Is it Quinn's defense or lack of talented players?


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I think Quinn is a very good DC. He needs to add a few pieces to the defense to stop the run. It’s that simple.
I'm not sure, myself. I do know that they guys we're trotting out at LB and UT will not work.


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In fairness, Quinn had to play the hand he was dealt. Really had no choice but to stuff safeties into LB positions with both LVE and Overshown gone. Lost his best corner. And did a pretty creditable job under the circumstances.

Of course, Jerry & the FO did DQ no favors in failing or refusing to address those roster deficiencies by way of trade or free agency throughout the season.


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If it's a lack of talented players, then that falls on Quinn too because he picked them and this team has spent the majority of resources on the defensive side of the ball since he got here.


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Man, it still appears as if you're posting contradictory statements. If our Dt's and LB's are not big enough, then it's a lack of talent. Size is part of the talent equation in the NFL.

Honestly, I see two quality NFL starters on this D, Parsons and DLaw. Who else is even above average? Maybe one of the S's, but not if they're playing LB. It looks to me as if we are grossly undertalented. What are you pointing at to say we have the talent? Our 3rd best player on D, Hankins, is an older JAG.
But it's not as simple as size = talent. Robert Spillane was one of the best LBs in all of football this year and he's only 6'1" 225lbs. You can win with smaller players, but DQ took that to the next level and that's the way he wanted to build up his team. Honestly I think we are in large part arguing the same thing just giving it different labels. We both agree we need several new players in here, you're saying we need them because they are not talented, I'm saying we need them because the scheme needs changed for 2024 as the Cowboys defense is set up to prioritize defending the pass and got exposed for that this year.

As far as only having two quality starters on this defense that is where we would disagree. I think Bland and Gillmore were both starter level and not just fringe starters either. I'd also throw OSA into that starter group, but know Ill get a lot of push back by a lot of people there lol. I also struggle with the idea that all three of our Safeties did a straight nose dive in terms of ability from 2022-2023. When an entire position group starts to regress like that it starts to tell me that the scheme has gotten old and the league has adjusted.

So much of this year, especially as we got deeper into the season we can point out play after play where the defense had terrible personnel groups in the game vs 21 formations that caused them to get gashed against the run. The Green Bay game was a great example of a schematic breakdown with DBs 5+ yards off the ball on 3rd & 3. Constant heavy prevent defenses at end of half/end of game situations....Detroit immediately comes to mind.

I'm actually a big DQ supporter, but I wouldn't be honest if I said anything other than he let us down this year. Maybe the roster construction piece going into the season was more of a Jerry move and limited what DQ's hands? It's possible but I have to believe that DQ has a ton of influence on the final roster and draft decisions, and that all stems from his philosophy and scheme.


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Bring Gilmore back for a year. Diggs will be healthy. Bland back to nickel.
Sign Leiw to a decent 2 year deal. Draft a CB. Even sign a FA.

Time for the Nashon Wright experiment to end.
I hope they bring Gilmore back. I know he is on the downhill side to his career, but I still think he was solid this season and brings some veteran savvy to the secondary.


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I felt like Quinn didn't adapt to what opposing offenses were doing. He had one formula only, regardless of what was happening on the field.

For example, he didn't really have a strong MLB and used pass coverage LB's all year. That was great as long as the opponent passed a lot, and particularly if we got a nice lead and opponents were forced to pass. But there were games we needed tough, hard nosed players in the middle. The middle became soft and vulnerable, and Quinn had no answer for that.


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I felt like Quinn didn't adapt to what opposing offenses were doing. He had one formula only, regardless of what was happening on the field.

For example, he didn't really have a strong MLB and used pass coverage LB's all year. That was great as long as the opponent passed a lot, and particularly if we got a nice lead and opponents were forced to pass. But there were games we needed tough, hard nosed players in the middle. The middle became soft and vulnerable, and Quinn had no answer for that.
Must be a clause in contracts to not be allowed to make common sense moves to help win games


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The problem is Jerry and Stephen. They are great business guys but they don't understand staying out of the way of the coaching staff. No doubt Quinn has talked to them about LB and DT but Jerry always believes he knows best.

Stephen's cap knowledge seems weak because pushing money down the road is going to catch up with you. Have to better job of making sure they pay the right guys.

When the HC/DC/OC say they need a guy, just go get him the guy. Run game was a problem all year on both sides of the ball and same last year yet we reached for Mazi (hopefully he will get better) but Jerry has always never wanted to pay for a run stopper.

Until the Jones sell the team or die off we will never have a GM that knows how to run a team.


Taco Engineer
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Both. Quinn picked specific players due to size, speed and flexibility. Which, by the last month of the season declined into a trash defense.
It's his scheme. His calls. Green Bay scored at will. That's on Quinn.


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I don't know why all of a sudden DQ thought he didn't have much need for true and real linebackers....the Legion of Boom had KJ Wright, Bruce Irvin and Bobby does not make sense why he went mostly safety at the LB position. Turned out to be a stupid move, and Dallas paid for it.


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I just say that realistically. I don't think you can go into free agency and fill those holes. Your defense is gonna have holes. I just need some talent to mask some of those holes.
There are upgrades in FA. Guys who are good but not pro bowl good. Also it depends where they target the DT/LB in the draft, also how deep it is.


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I don't know why all of a sudden DQ thought he didn't have much need for true and real linebackers....the Legion of Boom had KJ Wright, Bruce Irvin and Bobby does not make sense why he went mostly safety at the LB position. Turned out to be a stupid move, and Dallas paid for it.
question is, was it the Jones boys being cheap at LB or DQ thought safeties would work?

Chuck 54

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Both, but…..if I had to give an answer, it’s the talent.

Bring in any DC in the game with the same players, and the defense will suck.
Keep Quinn, but become a strong team up the middle with DT and LBs, you will improve. Any defense that’s strong up the middle and controls the run is better under any DC.

My complaint is that this seems to be the defense Quinn wants. He’s been here 3 years. It wasn’t injuries. He seems to want smaller guys who can rush the QB, smaller LBs that can cover and blitz. Unless he begged for a stout defense and the players to man it, then he is part of the problem. Does he want to follow the current blueprint for winning football in the playoffs? Or does he want the publicity and notoriety of pass rushing and sacks?