
O.K, for those of You getting Your hopes up, My trips to France are to farm Country.
The ability to carry a pig under each arm and rescue a heifer from a snow drift is the best I can offer (stop drooling on Your keyboard KSK).
Hey, I know that last one!!!! It says his britches have a very foul odor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Negative. You should know by now that i do not own a pair of said britches. However, If I were to own britches. They would indeed have a very foul order.
Negative. You should know by now that i do not own a pair of said britches. However, If I were to own britches. They would indeed have a very foul order.
That's why they're trying to rummage up some French maids. They can keep your butt sparkling clean and fresh as a daisy. I estimate it will take at least eight maids to achieve that. We're going to need fast and strong ones.

O.K, for those of You getting Your hopes up, My trips to France are to farm Country.
The ability to carry a pig under each arm and rescue a heifer from a snow drift is the best I can offer (stop drooling on Your keyboard KSK).
Good stuff, Lundy! I knew you had it in you.

It's not Den Mother, it is House Mother....there is a huge difference. Being a Den Mother means handling far more mature humans.

I think House Mommy would be good. I'll start a list of those that like a good spanking....already got those in this thread....and several others. However, Capnb will have to put on some type of covering for his lower body for a spanking to be administered. Rules are rules and until now, we didn't have any but I feel it is my responsibility to put this one in place. But to counter this, I will also enact the No Caning Rule. I know Xelda will be all too tempted to move to caning so we need a rule in place for her own protection and liability.

Knuckle rapping is an acceptable alternative to spanking, if she should not wish to place her hand on one of the members' butts. Hard enough to get a House Mommy, we don't want to run off the only one that would accept the job.
I would prefer caning with nasty rumps but with enough French maids you should all be pretty subdued. We'll keep an eye out for a gymnast with a poor memory just for you, Coach.
O.K, for those of You getting Your hopes up, My trips to France are to farm Country.
The ability to carry a pig under each arm and rescue a heifer from a snow drift is the best I can offer (stop drooling on Your keyboard KSK).
Hey, cn I get me one o' dem dere oinkers? Imma feelin' abit frisky!!!!!

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