As of a few minutes ago, there are no less than 10 threads about Dak Prescott on the first page in this sub-forum known as the “Fan Zone”. Sometimes, it seems to me that most of the threads are saying the same things over and over. Maybe that will change once the season starts.
I’m all for open, respectful discussions about all things Cowboys, but sometimes it seems like having a separate category just for Dak threads would be a help in sorting some of the traffic. It would allow all the Dak discussion a fan could possibly want without completely dominating the general “Fan Zone” sub-forum. At the old Cowboys Forum run by the team, there was eventually a Tony Romo forum because of all the Romo threads. (I actually like the Zone much better for what it’s worth)
I know this has been suggested before and I’m sure our mods have enough on their hands to manage what we already have. But maybe having a “Dak Zone” would help with thread traffic.