Is it actually dangerous to wear Cowboy's gear to the Linc?

Some of the posts suggesting these incidents of absurd behavior by that fan base being isolated incidents are nonsense. EVERYONE who has been there as a Cowboy fan with any type of colors on comes back with a story, and i assure you none are positive. That isnt isolated. That is their culture, and to be honest it stinks. Much like that franchise.
Never been to the Linc but I went to an Army/Navy game at the Vet my senior year of high school. Wore Cowboys hat and jacket and got harassed pretty good, nothing out of hand though. I have friends who are also cowboys fans that have been to the Linc, they all say the same thing...all depends on the people you sitting around and parked around. Some are nice some not so much
I would never go to two cities with a cowboys jersey on, Philly and Oakland (mainly cause the cities suck). I've been to two away games (San Fran and Seattle), both times I got some banter my way, but never anything threatening (I'm also 6'3" and 240lbs which probably helps). I'm headed to the New Orleans game for my stag, I wonder if that town is ok for opposing fans? I'm assuming there will be a lot of boys fans at that game considering how close Dallas is.

My wife and I went to the game the year the Saints won the SB and were undefeated at the time. Bourbon street was cool the day before, with some minor trash talking. The game was full of trash talking. Bourbon Street after the game was rough. We went back to the room and changed because I was worried someone was going to say/do something to my wife that would get me in a fight.

I'd wear it again, but not afterwards where the drunks are congregating.
Some of the posts suggesting these incidents of absurd behavior by that fan base being isolated incidents are nonsense. EVERYONE who has been there as a Cowboy fan with any type of colors on comes back with a story, and i assure you none are positive. That isnt isolated. That is their culture, and to be honest it stinks. Much like that franchise.

Did the Fed Ex field thing with both my son and myself wearing Cowboys gear. Good natured ribbing by the Commanders fans. Lots of fans were beyond drunk. However, they won the game and they had no reason to beat on us as we were headed to the parking lot. I have not been back to a game since only because I heard more cursing and saw fights in the stands then I ever wanted to see again. The only time I was roughed up was year and years ago when the Rockets were playing the Spurs in the playoffs. That was ugly. Fights were breaking out in the corridors under the AlamoDome every where. Was not a safe event for sure.
My wife and I went to the game the year the Saints won the SB and were undefeated at the time. Bourbon street was cool the day before, with some minor trash talking. The game was full of trash talking. Bourbon Street after the game was rough. We went back to the room and changed because I was worried someone was going to say/do something to my wife that would get me in a fight.

I'd wear it again, but not afterwards where the drunks are congregating.

Were there many other cowboys fans walking around before and after the game on the streets with jerseys on? I have pretty thick skin, and I'll be with 5 other guys which include a couple s*** kickers (not that we're the type to ever start any issues, more in a self defence sort of way), so I'm not too worried about safety (if I was there with my fiancée, I'd probably do what you did tho).
I would never go to two cities with a cowboys jersey on, Philly and Oakland (mainly cause the cities suck). I've been to two away games (San Fran and Seattle), both times I got some banter my way, but never anything threatening (I'm also 6'3" and 240lbs which probably helps). I'm headed to the New Orleans game for my stag, I wonder if that town is ok for opposing fans? I'm assuming there will be a lot of boys fans at that game considering how close Dallas is.

I never felt unsafe when I went to New Orleans for the Saints game 2 years ago. Before the game there was minimal trash talking and we were absolutely embarrassed during the game, so there was no risk in them fighting me, but I have a pretty cool story for you.

On the Saturday night before the game, me and the group I was with were partying on Bourbon Street up on a balcony above one of the many bars. We saw Jerry Jones (surrounded by a posse) stroll down the street as he was on his way to a late dinner (my immature friend actually threw a set of beads around his neck, which was, low-key, very impressive). Later that night, on the same balcony and after a few chardonnays, I struck up a convo with a guy on the balcony right next to me. It happened to be a high ranking Cowboys ticket salesman and I realized all of the Cowboys higher-ups were right up there with him and I. They mostly stuck to themselves, but I can be a little overly-friendly when I am intoxicated, and luckily, apparently, so is Steven Jones. I called his name and he came stumbling over and was talking trash to my friend next to me who had a Giants jersey on. I actually bought him a shot of Fireball (which he nearly vomited on me). Yes, I bought a billionaire a shot.

Moral of the story: definitely go to Bourbon Street on the Saturday night before the game and keep your eyes peeled!
Were there many other cowboys fans walking around before and after the game on the streets with jerseys on? I have pretty thick skin, and I'll be with 5 other guys which include a couple s*** kickers (not that we're the type to ever start any issues, more in a self defence sort of way), so I'm not too worried about safety (if I was there with my fiancée, I'd probably do what you did tho).

There were a decent amount before the game and some afterwards. The jawing about the teams was playful prior to the game. After it was over and we walked on Bourbon, we ran into another married couple in Cowboys gear and talked about the game. They jokingly made a comment about wanting to stay by me (I'm a larger fellow) as a crowd passed us cursing and flipping us off.

If you are with friends and have thick enough skin to ignore random morons, I say roll with it. My wife's presence was the main factor for my preference to change clothes.

Edit: I will say that other games I've gone to there were completely uneventful, so it may have been due to the amazing season the Saints had that year.
From an Eagles's fan, yes, you will be fine at the Linc. Feel free to wear as much Cowboys gear as you desire. Like all large gatherings, be mindful, but the days of the crazy fandom have come and gone. Many of the prior issues involved the old Vet, which was imploded more than 10 years ago.

Like all public gatherings, mind your surroundings, but you won't get bothered by your clothing.
I never felt unsafe when I went to New Orleans for the Saints game 2 years ago. Before the game there was minimal trash talking and we were absolutely embarrassed during the game, so there was no risk in them fighting me, but I have a pretty cool story for you.

On the Saturday night before the game, me and the group I was with were partying on Bourbon Street up on a balcony above one of the many bars. We saw Jerry Jones (surrounded by a posse) stroll down the street as he was on his way to a late dinner (my immature friend actually threw a set of beads around his neck, which was, low-key, very impressive). Later that night, on the same balcony and after a few chardonnays, I struck up a convo with a guy on the balcony right next to me. It happened to be a high ranking Cowboys ticket salesman and I realized all of the Cowboys higher-ups were right up there with him and I. They mostly stuck to themselves, but I can be a little overly-friendly when I am intoxicated, and luckily, apparently, so is Steven Jones. I called his name and he came stumbling over and was talking trash to my friend next to me who had a Giants jersey on. I actually bought him a shot of Fireball (which he nearly vomited on me). Yes, I bought a billionaire a shot.

Moral of the story: definitely go to Bourbon Street on the Saturday night before the game and keep your eyes peeled!

That's pretty sweet! I wouldn't know how to think if I was in a room with a cowboys player or exec!
This question gets asked before every game in Phillie. The answer is alway, "yes". So, why ask? Do expect someone to say that it is better now than before?

You know you shouldn't do it, but you are contemplating it anyway. Just wear the jersey and see what happens. Report back and let us know.
Might as well give my two cents since I lived there for years.

The fans that show up down there at these games and it's not ALL of them but a good portion are just flat out animals. No other way to describe them. Their mentality is to start trouble both with themselves and heaven forbid a fan of another team shows up. Just no way to defend it. So my advice and it's sincere and trust me I know these people, is to flat out stay away from the stadium and absolutely do not wear opposing team jerseys let alone Cowboys gear. It's just INSANITY. Might as well paint a target on your back. Now I get it. Some of you are young and have the don't give a F mentality. Ok fine. I have walked through parts of south Philly with my Emmitt or Irvin jersey right on through them but at that point I would have likely handled myself well. If you're older and want to enjoy the game without trouble then I would strongly suggest steering clear. Not worth it. But if you must be safe and good luck.
From an Eagles's fan, yes, you will be fine at the Linc. Feel free to wear as much Cowboys gear as you desire. Like all large gatherings, be mindful, but the days of the crazy fandom have come and gone. Many of the prior issues involved the old Vet, which was imploded more than 10 years ago.

Like all public gatherings, mind your surroundings, but you won't get bothered by your clothing.

Doesn't sound like that's true.
many team have thugs or bad people in their fan base , and you could run into one, or maybe not.
Last year a cowboy fan was killed by a Commander fan after a game, the guy hit him in the neck and it collapsed the jugular vein and he died.
The guy is probably in prison now but that doesnt help the cowboy fan.

Also a giant fan broke a cowboy fan's jaw at ATT stadium, so it can happen even at a home game.
It doesnt help that they sell alcohol at the games either, but owners want that beer money.
Seeing these posts about other people's experiences just absolutely makes me ashamed to be an American and a football fan. The way people act over this stuff is absolutely idiotic, to put it kindly.

When you have to actually ask if it's safe to wear your teams jersey to another stadium it just shows you how out of touch people are in regards to just how important sports really are.

This is really what it boils down to for me. The fact that this thread is a real discussion is reason enough for me to lose all interest in ever going to Philly to catch a Cowboys game.

Good natured banter with friends who are fans of opposing teams is one thing, being harassed and having beer/objects thrown at you by complete strangers is something else entirely.
I grew up in Philadelphia and have gone to many games. I can say that every time I've gone, something happened. Not always physical. It's not as bad as the old Vet used to be, but you should be prepared to expect something. If you are with a group, then it will be mostly verbal.

This game is almost a perfect storm. 4pm start which means the worst fans will probably be hammered before the start. Drinking usually start at dawn.

First home game will get the fan even more riled up.

Lastly, the Eagles are predicting a blow out, so this will just add to the stupidity.

My advice, when the Cowboys win, get out of the stadium fast, and keep your mouth shut while leaving. Assuming you don't want to start anything.
Doesn't sound like that's true.

I try to speak the truth because I want fanns of all teams to feel safe in our houses. I saw a Commanders fan cheering and jumping with a jersey on, sitting in the dirtythirty section. No one said anything to him.

Listen, there could have dissertations done on the psychological impact of the Vet, an enormous toilet bowl from its opening. If you were in the 700 level, it literally took 25 minutes to get to your seats. Then, you get the pleasure of being able to see nothing field level and the feeling of being in the middle of nowhere, so you turn your attention to other fans.

On the other hand, the Linc is a beautiful place to see a game. Go early. Try one of the local bars. Have the pizza at chickie and Petes. You won't be disspaointed. The only dissapointment will come from the scoreboard.
I try to speak the truth because I want fanns of all teams to feel safe in our houses. I saw a Commanders fan cheering and jumping with a jersey on, sitting in the dirtythirty section. No one said anything to him.

Listen, there could have dissertations done on the psychological impact of the Vet, an enormous toilet bowl from its opening. If you were in the 700 level, it literally took 25 minutes to get to your seats. Then, you get the pleasure of being able to see nothing field level and the feeling of being in the middle of nowhere, so you turn your attention to other fans.

On the other hand, the Linc is a beautiful place to see a game. Go early. Try one of the local bars. Have the pizza at chickie and Petes. You won't be disspaointed. The only dissapointment will come from the scoreboard.

Other than the last absurd comment, I hope people listen to this and not to the people who "heard from a friend who heard from a friend" that watching a game in Philly is dangerous.

Do you know what a little too much alcohol and being excited or angry about a game does to you? To your friends? Good, then you know what it does to literally every other human being who is likely to be at a football game. Behave with this in mind and you will be fine at any stadium in the country.
Other than the last absurd comment, I hope people listen to this and not to the people who "heard from a friend who heard from a friend" that watching a game in Philly is dangerous.

Do you know what a little too much alcohol and being excited or angry about a game does to you? To your friends? Good, then you know what it does to literally every other human being who is likely to be at a football game. Behave with this in mind and you will be fine at any stadium in the country.

Thanks, man. Be vigilant. But, we are not animals. The Vet was imploded the better part of 10 years ago. And good riddance. Of the two new stadiums, I think Citizens Bank Park is the better, but seriously, each have amazing views from nearly every seat with people cheering on their teams.

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