at all in the minority unless you define that class as (1) Cowboys fans posting in a thread about Henson and (2) the announcers who are clearly going to hype the guy up. If you were instead to consider a group of objective analysts, I'm certain I would be in the majority.
theogt said:
I am a Henson supporter, actually. I want to see the guy succeed. It just absolutely eludes me as to how anyone can watch the week 2 game and say he had a solid performance. Virtually every pass that required any degree of skill was poorly thrown. Please review the game again with your homerism turned off. It was really was a mediocre game.

I don't think I am at all in the minority unless you define that class as (1) Cowboys fans posting in a thread about Henson and (2) the announcers who are clearly going to hype the guy up. If you were instead to consider a group of objective analysts, I'm certain I would be in the majority.

it's probably because you keep slamming people with "homerism" as if that will suddenly allow everyone to see life through *your* point of view.

were drews #'s last week fantastic? no. no one is saying they were. they are saying the decisions are improving and this week we're seeing even more improvement.

try to realize not every "henson support" is blind and as unobjective as bledsoe4mvp and maybe you'll catch less counter-grief.
iceberg said:
it's probably because you keep slamming people with "homerism" as if that will suddenly allow everyone to see life through *your* point of view.

were drews #'s last week fantastic? no. no one is saying they were. they are saying the decisions are improving and this week we're seeing even more improvement.

try to realize not every "henson support" is blind and as unobjective as bledsoe4mvp and maybe you'll catch less counter-grief.
Your argument would be great if it were based on any reality. I caught so much grief because I said he had a bad game. I pointed out the reasons for having a bad game and was jumped on for it. I concluded that those who railed me for stating the obvious were being "homers" only after the incident.

If he continues to improve each week I would be excited. From seeing the comments made on this weeks game that appears to be the case. However, the same comments were made about last weeks game and he clearly didn't have a good game.
theogt said:
Your argument would be great if it were based on any reality. I caught so much grief because I said he had a bad game. I pointed out the reasons for having a bad game and was jumped on for it. I concluded that those who railed me for stating the obvious were being "homers" only after the incident.

If he continues to improve each week I would be excited. From seeing the comments made on this weeks game that appears to be the case. However, the same comments were made about last weeks game and he clearly didn't have a good game.

it's firmly grounded in "my" reality much like you have your own version of it. only, i'm not the one saying MY version of "reality" is correct. to them, they're talking progress. if you see that as homerism, fine. but quit playing the victim - it's just football talk.
We all have our own views. I have been pro-Henson since we signed him, obviously. But I try not to be blind when it comes to poor playing from him to be fair. Week 1 was not a good performance. However I feel he's bounced back strong and hope that he will continue to grow over the next 6 games. To have 10 NFLE games and another NFL preseason is going to be a better spot to give a fair judgement on Henson than ever. I think/hope he can win the backup role this year and possibly contend for the starting role in 2007 if he continues to work hard like he has been.

That said, I'll never be against taking shots in the draft at QBs and would be happy if we took a shot this draft in the 4th (if we picked up a 4th) or 5th round.
iceberg said:
it's firmly grounded in "my" reality much like you have your own version of it. only, i'm not the one saying MY version of "reality" is correct. to them, they're talking progress. if you see that as homerism, fine. but quit playing the victim - it's just football talk.

Henson is progressing, and that's all that needs to be said...and he is actually looking good!

Did you notice that "bounced pass" he threw? QB's are not supposed to do that, huh? :confused:
iceberg said:
it's firmly grounded in "my" reality much like you have your own version of it. only, i'm not the one saying MY version of "reality" is correct. to them, they're talking progress. if you see that as homerism, fine. but quit playing the victim - it's just football talk.
You're completely missing my point. You said that I was probably being slammed "because you keep slamming people with "homerism" as if that will suddenly allow everyone to see life through *your* point of view." However, I never slammed anyone with homerism until this thread. I never even mentioned the term in the thread I was referring to. Had I done so you would have made a great point. However, the objective reality is that I DID NOT DO SO.
theogt said:
I am a Henson supporter, actually. I want to see the guy succeed. It just absolutely eludes me as to how anyone can watch the week 2 game and say he had a solid performance. Virtually every pass that required any degree of skill was poorly thrown. Please review the game again with your homerism turned off. It was really was a mediocre game.

I don't think I am at all in the minority unless you define that class as (1) Cowboys fans posting in a thread about Henson and (2) the announcers who are clearly going to hype the guy up. If you were instead to consider a group of objective analysts, I'm certain I would be in the majority.

Last week was week THREE, not week TWO.

Perhaps we'd respect you for more than a hater, if you had the basic facts down.:rolleyes:

Oh and voting to throw him off a cliff and then saying you are a supporter is beyond ridiculous.
blindzebra said:
Last week was week THREE, not week TWO.

Perhaps we'd respect you for more than a hater, if you had the basic facts down.
I see. My point still stands.

I believe only 3 weeks of videos have been posted. That's what I was referring to.
theogt said:
Well my weeks start on Monday and ends on Sunday. I realize that some people begin their weeks on Sundays, but I think those people are in the minority. Since my definition of *this* week includes yesterday, yeterday's game is still *this week's* game. Last week ended on Sunday April 1. Therefore week 2, which was played in the week that I define as "last week", is "last week's game".

If you're going to troll about getting facts right you should not be so...well...wrong.

He's played in FOUR GAMES, and how you break down your weeks don't change the fact that game TWO was TWO games ago.

The last resort of the beaten, make a convoluted post intending to confuse, with an I'm right at the end.

Doesn't work here, might at DCC though.:lmao2:
theogt said:
I see. My point still stands.

I believe only 3 weeks of videos have been posted. That's what I was referring to.
Dude how about quotes like these

theogt said:
Finally watched it. That was horrible. Not sure he's even back up quality. Like most I've always hoped for the best with Henson, but these videos have shown exactly what we needed to see. This guy's not an NFL QB.

theogt said:
What?!? That was pretty bad. His deep balls were atrocious. The 2-3 touch passes he attempted in the end-zone were either wide left or wide right AND overthrown. He did make a couple nice, accurate throws on the run.

Other's were talking about his pocket presence in another thread, saying it's improved. Well if that is improvement, I hope Jerry learned his lesson on wasting 3rd round picks.
etc. etc ad nausem

Look man if you don't like Henson... thats your perogative...but don't play us for a bunch of are only going to in the end make a bunch of enemys...just a piece of friendly advice and no I do not wish to debate it with you..take the advice or not either way it is no skin off my back
theogt said:
Your argument would be great if it were based on any reality. I caught so much grief because I said he had a bad game. I pointed out the reasons for having a bad game and was jumped on for it. I concluded that those who railed me for stating the obvious were being "homers" only after the incident.

If he continues to improve each week I would be excited. From seeing the comments made on this weeks game that appears to be the case. However, the same comments were made about last weeks game and he clearly didn't have a good game.

I am confused, you keep saying he had a bad game "last week", but when you talk about it you say "week 2" which was not last week. Week 2 was 2 weeks ago. Please clarify
blindzebra said:
Doesn't change a thing.

Week 4 is the only thing that has not been put out by Theebs.

Still does not change this either:
The poll was based on what we knew at that moment. He had a bad game and showed little sign of improvement. I based my vote to dump him on the notion that we could get a better "project" in round 3 of the draft (Croyle or Whitehurst). I was unaware that theebs had put out week 1. I've seen weeks 2 and 3 and I am waiting on 4. Since I had only seen these, I assumed (incorrectly of course) that they were weeks 1 and 2. There's no need to be an ***. If you have a point, make it, but you're acting like a child.
burmafrd said:
The talent in Europe is not as great as some of this thread would have you believe. Its under the level of, say, Texas VS USC. So In Baseball Terms its about AA. The very best of College Football is AAA, while the Pros are the major leagues. The speed/size,strength and quickness in Europe is a decided step down from the NFL. Tight passes that work in NFLE will be intercepted in the NFL because the D backs are that much quicker and faster. Remember: virtually everyone in Europe is someone that would be at best a bench warmer in the NFL. Just how many players go from the NFLE to STARTING in the NFL- only a handfull. Henson can excell at NFLE; now he has to prove that he can take that last step up. BUt if he keeps this up he certainly WILL get his shot in the NFL. Henson's biggest problem has always been that he only started in 8 games at the major college level- that is just too little too long ago. He needs this GAME time to really have a shot. Frankly this is what they should have done 2 years ago when we first got him.

There might be six or seven players on both Texas and Oklahoma's roster combined that will ever start a game in the NFL. Half of those, won't even make the cut.

Don't believe it, NFL Europe is a big step up from all College ball. The best player on most College teams will never see an NFL field. Only a handful of players from the best college organization fill make NFL teams.
Zaxor said:
Dude how about quotes like these

etc. etc ad nausem

Look man if you don't like Henson... thats your perogative...but don't play us for a bunch of are only doing to in the end make a bunch of enemys...just a piece of friendly advice and no I do not wish to debate it with you..take the advice or not either way it is no skin off my back
None of those contradict anything I've said here. I'm still a Henson supporter. I want to see him improve. What I saw from that game, though, was very bad.

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