Is Prescott the next RG3/Kaepernick


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The difference to me is he isn't a running QB. He can run but he always looks pass first. I think he will be more like Wilson as far as he progression goes. Other then Nick Foles I can't thinking of a passing QB who has had a drop off like that. Even then I think that was a case of D coordinators figuring Chip Kelly out.


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No, Dak's game is totally different. Those guys looked to run first while Dak only uses his when needed.

Now, I am not saying that NFL defenses can't figure him out next season but it won't be a dramatic drop off like we saw in those other two. Dak also has that mental edge to overcome any adversity. RG3 and Kaepernickel are soft, Dak is not.


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How do we know?
Don't know about "we" but the front office doesn't think he is another Griffin or Kaepernick. That was made apparent before November 15. If anything, the front office believes they have their franchise quarterback and are focused upon solidifying quarterback depth in the upcoming draft and/or through free agency. I doubt even Linehan has great confidence in Kellen Moore and would welcome any opportunities to improve relative long-term quarterback depth beyond him.


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Dak couldn't be less like RGIII. He's very smart, he works hard, he's humble, and he can actually throw the ball. RG-ME was never a great passer, but his absurd running ability covered that up. Once he got hurt, he was exposed. On top of that, he refused to let people help him become a better player because he believed (and still does based on quotes I heard recently) that he is the best quarterback the planet earth has ever seen.

I don't know as much about Kap, but he clearly lost a tough of muscle when he became a vegan, and his game seems to have dropped significantly since then. I also don't believe he is nearly as smart as Dak, and I would point to the contract he worked out for himself as evidence. Add in the circus caused by him deciding not to stand for the national anthem, and he has become more trouble than he's worth.

There is no way to know how Dak's career will play out, but based on everything I've seen him do and heard him say up to this point, I would bet on many years of success.


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As a rookie he plays better in the pocket than either of those other clowns can now, and that's after several years of them trying to figure it out.

Not to mention Prescott's intangibles blow theirs out of the water. It's not even close.


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How do we know?

We can't know for sure. But what we do know is that both RGIII and Kap were run-first quarterbacks. They used their feet to set up the pass. They were also read-option quarterbacks. The passing game worked off the read-option.

Once teams started to force both to stay in the pocket and pass the ball, they got exposed in the passing game.

That's not the same with Dak. Dak is a pass-first quarterback. He does not rely on his running ability except when necessary. You also see him climbing the pocket - which RGIII and Kap didn't do.

Dak also tries to scan the field, something RGIII and Kap had difficulty doing. Once they saw their first option was covered, they took off running.

Dak is also a student of the game. Chris Cooley was very critical of RGIII's ability to see the field and understand the passing game. Kap regressed when Harbaugh left. It's like Harbaugh was trying to make him into a quarterback who could last beyond his running years, but once Harbaugh left, the coaching staff wasn't as patient with Kap.

Now, I don't know if Dak will have the same touchdown -to-interception ratio/efficiency next year because as you become more comfortable with an offense, you take more chances.

But I doubt he regresses like the other two.


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If he has the same support system he had this year: Linehan, O Line, weapons (particularly Elliott), he should continue to progress. Take any of that away and he could back slide which would likely happen to any QB.


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Dak emphasis is on getting better in all aspects of QBing. He doesn't rely on his physical attributes, he knows that preparation and commitment is what sets him apart from the rest and he is already approaching the off season in that manner. So no i don't see the slightest parallel between him and the other two QBs you named.