I’m a cowboy fan for longer than you could imagine. Before you were born probably. No I’m not going to get the Packers any love and you can’t make me. Lol. You’re the troll. If you think he’s still a championship quarterback. One ring how many years , He’s just a media lover boy someone they need. Mr. Hail Mary blessed.
Dude, you need hop on a bus with your comedy routine. Mr Hail Mary? You are riot. In your eyes, it's a team game unless Aaron Rodgers is the QB. Then it is not a team game and it is all his fault. You and I know that if he led the Packers back this year to a Super Bowl and won it then won it again next year you would make execuses why he sucks and should have had more. You and Skip Bayless should get a room. FYI, and you know this unless you really are more delusional than what shows here but a ring does not define greatness. Peyton Manning had two rings with one he won in spite of him not because of him. Dan Marino had how many rings? How many rings did Jim Kelly have? I guess those guys sucked too. I have to say tho, your hate for AR is epic. As Reggie Jackson used to say, People dont hate you and boo you because you suck. You should get help. Maybe it is a secret love you have for AR and wishing he was the QB of your favorite team. You remind me of Vikings fans. They hated Brett Favre like he was the Anti-Christ until he played for them. Then the hypocrites embraced him like he played his whole career for them. Enjoy your hate Whirlwin.