Irvin to have 7am Wed press conference - Video in post 113

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In this case, with witnesses, this appears to be the case. Hope Michael gets millions from Marriott, he deserves it.

One witness said shake hands and laughing, I know some said because of her job and how she is supposed to be to all customers, I been in banking over 30 years but there are some I did and would not ever be kind to someone that treated me wrong or called me a name and I am sure as h—- will not shake your hand and grin in your face.
You're one of "those guys", eh? Completely unable, or unwilling to read between the lines.

I clearly meant "no evidence" in the context of being able to debate it. I stand by that statement. I do forget that it is often a mistake to not be exactingly literal when in the presence of such pedantry. There is not enough evidence to debate. There. Does that help you understand a little better?

I am not wrong in my, and others, observations of your attitude on this topic. You are a top 2 prolific poster on this saga, so you have put plenty down on paper, to be observed. (Note. I understand that you aren't actually writing on paper. It is a figure of speech.)

My argument has never been based on what someone else said. I have pointed out that I am apparently not alone in my thinking. You do understand there is a huge gap between the two, don't you?

Then you finish off with the oh so predictable last bastion of the defeated....

One strawman after another. You clearly fancy yourself as the "deep thinker" here. I'm just an uneducated hillbilly. I'm ok with that. It makes it that much more fun to occasionally expose the self labeled geniuses like yourself.

Aren't you missing the View?
Still no mention of you being wrong about me citing Irvin's past for his guilt, eh? Did you miss that mention? Twice? But sure, we'll trust what else you say as an "independent observer" and all. No agenda whatsoever as you accuse me of having one. Yeah, that's it. Yeah.

By the way, I didn't see that your post had a Like on it so I entered one so you can feel better about this tapdance you're doing. Likes Legitimacy. Love it or leave it.
I was at a club on Lower Greenville once with Irvin and a few of his teammates in the 90s.
They had a limo outside and couldn't leave because a crush of girls had surrounded the limo including a few who lifted their shirts and pressed their chests against the glass.
Wild scene.

Irvin did not call the cops on anyone or sue the club FWIW.
So, first this isn't about touching, only the handshake took place and now there are 4 touches in 1.5 minutes. The handshakes were voluntary on the woman's part, the elbow touches were not.

Question for the guys. You meet a woman in a professional setting, how many times are you touching her in 1.5 minutes?

Notice the lawyer emphasizing "briefly" when discussing Irvin's penchant for putting his hands on people. And he is right, Irvin has that habit. It's the reason Steve Young left the panel and went on location at ESPN.

I think this may be about not only what was said but what was said when he put his hand on her elbows. People can be funny about their space. He may have meant nothing, just being himself, and she thought he was a space invader.
I know she was so upset about him touching her elbow, she yelled at him in protest.... as one Allen Iverson once said... Practice? We talkin bout Practice????

Elbow? we talkin about an elbow? So his career is on hold because he touched her ELBOW, once from laughing with her that he reached out and touched her elbow... and that caused him to be removed from the hotel and essentially suspended from his job??? You must e kidding. Even if it as offensive to her, you say so when it happens.... end of offensive crap.
This hotel was the official NFL hotel for the Super Bowl. Somehow they were run by Jim Crow segregationists targeting and trying to lynch one innocent black man when the guest list likely included many people of color. Ridiculous.

But the presser was all for PR and emotional appeal and boy did they lay it on thick.

Having read and posted Marriott’s official policies on such matters, I have yet to see where they have done anything beyond follow their protocol which includes discretion and privacy. And having been sued for $100 million they are proceeding thusly.

We got Irvin's lawyer interpretation of what happened (or didn't happen). Even in that, the interaction lasted Ionger than what had been breathlessly reported as 45 seconds. And it did include some physical contact, which again is described by the guy trying to earn himself 33 million dollars, and in addition physical assault has never been alleged.

Not much more than that learned today as we still are only hearing one side
yea, we learned that the interaction lasting a very long 90 seconds... damn.....thats not very long, and he touched her ELBOW 3 times.... what a pervert.
Yes. That is true. Doesn’t mean he’s guilty. It means a judge saw enough to warrant a trial. Are you upset with facts? I have said numerous times JJ is innocent until proven otherwise. What else are you seeking? Have you already passed judgement on this case yourself?
on Jerry's? and lets make sure we are talking about the same ting. Are you talking about the woman suing Jerry saying he is her daddy?
What facts were revealed except he touched her 4 times and the conversation lasted 1.5 minutes?

I didn't see any facts to sway me either way.

I think he said something that set her off. Now, whether that is bad enough to warrant being removed is different.
She certainly wasnt "Set off," at the end of their conversation. I cant wait to see the video that Marriott is trying so desperately to keep the public from seeing.
Drunk??? Uhm those are your words. Nobody said anything about being drunk
Actually Michael did in the first radio interview he did the morning after. I believe he said he couldn’t recall the content of their conversation because he had been drinking with friends.
Actually Michael did in the first radio interview he did the morning after. I believe he said he couldn’t recall the content of their conversation because he had been drinking with friends.
he never once said he was drunk....... and like he said today, he meets people all day everyday in hotel rooms where he lives for much of the year. Like those guys said, as soon as he entered the room people are walking up to him to talk. He is polite with people and cordial, but no way in hell would you remember all of those conversations with that many people.

You and I live a normal life... trying to say what He should or shouldnt remember when we dont walk in his shoes is just foolish.
Drunk??? Uhm those are your words. Nobody said anything about being drunk
Well he said he had been drinking and didn’t remember talking to anyone and going straight to his room. So yeah you can imply that. He even jokingly implied it. Not saying he did what he was accused of but it’s there
You and I live a normal life... trying to say what He should or shouldnt remember when we dont walk in his shoes is just foolish.
And you say this when you've just gotten through stating what the accuser should or shouldn't have been offended with regarding touching on the very same page of this thread? Or better yet, on what was said where no one even knows what is claimed to have been said? Wow, bro. How do y'all do this and then turn around and say something completely opposite only a few posts later?
he never once said he was drunk....... and like he said today, he meets people all day everyday in hotel rooms where he lives for much of the year. Like those guys said, as soon as he entered the room people are walking up to him to talk. He is polite with people and cordial, but no way in hell would you remember all of those conversations with that many people.

You and I live a normal life... trying to say what He should or shouldnt remember when we dont walk in his shoes is just foolish.
He mentioned drinking as reason he couldn’t remember. Period.
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