Is it me or is Manning annoying as heck?

J.Jones21;1174728 said:
you can audible all you want within the 35 sec play clock......................Indy is full of crap with most of it. I was happy to see that our D wasn't reacting to any of that false stuff. I think it helped us becuse it gave our defense time to rest between plays.

I think our D was reacting to it, but in the same manner, they seemed to be doing alot of 'audibling' lol
Didn't the league try to cut down on this a few years ago in the playoffs? I remember something with the Colts and them getting flagged for all the shifts and whatnot.
My favorite is the step forward he takes in the shotgun before getting the snap. That should be considered a false start in my opinion.
Fan Since 77;1174847 said:
My favorite is the step forward he takes in the shotgun before getting the snap. That should be considered a false start in my opinion.

Yes. Everytime in shotgun he comes forward after he steps up for the hike. I think something should be done to tone this down a little. CHange the play and protections as many times as you wish BUT if the crowd is loud then too bad... lineman should not be able to twist all the way around to hear... WRs and backs shouldnt be able to come togther, and so on. Seems unfair to a certain degree. Just my opinion anyway.
a lineman pointing to make adjustments and a lineman getting completely out of his stance or a running back walking up to the freaking line is BS, it shouldn't be allowed like that. These linemen weren't just lifting arms and pointing at a guy, they were taking their stance hand off the ground leaning back, moving their heads while Manning is walking around like a moron talking to the RB who has walked up about 4 yards to the line of scrimmage.

this whole fiasco also includes the RB getting into his stance with his arms on his thighs..... stands straight up and walks to the line and starts talking to manning, who has begun having a seizure while shooting something. How can a referee call a neutral zone infraction on the Cowboys when the offensive line and everybody else on the offence for that matter is moving as much as they did.......

The NFL has no problems enforcing Michael Irvin rules, and Roy Williams rules for having unfair advantages, well that crap the Colts do on every play is an unfair advantage in my book, and the NFL has gotta start pulling their heads out of the Manning's butts and start enforcing the rules every other team in the league follows!
smarta5150;1174704 said:

I always knew he had his pre-snap "madness" but now watching an entire game, espically my team, I find this hard to imagine he shouldnt be flagged in some way.

Its not only Manning who is back and forth, left and right, flailing arms and what not but the OL, RBs, Wrs, EVERYBODY is moving around. I find it hard to believe that if another team started doing the same thing a flag would not be thrown.

Are the Colts getting away with anything or is it just me being paranoid and frusterated with his non-sense? Just seems its an unfair advantage with all the movement that takes place pre snap by ALL positions.


Just a little less annoying than watching chad Henne doing it Saturday. I remember thinking "isn't that cute, he's doing his little Manning imitation.":p:

But when all was said and done, in both cases, the best teams seen right through those theatrics and won.
It's all can do almost anything on offense as long as it doesn't include an interior lineman lifting his hand off the ground and as long as you are set again before the snap.

What will probably go unnoticed is this: The no huddle allows Manning to trick the defense...he's at the line so early that he can simulate the snap a couple of times, which often causes the defense to give him a presnap read and tip its hand at the blitz and coverage...then Manning has time to change the blocking of the OL and tap guys and make the aware of whom they are to's very clever actually, because even in the no-huddle, they seldom snap the ball till 5 seconds or less on the play clock.

This worked several times in the first half, and he actually did it on Ware's first big hit on Manning because Ware tipped his hand and showed he was not covering the slot back, but blitzing...Manning warned the LT but the guy somehow didn't react when it was snapped...later it worked several times.

Here's the cool part...we actually did some coaching during the game because I noticed our LB's and others learned from that and stopped jumping the gun on the presnap histrionics where Manning acts like the ball is being snapped...they held their ground and still managed to come clean off the corner because it was a surprise...often Manning got rid of it just in time, but we were clean and he was rushed.
BlueStar22;1174786 said:
Like Parcells said, most of what Manning does at the line means nothing. Perfect example on Ware's sack, he lines up across from the slot receiver and then shows Blitz. Manning sees this and goes into his charade. Ware moves back into position on the slot receiver. The ball is snapped, no protection changes and Ware goes untouched to murder Manning.

I think that was a mistake by the LT...most of the time he did change the blocking, actually tapping the OL on the back and pointing it out, and then they picked up the block...later we did a good job of just sitting, knowing he wasn't going to snap the ball until the last second of the playclock...I think most of what Manning does is very smart because it causes most defenses to show him what they're looks like he's rushing in the no huddle, but he's really taking his time and in no hurry to snap it.
adamknite;1174899 said:
they were taking their stance hand off the ground leaning back,

no way...look again...a TE can lift his hand and get set again... a lineman can never ever lift his hand after putting it down....they are merely twisting their shoulders and heads to communicate, lower butts, but never lifting their stance hands after touching the ground.
Myself I like Manning, I think the guy is a class act and a great leader of that team. To go out and beat him and the colts was a great accomplishment
adamknite;1174899 said:
this whole fiasco also includes the RB getting into his stance with his arms on his thighs..... stands straight up and walks to the line and starts talking to manning, who has begun having a seizure while shooting something.

I don't think it was a seizure. Maybe he was just trying to pick up chicks.


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