To be fair, if Marriot would adhere to the court-ordered release of the video then there would likely be more clarity.
The fact that they are ignoring the court, the one they requested and received a transfer of the case to, along with the non-NFL fan and the Eagles fan both supporting Irvin's side description-wise of the interaction in the lobby, really makes Marriott look like they did something wrong here.
I know it is easy to lump everyone that disagrees with your opinion into one bucket, but I assure you I have no sympathy for atheletes who assault women and given Irvin's questionable past, I think it is reasonable to wonder if something did happen.
So far though, the information that has been released seems to lean toward Irvin's claims, and the only reason more information has not come out is because Marriott is refusing to provide it, which presents as questionable.