Introducing the Worked-Shoot Era of WWE

I can not wait for the eventual thing between Punk and Austin. There is going to be some golden microphone moments in that deal.
BraveHeartFan;4068154 said:
I can not wait for the eventual thing between Punk and Austin. There is going to be some golden microphone moments in that deal.

To bad punk is leaving in july .....

Oh wait ....
Looks like Mistico is done in the WWE, they will keep the Sin Cara character but it's another guy doing him now. Apparently his first match was so bad they had to shoot it twice

I pretty much called it back when they signed him that this would never work out but i'm still kinda surprised how fast it went down hill.

The Mexican Lucha style really doesn't work well outside of Mexico. Mysterio is a damn re-run doing the same act over and over again probably for safety reasons, Del Rio had to completely change his style from CMLL believe it or not he was actually a high flier in CMLL. It's kinda funny to me how people laugh about how bad Mistico is when in reality he's one of the very best in the world. He just has to work with people who can do that style and you're not gonna find very many people outside of Mexico who can.

My guess is Mistico signs with TNA within a month, he can't really go back to CMLL now since he lost his mask in his last match there unless he decides to wrestle without one
AAA would love him.

Hope he lands in tna
Ren;4069149 said:
Looks like Mistico is done in the WWE, they will keep the Sin Cara character but it's another guy doing him now. Apparently his first match was so bad they had to shoot it twice

I pretty much called it back when they signed him that this would never work out but i'm still kinda surprised how fast it went down hill.

The Mexican Lucha style really doesn't work well outside of Mexico. Mysterio is a damn re-run doing the same act over and over again probably for safety reasons, Del Rio had to completely change his style from CMLL believe it or not he was actually a high flier in CMLL. It's kinda funny to me how people laugh about how bad Mistico is when in reality he's one of the very best in the world. He just has to work with people who can do that style and you're not gonna find very many people outside of Mexico who can.

My guess is Mistico signs with TNA within a month, he can't really go back to CMLL now since he lost his mask in his last match there unless he decides to wrestle without one
The new sin cara

Guess they don't think so..missing spots so they have to be redone..suspended once already. Time to move on from that guy.
DallasGirl50;4069327 said:
Guess they don't think so..missing spots so they have to be redone..suspended once already. Time to move on from that guy.

Watch his stuff from mexico.. Amazing.

They had him working with people he shouldn't have been. Put Sin Cara v. another Lucha. or Sin Cara v. Bryan Danielson, he'll look good.
I didn't say he wasn't a good wrestler..just that he's more trouble than he's worth. So they get someone else to wear a him Sin Cara..and go on. Somebody already posted that it wouldn't work with this guy...they were right. Will be interesting to see if the newer guy works out. At least maybe be there a few months before getting suspended would be an improvement. Jeff Hardy is a good wrestler and he's not worth the trouble...although I guess TNA thinks otherwise.
DallasGirl50;4069327 said:
Guess they don't think so..missing spots so they have to be redone..suspended once already. Time to move on from that guy.

From what i understand it was Hunico, not Mistico that did that match that had to be redone. Mistico has not been in the ring since MITB. Rumors seem to be that he failed a drug test

Mistico did have a lot of botches in the WWE but when you look at his matches in CMLL they where mostly botch free and look at his 2 WWE matches against good opponents Bryan and Christian and they where botch free as well. Mistico is hands down the best LL style wrestler in the world and the gap between him and others is pretty big

Hunico is a good enough wrestler on his own but he's no Mistico. He'll be remembered as the the Sin Cara that's not really Sin Cara and not Hunico which is not without irony as he used to wrestle in Mexico as "Mystico" after losing a law suit for the name Mistico to the guy he's now replacing.
You guys keep up with all that Mexican wrestling and wrestlers..I don't..although I have to admit I did use to watch it on one of the Mexican cable channels years ago because it was funny...the fans there kill me. Anyway the guy that has been "Sin Cara" (whatever his name may be) is the one that was suspended..he did a number of radio interviews which pissed the powers that be off (I gather when you are suspended they want you to just disappear for however long)....they wrote him out after that MITB match (hurt ribs or whatever they made up). I don't know if this new guy has been playing Sin Cara but I have to say it does appear he is getting a bit of a push.
The main problem with the original sin cara is not his style ...... its his attitude and his non interest in learning english.

Hunico is a better fit.
He probably won't be missed much if this new guy can do a decent job. I will pay more attention next time I watch him. Remember the fake Taker? Dude really did look like Mark when they made him up...
zrinkill;4069809 said:
The main problem with the original sin cara is not his style ...... its his attitude and his non interest in learning english.

Hunico is a better fit.

I'm sure that was what the WWE was thinking to when they had to shoot the match not once, not twice but 3 times according to people who where at the taping.

Hunico is Mistico at half speed, with half the moves and less then half the talent
If he can do some high flying stuff and keep matches at least interesting I bet they'll eventually be glad they made the switch. The other guy was turning out to be a thorn in their side.
Ren;4071150 said:
I'm sure that was what the WWE was thinking to when they had to shoot the match not once, not twice but 3 times according to people who where at the taping.

I have seen conflicting reports on that ..... so I will take it with a grain of salt.
zrinkill;4071628 said:
I have seen conflicting reports on that ..... so I will take it with a grain of salt.

I heard it was twice, if it was three times just kill the SinCara character as thats awful.
DallasGirl50;4071642 said:
It was twice..

Articles i've read says twice, people who where at the shooting says 3 times. The 2nd was the one they used cause the crowd turned on them during the 3rd shot and started booing

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