Is it just me, or is the league getting a bit stale?

Is it just me, or is the league getting a bit stale? The overanalysis of whether to go for it or not. The over officiating to where you can barely go a drive without 3-4 penalties. The seemingly worse play on the field than years past. I get that players are getting bigger and faster, but the football intelligence seems to be reducing.

I'm just curious why it seems like the league just doesn't seem quite as good as it used to be? Is it just because the Cowboys aren't good this year that I'm noticing this? Either way, as far as I can tell, the NFL product this season seems worse than I can remember.
I think it's a mix of things. First, the Cowboys are terrible this year. If you don't enjoy football in general it's going to seem less exciting. Also, the officiating is terrible. There are so many penalties called in every game. Some phantom penalties are called, and some egregious infractions somehow get completely missed. I'm so sick of seeing a penalty called everytime a player gets blown up either for helmets barely making contact or "hitting a defenseless receiver" (which I think is hands down the worst penalty in the game). They say it's in the name of "player safety" but it's really just part of their on-going crusade to take defense out of the game so there are more touchdowns because that's apparently what people want to see. And yes, the play on the field is worse. Every time the CBA comes up the players seemingly just want more money and to practice less. They don't seem to care much about anything else. Practice sucks, it's not fun. But that's how you master your craft. These guys practice maybe a few hours a week and that's it. Even training camp isn't much of anything anymore. There's also the issue of there just being football on almost every day now. Thursday night, we have a Friday game coming up, Sunday, Monday. Early morning games overseas. The super late night games that are played on the west coast. I miss it just being Sunday and Monday.

But I'm old, though not nearly as old as some, and just miss the game I watched growing up. So take everything with a grain of salt.
Because the NFL is led by the worst Commissioner in the history of the NFL. I don't agree with JJ on much, but I agree with him on this guy.
That guy is a sneaky, sniveling, little devil.
It’s called apathy and it rears it’s ugly head in fanbases that realize the team they follow is destined to go nowhere.

It comes down to having a reason to care and fans of this team are finding it increasingly difficult to find one.

Most fans of a team couldn’t care less about what is going on around the league unless it will directly affect their team’s ability to get into the playoffs and have a chance at a SB and well we don’t have to worry about that.
This 100%. I can’t get into this season. Honestly the GB game and lack of changes ruined it for me before it even started.
There’s too many games and it’s getting watered down. Same thing is happening with the UFC.
Too many rule changes just to make changes. Things too watered down as well. Too many penalties, as the refs can really shape a games outcome. Rather intentional or not. Depending ones view point. I don't think intentional, just really bad refs.
Every year they put an emphasis on certain penalties. This year many great plays call back for ineligible player down field. Too many judgement calls that should be reviewed as well.

There seems to be a separation of very good teams to the bottom feeders.
Look at the standings. The playoff teams are pretty much set, other than the 6th and 7th seeds. And even the 6th seed s seem to be in control.
I guess injuries or if a team gets hot, or peaked too early could change things. Most likely only changes the seeding.

I have been less interested in this season than I have been for years. And it is not because of Dallas being bad. Just seems from the start. Or maybe I am gettin g back to valuing other things in my life more.
Also it could be since that GB loss just drained me, capped off by the FO lack of making the team better.
Combination of it all when it comes down to it.

The rule changes certainly are a factor for me too. It's manufactured football at this point it seems.
You wouldn’t be thinking that if we were winning. I feel it too. That’s what’s missing. We got spoiled around here for 3 years only for our idiot owner and his stupid son to go screw it all up!!!
When was this spoiling taking place?
I must admit outside of the Cowboys and Dolphins I don't care to watch other games.
The only thing keeping me interested in the rest of the NFL is a F.F. league I've been part of for 17 years now.

And this year with both Dallas and Miami being ***, it's easier to check out.

I will say, one of my top 3 teams (Broncos for an obvious reason) has been fun to watch. But football has been getting overly manufactured for my liking.
The rules are getting more restrictive as well.....they killed the excitement of the Kickoff return by changing the kickoff line at least 3 times since the 70s.

Their will never be another Devin Hester in the NFL again

Honestly, I wish they'd allow more onside kicks. That was always fun to watch.
Everyone has known, but been afraid to talk about it. But yes, it's a watered down product.

Well yeah, but I have noticed it on two occasions. During our bye week and yesterday. It looks watered down and manufactured.
I completely agree. Can’t stomach the leadership. The stupid international stuff. Brain cramp figuring out where to watch the games. Cowboys stink. Thursday night games are beyond stupid. That kickoff. Beyoncé now doing the halftime show on Christmas and you’d think the league cured cancer with how that’s being pumped. The decision to stream a playoff game. The league hates the true fans. The incessant gambling being pushed. The league is so far away from the core of what makes it great.

The streaming annoys me. I like the international games, but they better drop the bs about them doing it to get international teams. It's ridiculous.
I will also say this, I think the additions of a 17 game schedule and excessive TNF games are annoying too. It seems to be draining the energy from the teams unnecessarily. Obviously, it won't matter either way. The league is printing money at this point. But it just feels a bit stale at this point.
I think it's a mix of things. First, the Cowboys are terrible this year. If you don't enjoy football in general it's going to seem less exciting. Also, the officiating is terrible. There are so many penalties called in every game. Some phantom penalties are called, and some egregious infractions somehow get completely missed. I'm so sick of seeing a penalty called everytime a player gets blown up either for helmets barely making contact or "hitting a defenseless receiver" (which I think is hands down the worst penalty in the game). They say it's in the name of "player safety" but it's really just part of their on-going crusade to take defense out of the game so there are more touchdowns because that's apparently what people want to see. And yes, the play on the field is worse. Every time the CBA comes up the players seemingly just want more money and to practice less. They don't seem to care much about anything else. Practice sucks, it's not fun. But that's how you master your craft. These guys practice maybe a few hours a week and that's it. Even training camp isn't much of anything anymore. There's also the issue of there just being football on almost every day now. Thursday night, we have a Friday game coming up, Sunday, Monday. Early morning games overseas. The super late night games that are played on the west coast. I miss it just being Sunday and Monday.

But I'm old, though not nearly as old as some, and just miss the game I watched growing up. So take everything with a grain of salt.

Not to mention they've basically ruled out some things that make football football. The lack of contact in training camp, the lack of hitting, the fact that the kickoff rule basically eliminated the surprise onside kick, and other things. It just seems as manufactured as processed cheese.
It's been a weird season for the entire league ........I can't remember a season with so many average - to below-average teams
Is it just me, or is the league getting a bit stale? The overanalysis of whether to go for it or not. The over officiating to where you can barely go a drive without 3-4 penalties. The seemingly worse play on the field than years past. I get that players are getting bigger and faster, but the football intelligence seems to be reducing.

I'm just curious why it seems like the league just doesn't seem quite as good as it used to be? Is it just because the Cowboys aren't good this year that I'm noticing this? Either way, as far as I can tell, the NFL product this season seems worse than I can remember.

Its all stale when we suck. I can't get interested knowing we're already done. For me, I need a dog in the fight.

I guess there's some cool story lines if I wasn't so bitter and removed from it all. I'm still checking scores and reading news because I do have a fantasy league to dominate.
Is it just me, or is the league getting a bit stale? The overanalysis of whether to go for it or not. The over officiating to where you can barely go a drive without 3-4 penalties. The seemingly worse play on the field than years past. I get that players are getting bigger and faster, but the football intelligence seems to be reducing.

I'm just curious why it seems like the league just doesn't seem quite as good as it used to be? Is it just because the Cowboys aren't good this year that I'm noticing this? Either way, as far as I can tell, the NFL product this season seems worse than I can remember.
Parity was buit was bound to happen.. I wouldn't call it stale but pretty predictable and yet so unpredictable.. I know it doesn't make sense but I think it's the over saturation of the media and social media this every day people complaining whining crying arguing debating over nonsense like analytical nonsense sun glare I mean since when did sun glare that might have an effect on three total plays a year become a problem when the rest of the league has other things to overcome at their stadiums in this case Jerry was right literally you have to overcome wind snow storms and some of those crazy wind and snow storms happen in Buffalo and some other parts of the country where you have high humidity or you have slippery turf or you have those stadiums where there is sun you know they're called outdoor stadiums I don't know Mother Nature have you looked up they used to wear a lot of eye black and they have tinted Shields now that they can wear so when we're over discussing sun glare we're just ripping on Jerry Jones but the truth is it really has not had an effect on a game but when we have to sit here and discuss these things it sure does become stale we're literally breaking down sun glare that used to be a big part of football everybody had an outdoor stadium you played in mud pits you played on terrible grass it was ungroomed it belonged to like colleges but now we worry about 3 plays that may be affected that typically don't even have an effect on a game anymore than penalties or missed tackles or interceptions fumbles or otherwise mistakes made in the game you literally it's part of the game Jerry's right when you come to the stadium during those couple of games during this time of year where the angle is at its most extreme where you can come through like a magnifying glass you know it's there just like this...

So yeah when they're talking about sports but in this case the game of football is on 17 channels and it's all over the Internet there's 17 Facebook pages with the Dallas Cowboys name on it group pages there's these forums and we're talking about 24/7 365 days a year versus US only having one way and maybe one ESPN or sports channel along with our local channel we had our favorite sportscaster but typically you have to go to the next day and wait on the paper and then you had to go to your teams you had to use a highlighter and you had to go find the stats and the only Pretty Little talk about it with was your coworkers and your friends or the guys at the bar this is an over saturation of sports you're breaking down parts of sports that nobody truly cares about but now it's everybody seems to care about every little damn percentage and everything on the field is being broke down into pieces that's not football that's not why I watch football...​
So yes this is what you get and these players are not the same and neither are the coaches it's a different time you're protecting million dollar players that are being protected by billion dollar leagues that nobody seems to wanna play hurt banged up damaged liabilities like everything is becoming so monotonous that it does still because it's being part of our minutes of our lives not just daily this is being broke down so much it's becoming exhausting to just wanna watch your team whether they're good or bad or in the middle everybody just wants to keep bringing up the same narratives all the time there is no it's just play the damn game one week at a time and we'll see how it works out and we can discuss it one game at a time..​
Unfortunately that's not how it's been working out it's over discussed over analyzed and it's stupid analytics and some of the things that are being discussed are unnecessary...​
.........and as bad as we are, we beat the Steelers and it shouldn't have been close along with the mighty Ravens scored once against our sorry D in the second half and those are superbowl teams according to talking heads...........go figure the league.

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