For the record, I just went back and rewatched all of the snaps Ware was involved in rushing the passer.
I'll spare you all the details unless you want me to post them, I do have them saved and could copy and paste it, but only if you're interested.
What I came away with was this. In the 1st half, Ware was either double teamed, chipped (and when I say chipped, I mean they held the block for like 2 secs before releasing into the route) or Ware was in coverage.
I came away thinking this. Spencer has got to start over Ellis, I don't recall Spencer rushing the passer even once. Ellis does nothing on the other side except every once in a while. All of the attention is put on Ware, who moves from side to side, and Ware spends too much time in coverage for my taste.
Please Wade, get Spencer in the game more even if it means hurting Ellis' feelings, because the one sack Ellis got was because a TE was blocking him, and the other was a coverage sack, but Ellis did not take on a double team but once.
And i'm starting not to like the 3-4, because I want my best pass rushers getting after the QB every time he goes back for a pass, and at least 13 times, Ware was in coverage.