InsideTheStar: Time To Demand Better of Sports Media

I wasn't huffy. Nor was your exercise in proving a point accurate since I did nothing of the things Dez did.

My allegiance to this team does not preclude me pointing out when rich kids who have lived in a bubble due strictly to physical talent act up.

Dez is a ticking time bomb. His unfettered behavior will become an embarrassment to this team if and when they no longer win consistently. Jerry financially tied him to the team.

The comment Dez made during the contract negotiation which was a dead give-away in how this guy thinks is when he stated Jerry doesn't know him at all. His ingratitude toward the team that paid him handsomely, and would again pony up huge dollars is the core of his immaturity. A festering childishness when he doesn't get what he thinks he deserves, he lashes out thoughtlessly.

Frankly Jacques-Taylor nailed it when he stated Dez needs to concentrate on delivering on the field and being less vocal about the press.

The problem is not what they write, it is how he reacts.

Your anger seems to be based on how jealous you are of Dez's money.
Great article. Keep in mind that this isn't just sports journalism but how all journalism and the media in general works these days.
Your anger seems to be based on how jealous you are of Dez's money.

Anger, no.

The professional athlete in this country, and especially those with immense talent, live in a surreal reality. They pay with their training and learning their game. To that they should be commended. But looking at a guy like Johnny Manziel, a kid who does have talent, but his 2 cent head prevents that talent from being harvested is a prime example. Pacman Jones and his gansta attitude is another.

You see the abstract failure of a guy like Ryan Leaf, who had talent. Or Todd Marinovich, who had talent, was raised by a coach, and fell apart. But this is not merely sports. Shia Labeouf is another kid who had acting skills and a mental make-up that caused him to hurt himself because he cannot think past the moment.

There are people in prison who do not have the balance to control am immediate reaction because they cannot see past the exact moment they live in.

This is far from money for me. It is maturity. With the money and playing for a professional team comers a responsibility to behave in a way that does not tarnish the organization.

Dez can get away with being a pinhead. Just like Brady and the deflate gate. Talent bails them out of their poor decisions. Just like Pacman got a job with Dallas, because of his talent. Or TO.

Perhaps what is missing in these people is being humble and appreciating you have a life others do not. But then that is a prevalent mindset in this country by so many.
It's called schadenfreude, plain and simple. Taking pleasure in other's misfortune.

So many people and that includes most writers and TV personalities hate JJones and his personality. The fact that he owns the Dallas Cowboys is icing on the cake.

They will take any molehill and make it into a mountain if it can embarrass JJones and the Cowboys. It isn't even about clicks and ratings. They really wish the worst for us.

The only way to shut them up is to win it all.

its both schadenfreude and clicks and ratings. Dallas is a perfect mix. The best mix in town in fact.

Hate drives profit. No one gives a **** about the Lion's franchise misfortunes other than homers.

Tons of people tune in to see the ship sinking in Dallas and its very very very profitable. Not so for the Lions or any other team compared to Dallas.

hale tons of people tune in to see the ship being mediocore. it really doesnt matter either way. Dallas DOMINATES attention like no other team in the galaxy.
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For giggles, the local media is going after Robert Klemko for suggesting that Dallas media were afraid of reporting the Dez situation. He only spoke with two reporters, but made the claim in a broad, sweeping generalization that pissed them off.
I wasn't huffy. Nor was your exercise in proving a point accurate since I did nothing of the things Dez did.

My allegiance to this team does not preclude me pointing out when rich kids who have lived in a bubble due strictly to physical talent act up.

Dez is a ticking time bomb. His unfettered behavior will become an embarrassment to this team if and when they no longer win consistently. Jerry financially tied him to the team.

The comment Dez made during the contract negotiation which was a dead give-away in how this guy thinks is when he stated Jerry doesn't know him at all. His ingratitude toward the team that paid him handsomely, and would again pony up huge dollars is the core of his immaturity. A festering childishness when he doesn't get what he thinks he deserves, he lashes out thoughtlessly.

Frankly Jacques-Taylor nailed it when he stated Dez needs to concentrate on delivering on the field and being less vocal about the press.

The problem is not what they write, it is how he reacts.

Smh you're just as bad as JJT saying stuff like this
I have to agree with the article. The NFL and the media rules are somewhat ridiculous, especially if members of the media are causing these kinds of issues in the locker room. Communication between players and reporters should be limited to press conferences, scheduled interviews, of interviews that the players agree to outside the locker room. The only mandated communication should be press conferences. Fans will lose the inside info and access we have now, but not having that information never bothered me in the early 90's.
I could care less about sports journalism.
I simply don't watch it or listen to it.
With the exception of Norm Hitzges and Bob Sturm.
For giggles, the local media is going after Robert Klemko for suggesting that Dallas media were afraid of reporting the Dez situation. He only spoke with two reporters, but made the claim in a broad, sweeping generalization that pissed them off.

Now there's some irony.

Too funny.
I've stood up for journalists around here quite a bit, but in light of the recent Hardy reports and the gradual degradation of the integrity of sports journalism, I am finding it harder and harder. JJT used to be a pretty good source, if not completely unbiased. He has descended into that same twitter click ***** area as about 75% of the rest of the journalistic world.

The NFLPU needs to make the NFL do away with these mandatory questions sessions. It gives these journalists a sense of entitlement and a false sense of transparency. They need to go back to the days where, if a reporter is fabricating and/or telling stories wrong, the players stopped giving them interviews. That would add accountability back to the equation real fast.

Who is THEY? The players may have to do the interview, but they don't have to give them information. They can act like Marshawn Lynch if they want to.
First off, I guess you cannot engage in a conversation without an insult. Second, what has playing football got to do with being an adult? Although I have played a down or two in my time.

Romo gets way worse treatment and always has. Do you ever see him pop off? Lose his temper and go on a public rant?

Nope. But you see people like TO and Dez do so. Why?

Self esteem, perhaps. We know some of Dez' background. That has a hand in his pushing back on this. But that is no excuse.

It's called character. It's called sometimes the best advice is to keep your mouth shut.

It always happens that way doesn't it?

It so sad. People can't make opinions about players without someone of an opposing opinion challenging their intellect.
Stop feeding the trolls Dez. Learn from Garrett, Witten, Romo on how to subtly give the media the middle finger.
For giggles, the local media is going after Robert Klemko for suggesting that Dallas media were afraid of reporting the Dez situation. He only spoke with two reporters, but made the claim in a broad, sweeping generalization that pissed them off.

This was the same guy who was arrested for assaulting a cab driver and speeding off in the same cab not too long ago. An immature kid. His judgment shouldn't hold much weight and I'm surprised he still holds his position.
It always happens that way doesn't it?

It so sad. People can't make opinions about players without someone of an opposing opinion challenging their intellect.

Just like you failed to read the entire thread before making yourself look foolish?'s your sign.
This was the same guy who was arrested for assaulting a cab driver and speeding off in the same cab not too long ago. An immature kid. His judgment shouldn't hold much weight and I'm surprised he still holds his position.

Cowlishaw pointed that out in a snark tweet. Klemko then responded with a shot at cowlishaw's battle with alcoholism. Immediately apologized, but nothing in twitter so here can ever be deleted. Lol
to hell with the media, I demand better from this football team.
Your anger seems to be based on how jealous you are of Dez's money.

I honestly don't think for many it is anger about money, I think it is anger about talent/gifts. It is true in every day life. In the football world and/or for football folks (players who didn't make the league, everyday fans, etc), they mad that they didn't get it (the talent) and someone so "undeserving" as Dez did.

"I would do so much more with it...why didn't I get it..."-- the true mantra of haters.

In addition, look how people love to see even "good" folks fall from grace. It's the world we live in. So, "undeserving" folks like Dez-- they really catch it.

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