Is there something wrong with our strength and conditioning program

Are all of these injuries just coincidental? Lee got a concussion, Romo clavicle, Dez broken foot, free injured foot, Leary groin, Martin shoulder / neck, gachkar was limping off last night, Gregory high ankle sprain, witten all his knees and ankles, Dunbar Torn cal/ mcl, new receiver pulled hamstring. I'm probably leaving out 1-2 players.

Injuries are part of the game, it just seems that we lose 1-2 players each week. Could it be the way we approach strength training and conditioning? Could rooms injury have been prevented with a little more shoulder or upper body strength ( just posing the question, I personally think it was the way his body was positioned when the linebacker fell on him)

Concussion, clavicle, broken foot, injured foot....not one of those are conditioning related.

Maybe some of the muscle and soft tissue injuries are...I don't know.
Very interesting take. I had a biceps tendon tear at my elbow that never truly got better until I stopped lifting also. Maybe some of these players actually need to stop lifting so their body can recuperate.

Sometimes I think the modern training methods may be over-inflated in terms of importance because it is an industry in itself that is lucrative to many people. Those people are always going to think training can cure all.
Sometimes I think the modern training methods may be over-inflated in terms of importance because it is an industry in itself that is lucrative to many people. Those people are always going to think training can cure all.

Right, all the training in the world can't prevent a 230 pound LB running at you full speed and knocking the crap out you, or a 300 DL landing on you the wrong way.

Walter Payton after he retired, got into racing cars. He was asked, what would you rather do, hit a wall at 200 MPH or get hit by a LB at 15 MPH.
He said hit the wall. As you know you are strapped in and what is coming. Body parts are tight and compacted in. Running down the sideline and getting hit by a LB'er, all your body parts are dangling around and you have no control.
Are all of these injuries just coincidental? Lee got a concussion, Romo clavicle, Dez broken foot, free injured foot, Leary groin, Martin shoulder / neck, gachkar was limping off last night, Gregory high ankle sprain, witten all his knees and ankles, Dunbar Torn cal/ mcl, new receiver pulled hamstring. I'm probably leaving out 1-2 players.

Injuries are part of the game, it just seems that we lose 1-2 players each week. Could it be the way we approach strength training and conditioning? Could rooms injury have been prevented with a little more shoulder or upper body strength ( just posing the question, I personally think it was the way his body was positioned when the linebacker fell on him)

It's because Gov. Chris Christie is not attending the games, due to other more important obligations. ;)
They definitely need to do more bone ups and brain sprints in camp.
If you look league wide, injuries seem to be at an all time high. So it's not just us. So blaming S&C might be a stretch.

Shoot, the "model" S&C program and player monitoring program, the Eagles, with all their new fangled stuff and conditioning and smoothies and hydration tests to prevent muscle pulls, lost 6 guys to muscle injuries in the Skins game.
Same staff last year, haven't heard anything about changes in the program. So how did we make out last year on the injury front?

It's just a horrid run, nothing more or less.

There is something to the fact that there were 40% less injuries before the last CBA. The limited amount of practice these guys get now has a lot to do with how many injuries happen now.
I read a theory one time about pitchers and Tommy John injury. This was a good 10 or 15 years ago too.
This person said that coaches and kids from 12 to 16, or earlier. Want to emulate the MLB pitchers, and when their muscles and ligaments are still developing. They try all these different pitches and styles. Therefore putting extra stress on them. Only to come back to have injuries later.
And that they just need to stick with learning the regular pitches like the fast ball, and curve ball as basics.

Not sure if that makes sense or not, but it was his theory. Maybe he was just a frustrated dad because his kid was not a good pitcher...LOL....

No its legit. Any breaking pitch is rough on any pitchers elbow. Throwing them when young like they do in the LLWS and high school just adds unnecessary stress that 99% of kids can't handle. In general, most players only have so many pitches in their arm before they lose velocity or suffer an injury. Limiting usage and stress from breaking balls is imo a huge factor going forward. I would only let my kid throw fastball and change ups until physically mature enough to handle anything else. Quite frankly, that's all thats needed unti college level.
There is something to the fact that there were 40% less injuries before the last CBA. The limited amount of practice these guys get now has a lot to do with how many injuries happen now.

I find it interesting that players have to wear the same helmet all year to "prevent concussions", but we're seeing more than ever. Seems like one every game now. Were that many players hiding them 5 years ago?
I find it interesting that players have to wear the same helmet all year to "prevent concussions", but we're seeing more than ever. Seems like one every game now. Were that many players hiding them 5 years ago?

Yes , and the NFL didn't care
I would like to see a long-term study on that actually. They initially thought that about Tommy John surgery for pitchers in high school and pro potential kids were getting surgery proactively. Now we're seeing more pitchers needing repeat surgery and even a 3rd. I think we're just reaching the point where the human body can't physically take what they can physically do. I know I've seen quite a few players have repeat ACL tears to the same knee in recent years though.

That's a lot of bad luck. ACL grafts are generally stronger than the initial ACL.

Bad luck is the problem here. Nothing more, nothing less.
I find it interesting that players have to wear the same helmet all year to "prevent concussions", but we're seeing more than ever. Seems like one every game now. Were that many players hiding them 5 years ago?

We know the helmets don't prevent concussions. We don't care and we pay players millions to play a game. The compensation is built in.
We know the helmets don't prevent concussions. We don't care and we pay players millions to play a game. The compensation is built in.

Wearing the same helmet doesn't seem to have changed the number of concussions either up or down. I think its some stupid rule they have in place for perception and until I see a study saying otherwise, I'll continue to think that.
I find it interesting that players have to wear the same helmet all year to "prevent concussions", but we're seeing more than ever. Seems like one every game now. Were that many players hiding them 5 years ago?

I think so.
If you look league wide, injuries seem to be at an all time high. So it's not just us. So blaming S&C might be a stretch.

Shoot, the "model" S&C program and player monitoring program, the Eagles, with all their new fangled stuff and conditioning and smoothies and hydration tests to prevent muscle pulls, lost 6 guys to muscle injuries in the Skins game.

You mean those magical smoothies don't stop injuries?

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