Is it actually dangerous to wear Cowboy's gear to the Linc?

lol! Well, there are things to hate but I like that it's big enough for me without being cold like NY or Chicago and I like the restaurants and bars and I have my set of friends I wouldn't trade for the world. I really love Dallas but in some weird way it's smaller... like there's a little less variety. Austin is definitely smaller and too crowded. Everywhere else is.... smaller... lol.... blah can't have it all, I guess.

I'm a Dallas boy. We hate Houston; they hate us. My mom was born and raised there, and up until March, my grandmother (RIP) lived in the same house in North Houston by herself for over 30 years. She's been robbed twice, almost had to shoot a guy, and found a homeless guy sleeping on her porch. Now, obviously every city had its "big city problems" like that, but it just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Fantastic time at the game! I didn't wear any gear, but I saw plenty of people that did. They didn't seem to have any incidents.

that's because the Eagle fans quickly realized they have no QB and Chip Kelly is basically failure. If eagles got some momentum the crowd takes on life of its own. Just be happy you sleeping in your bed tonight and not in ICU because one drunk Eagle fan who couldn't bear to see another Cowboy fan smiling in his stadium. I listen to eagle fans daily and they are close to snapping. Seriously.
I'm a Dallas boy. We hate Houston; they hate us. My mom was born and raised there, and up until March, my grandmother (RIP) lived in the same house in North Houston by herself for over 30 years. She's been robbed twice, almost had to shoot a guy, and found a homeless guy sleeping on her porch. Now, obviously every city had its "big city problems" like that, but it just left a bad taste in my mouth.

I can understand that. Ugh, sorry to hear. Yeah, I'm pretty picky about the areas of town I go to/stay in in Houston.So much of it is, in fact, crap.... yeah, I really like Dallas. I just get bored quick, I guess. lol.
I go to games with Eagle fans and wear my Aikman jersey. No one messes with me, probably because we go as a group, it's obvious we're all friends, and I'm 6'6", 350 pounds. I need to drop about 30 pounds.

Can you play LG or Swing Tackle?
Some Eagle's fans were nice enough to give me tickets to the game. I decided I didn't want to be too obnoxious wearing my gear in front of them and cheering when the ticket was free.

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