Twitter: Interesting take on Garrett by Broaddus


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I don't think he has to worry too much about Richard saving the season..IMO and I don't think if would be a good idea to just "fire at will" with a possibility of being at the top of the East "Least" with 4 games to go after Sunday. Win or lose the Eagles are going to be second. Think about this, as bad as we have been we are still in it to win it! Would it be easier to stomach if we were in last place?
We suck so bad I don’t want us even anywhere near the playoffs.


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he was in the building every day and got stuff wrong everyday. He got people all riled up back in 2013 saying he was told garrett would not be brought back if they lost to the Commanders. He gets all this kind of stuff wrong.
Garrett should’ve been fired in ‘13.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Honestly— I don’t see this team doing much with or without Garrett this season. The philosophy, schemes, and personnel packages will be in place regardless— so while firing Garrett would feel good and may cause a brief uptick in performance— it doesn’t suddenly turn this team into a legit contender.

At this point— the bed has been made— we have to lie in it through the end of the year. Barring a miraculous turnaround and highly unlikely playoff run and NFCCG berth— this is Garrett’s last ride.

He gets to go down with this ship. Either underachieving and utterly failing in his last year— or writing an improbable comeback story.

Either way— I will watch with morbid amusement as the good ship lollipop continues its fateful 10 year journey

It depends on what you mean by "doing much." We don't know exactly how much his choices have affected the outcomes of the close games that we've had. Maybe with a better coaching decision or two in New Orleans and New England or against Minnesota and those games would have turned out differently. Suddenly, you have a 9-3 team that has beaten three winning teams.

I think the philosophy and schemes need work, but I also think not making a coaching change because it might not make any difference at this point is the wrong way to look at it ... and I'm talking more about Jones than I am you. Jerry has said that Garrett is the best chance this team has this season of winning a Super Bowl. Based on his history, Garrett has no chance of winning a Super Bowl.

I don't buy into this idea of not putting someone else in charge because he might do so well you have to keep him. The Joneses don't have to keep anyone as coach. Letting Richard, Moore or Marinelli take over for the rest of the season only means you are dissatisfied with what you got and want to allow someone else a shot before making a permanent change in the offseason, because you still do have a chance of making the playoffs if someone can get the team turned around. The value for the coach who is picked is that it might land him a head coaching job elsewhere if he does a good job with it and the Joneses have someone else in mind.


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If it didn’t come from Bryan Broaddus, I’d have written this off to comedy. So now he thinks that Jerry is afraid that Richard might actually save this season and then he’d be stuck with him? Really?


Keep in mind this comes from someone who worked at the Star for the past four years.

Interesting but with Jerry it is likely another ruse to keep the fans interested. This season has to go down as one of the most disappointing in the last 20 plus years. There was SB talk and yet these losers might not make the playoffs. Greater than .500 will be a tough task.

Just imagine the culture shock if they brought a real coach in. Tyron might have to practice. Zeke might have to lose weight. The Hotboyz might actually need to become productive. Jaylon Smith might have to take on a G and fill a gap. 24 might have to look like he cares. It will be a complete culture shock.


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Bill Parcells? Chuck Norris? Kelly Clarkson?

Jerry: "It is my privilege to introduce as coach two-time coaching champ, and I should think soon-to-be three-time coaching champ, Kelly Clarkson. And I can think of none better than Chuck Norris, the first war daddy, to come lead our special teams and bring his unique Delta techniques to bear on the field for this team."


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Jerry: "It is my privilege to introduce as coach two-time coaching champ, and I should think soon-to-be three-time coaching champ, Kelly Clarkson. And I can think of none better than Chuck Norris, the first war daddy, to come lead our special teams and bring his unique Delta techniques to bear on the field for this team."


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
It depends on what you mean by "doing much." We don't know exactly how much his choices have affected the outcomes of the close games that we've had. Maybe with a better coaching decision or two in New Orleans and New England or against Minnesota and those games would have turned out differently. Suddenly, you have a 9-3 team that has beaten three winning teams.

I think the philosophy and schemes need work, but I also think not making a coaching change because it might not make any difference at this point is the wrong way to look at it ... and I'm talking more about Jones than I am you. Jerry has said that Garrett is the best chance this team has this season of winning a Super Bowl. Based on his history, Garrett has no chance of winning a Super Bowl.

I don't buy into this idea of not putting someone else in charge because he might do so well you have to keep him. The Joneses don't have to keep anyone as coach. Letting Richard, Moore or Marinelli take over for the rest of the season only means you are dissatisfied with what you got and want to allow someone else a shot before making a permanent change in the offseason, because you still do have a chance of making the playoffs if someone can get the team turned around. The value for the coach who is picked is that it might land him a head coaching job elsewhere if he does a good job with it and the Joneses have someone else in mind.
Besides which, promoting someone from within and having them win would fit perfectly into Jerry's "I want credit" M.O.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Besides which, promoting someone from within and having them win would fit perfectly into Jerry's "I want credit" M.O.

If I had control of this team, I would fire Garrett and elevate Richard to head coach. My reasons would be:

1) Richard has been mentioned as a head coaching candidate in the league. Why not figure out if he can do it?

2) We essentially have two defensive coordinators, so Richard would more easily be able to oversee the whole team than other in-house candidates while Marinelli runs the day-to-day of the defense.

3) Obviously, change is needed. Garrett has made several poor decisions that have contributed to our losses. Having someone else creating his environment and making different decisions could give this team the bump it needs to get over the hump.

4) Promoting from within allows for those wholesale changes to not be made until a permanent coach is put into place, so the players don't have to learn new schemes.

5) Although a lot of interim head coaches fail, some do succeed and some of those who fail were coaching teams devoid of talent.

6) Although this team is 6-6, it still can win the division and get to the playoffs if it can turn things around. Going the same direction it has been going is not the way to turn things around. Trying something different at least creates that chance.


Since 1971
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Hate to deflate the euphoria around here, but changing the HC is not going to bring any more success without systematic changes in the organization. If the Jones family are still going to run football operations, the next HC will either be a total dud or quit after a few years.


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Simple math....Urban Meyer or Jim Harbaugh bet is on Harbaugh he has NFL experience


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
He didn’t he’d save the season. Do you think Richard is the best possible head coaching option on the planet?? Of course not. Do you think 4 games would tell us, one way or the other if he is worthy of the HC spot? Of course not. So why confuse things more. You can interview him after the season with everyone else. He CLEARLY had NOT earned any special treatment based on what this defense had done.


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Broaddus is speculating on Jerry's mind, so of course it won't make sense


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Basically too coward to make a yes or decision on Richard if he does well as head coach. If you have a guy in mine fine. Let Richard audition for another team. Gutless.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
If I had control of this team, I would fire Garrett and elevate Richard to head coach. My reasons would be:

1) Richard has been mentioned as a head coaching candidate in the league. Why not figure out if he can do it?

2) We essentially have two defensive coordinators, so Richard would more easily be able to oversee the whole team than other in-house candidates while Marinelli runs the day-to-day of the defense.

3) Obviously, change is needed. Garrett has made several poor decisions that have contributed to our losses. Having someone else creating his environment and making different decisions could give this team the bump it needs to get over the hump.

4) Promoting from within allows for those wholesale changes to not be made until a permanent coach is put into place, so the players don't have to learn new schemes.

5) Although a lot of interim head coaches fail, some do succeed and some of those who fail were coaching teams devoid of talent.

6) Although this team is 6-6, it still can win the division and get to the playoffs if it can turn things around. Going the same direction it has been going is not the way to turn things around. Trying something different at least creates that chance.
7) Richard would demand accountability from the players and coaches.

While those are all good points, they're absolutely moot, if the failure of this defense is because of or partly because of Richard, as some believe.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I'll take Chuck Norris!! He can "karate chop" a player coming back to the sideline after a bad play, instead of the usual slap on the butt we see now. :laugh:
He might have to roundhouse kick some of the bigger guys, but that's okay, he won't be wearing cleats.