I had honestly forgot I created this thread, so I appreciate you guys keeping it alive. I'm going to keep pimping Shinedown if you don't mind. I love these guys. . Give it a listen.
Always looking for good music.PIMP AWAY!!!!!!!!!
My favorite band for at least the last 10 years. I've seen them many times and already have at least 2 more lined up before the summer is over.
Planet Zero is pure genius.
Amen to this. There's terrific music all over. The best rock music now incorporates ideas from other genres, so no, it doesn't sound exactly like your classic rock station. BCNR, Black Midi, Protomartyr, Hop Along, Porridge Radio, Kurt Vile, Big Thief, that's just bands I've seen recently: all doing different things but the core is rock 'n' roll.No. It has evolved through the years, but there are still plenty of rock bands out there. I heard multiple good rock albums in 2022 -
Ants From Up There by Black Country, New Road.
Hellfire by Black MIDI.
God’s Country by Chat Pile
Cave World by Viagra Boys
Those were really good and interesting rock albums from 2022 (God’s Country is more metal).
Rock is arguably less innovative than it was years ago. That innovative spirit has moved into other genres - there are a lot of hip hop and electronic artists that are putting out new, fresh ideas and sounds in the underground music world.