Is it my fault?

As I read this thread, I can't help but smile. For all of our differences in opinion, we are all the same (well most of us - I'm not like Guru, Heel and McCordsville). Just huge fans that want nothing more than to watch our beloved Cowboys win. I've been a fan since I was five and nobody questions what I'm doing during the game any longer. If I take my plate into another room, it's fine. If I have a small TV facing my way, it's fine. It's just an accepted part of Thanksgiving that I will be watching the game regardless of when dinner is served.
ScipioCowboy;3101190 said:
So I'm not alone! I feared I was the only who gets so nervous during games that I can't eat. It seems ridiculous to become so worked up over something trivial in the grand scheme of it all. I always feel silly.

As you should.
utrunner07;3101219 said:
This isnt nam man, this is Dallas Cowboys Football, and there are rules!

Phoenix;3101226 said:
To be clear - it is NOT a Commanders shirt! It is simply a red long sleeved shirt that happens to be the same red hue of the Commanders. I have others in blue and gray, but they weren't available.... I wouldn't wear a Commanders shirt even upon losing a bet! I'd rather pay in that case...
You should be punished for this fashion faux pas. :laugh2:
I must really be a real jerk. Not only will I not eat with relatives while the Cowboys are playing I wont even go visit anyone that doesn't get the game in high definition.
Hostile;3101156 said:
No, it is not your fault. The same thing happens to me, though I can eat. I will take my plate and eat while I watch. My wife's family are not into sports at all. They will ask if I want to join everybody and I tell them no every year. I'd rather be in a bedroom by myself with the game and my food than with a bunch of people.

My wifes family is sooooo annoying in this regards. They do not like football either. And they will turn the TV off when its time to eat. It nearly caused a seperation for me and my wife the first year we had Thanksgiving at their house. Now I don't have to worry about it because we are 1700 miles away :laugh2:
heavyg;3101582 said:
My wifes family is sooooo annoying in this regards. They do not like football either. And they will turn the TV off when its time to eat. It nearly caused a seperation for me and my wife the first year we had Thanksgiving at their house. Now I don't have to worry about it because we are 1700 miles away :laugh2:

Morning 'G', and I know that things have changed with regards to your Cowboys. Happy Thanksgiving, and how is that 'little' football player doing after all the scars healed?
No it's not your fault. But you need to start taking it easy on game day so you can grub with the family.

I Eat and watch the game with eveybody else...No problems here.
heavyg;3101582 said:
My wifes family is sooooo annoying in this regards. They do not like football either. And they will turn the TV off when its time to eat. It nearly caused a seperation for me and my wife the first year we had Thanksgiving at their house. Now I don't have to worry about it because we are 1700 miles away :laugh2:
It took a lot of years for them to leave me alone, but they finally do. This year my family is here with us. They will allow me to watch the game and even watch with me. I like it when people watch with me, but I almost prefer my privacy for the game sometimes. I definitely like it when my nephew's boy Zach comes and watches the game with me though. I will miss that this year.

Oh and if they turned the TV off, I would get right back up and turn it on. Even if it meant going hungry and being hated.
DallasDomination;3101623 said:
No it's not your fault. But you need to start taking it easy on game day so you can grub with the family.

I Eat and watch the game with eveybody else...No problems here.

He needs to start taking it easy on game day FOR HIS MENTAL HEALTH.

HOL gets way too emo. No offense.
This might come across as blasphemy, but your family should come first....well at least your wife and children and your parents. Let them cook and eat whenever they please. You have the choice to be a part of it or not.

If the game is that important to you, they will already know you, and understand. They will not feel slighted that you have to excuse yourself from the family gathering to watch your game.

So I say, do your thing when it comes to watching the Boys and not eating, but do not make the rest of your family compromise.....that is just downright selfish....and quite frankly, if I were a member of your family, I'd tell you were to stick it, then I would start eating.

During Christmas, we all gather at my sister's. Well, I gather in her bedroom and snuggle up to the TV and whatever sporting event I can find....hopefully a good college bowl game or two.

BTW, my biggest pet peeve........people who walk in front of the TV, stop, and start conversing.....during a game. In my family, it is always women, and I know they do it on purpose. I can see having to cross in front of the TV, but do so in between plays or on commercials...also, do not make haste...get out of the way as quickly as possible and then have your meaningless conversations.....cause in all honesty, when the game is on, the only meaningful conversations are those that involve the team I am rooting for at the moment.

one more thing........CBS better not have drag on its HD feed today.....I will be ticked.
yea some of you guys need to loosen up and actually enjoy the games...thats what football is for, not so you turn into some nervous wreck for the 3 hours your team is very attached to this team...and yea when the cowboys win my thanksgiving is all the more better...but if they lose...its still thanksgiving and im gonna enjoy myself
I feel bad for some of you guys. My family is relatively small and we're all Cowboys fans, so everyone knows nothing is going to interfere with watching the game...
Thanksgiving was always a big day for us because we all participated in preparing the dinner and everything had to be made from scratch with nothing from a can or jar or freezer. We celebrated the day for its own merit as there were no football games on TV when I was a kid; in fact TV was almost nonexistent in the 40s and rudimentary in the 50s.

Our usual pattern is to eat at 2:00 and afterwards retire to the living room to watch the game, belch, visit, drink beer, etc. and brag and lie and otherwise socialize with family and friends and cheer on the Cowboys.

When I was a single parent we always opened up the house to all to celebrate the day and our thanksgiving for whatever we were thankful for. One year my teenage daughters and I served 76 people, some of whom I knew.
CCBoy;3101619 said:
Morning 'G', and I know that things have changed with regards to your Cowboys. Happy Thanksgiving, and how is that 'little' football player doing after all the scars healed?

Happy Thanksgiving CC!! Nothing has really changed with me and the Cowboys except I am trying not to get so worked up over the games anymore. Collin is doing good. Thanks for asking!
There are only two options:

Turkey at Noon


Turkey Later

What's the big deal? Your family is insensitive, maybe next time Barney or the Days of our Lives is on we can all go outside and do yard work as a family...:mad: :mad:
Hostile;3101156 said:
No, it is not your fault. The same thing happens to me, though I can eat. I will take my plate and eat while I watch. My wife's family are not into sports at all. They will ask if I want to join everybody and I tell them no every year. I'd rather be in a bedroom by myself with the game and my food than with a bunch of people.

I'm doing the cooking this year, so I announced that dinner would be served at 3:00 EST. Plenty of time to finish dessert before the game starts. Dishes can wait, or the women can do them.
Danny White;3101183 said:
You all are amateurs... I'm making my entire family and in-laws switch Thanksgiving dinner to Friday so I can go to the game every year. :D
This post is full of win.

It also doesn't hurt for me in that in Hawaii kickoff is at 11:30 am.

Although if I didn't have to work Friday I'd be at Cowboys Stadium right now.:cool:
Yeah I can eat during the game, but the last thing I want is people to be talking and such durig the game.

Last year my family flew in because I was really just getting settled at my duty station and my dad, brother, and I all left my grandmothers early to go back to my apartment and watch the game in silence.

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