Isn't this a "forum"?

Hostile;2187508 said:
There isn't anything wrong with it.

There isn't anything wrong with CrazyCowboys calling out BBguns and BBguns calling out CrazyCowboys.

As long as it doesn't go too far and get too personal.

Fixed that for ya!
DragonCowboy;2187482 said:
Not that I disagree with you, but we're not having live gladiator matches in the L.A. Coliseum (I hope).
We call it Mixed Martial Arts now and they can't use swords or tridents...yet :eek:
silverbear;2188154 said:
And if he thinks the Roman Senate was a civil place, where no bitter arguments ever took place, then he really doesn't have a clue how the original Forum worked...

Perhaps CBZ40 could elaborate.
alby;2187464 said:
So, what's wrong with "negative" posters or "homers"?
What's up with all the criticism about other members?

Isn't that the point?
Quite honestly, I've seen forum members "circle the wagons" against naysayers on every sports forum I've ever visited. I think it's just the dynamics of any forum that has impassioned members. No one truly wants to hear criticism about something they believe in; and the love doesn't get much deeper than what people feel about their teams.

From what I can tell in the short time I've been perusing around here, if someone makes a logical and well-reasoned argument, be it positive or negative, people will generally respond to it without maligning the OP. I think it's the knee-jerk one-liners without any supportive analysis that people tend to throw out there that gets people stirred. Like, one bad game and suddenly, "Our season is over". Or one bad play and, "We're gonna lose this game". Or a player has one bad game and it's, "Trade him. We should've never drafted him in the first place."

But then sometimes you gotta say your peace and just take your lickin's as they come. Like last season when Romo went on vacation. I knew I was going to take some heat for saying it was a big mistake; he needed to stay home. However, I felt strongly about my position and had to say what was on my mind. Without fail, I, and the other like-minded sensible folks:p:, got bashed. But so what. As long as no one gets banned for having contrary views, there is nothing wrong with a little bashing over them.

And, having said that...if Gurode has one more bad snap, I don't care how many Pro Bowls that mofo has been to, "Bench him!" :D
SweetDC;2188681 said:
Quite honestly, I've seen forum members "circle the wagons" against naysayers on every sports forum I've ever visited. I think it's just the dynamics of any forum that has impassioned members. No one truly wants to hear criticism about something they believe in; and the love doesn't get much deeper than what people feel about their teams.

From what I can tell in the short time I've been perusing around here, if someone makes a logical and well-reasoned argument, be it positive or negative, people will generally respond to it without maligning the OP. I think it's the knee-jerk one-liners without any supportive analysis that people tend to throw out there that gets people stirred. Like, one bad game and suddenly, "Our season is over". Or one bad play and, "We're gonna lose this game". Or a player has one bad game and it's, "Trade him. We should've never drafted him in the first place."

But then sometimes you gotta say your peace and just take your lickin's as they come. Like last season when Romo went on vacation. I knew I was going to take some heat for saying it was a big mistake; he needed to stay home. However, I felt strongly about my position and had to say what was on my mind. Without fail, I, and the other like-minded sensible folks:p:, got bashed. But so what. As long as no one gets banned for having contrary views, there is nothing wrong with a little bashing over them.

And, having said that...if Gurode has one more bad snap, I don't care how many Pro Bowls that mofo has been to, "Bench him!" :D

Good summary.
SweetDC;2188681 said:
Quite honestly, I've seen forum members "circle the wagons" against naysayers on every sports forum I've ever visited. I think it's just the dynamics of any forum that has impassioned members. No one truly wants to hear criticism about something they believe in; and the love doesn't get much deeper than what people feel about their teams.

From what I can tell in the short time I've been perusing around here, if someone makes a logical and well-reasoned argument, be it positive or negative, people will generally respond to it without maligning the OP. I think it's the knee-jerk one-liners without any supportive analysis that people tend to throw out there that gets people stirred. Like, one bad game and suddenly, "Our season is over". Or one bad play and, "We're gonna lose this game". Or a player has one bad game and it's, "Trade him. We should've never drafted him in the first place."

But then sometimes you gotta say your peace and just take your lickin's as they come. Like last season when Romo went on vacation. I knew I was going to take some heat for saying it was a big mistake; he needed to stay home. However, I felt strongly about my position and had to say what was on my mind. Without fail, I, and the other like-minded sensible folks:p:, got bashed. But so what. As long as no one gets banned for having contrary views, there is nothing wrong with a little bashing over them.

And, having said that...if Gurode has one more bad snap, I don't care how many Pro Bowls that mofo has been to, "Bench him!" :D
This thread SHOULD end with this post, but it's not, so carry on folks.

In the meantime, SweetDC, please post more. Logic will always outshine the manic-depressive folks. At least that's what they tell me in therapy.
SweetDC;2188681 said:
Quite honestly, I've seen forum members "circle the wagons" against naysayers on every sports forum I've ever visited. I think it's just the dynamics of any forum that has impassioned members. No one truly wants to hear criticism about something they believe in; and the love doesn't get much deeper than what people feel about their teams.

From what I can tell in the short time I've been perusing around here, if someone makes a logical and well-reasoned argument, be it positive or negative, people will generally respond to it without maligning the OP. I think it's the knee-jerk one-liners without any supportive analysis that people tend to throw out there that gets people stirred. Like, one bad game and suddenly, "Our season is over". Or one bad play and, "We're gonna lose this game". Or a player has one bad game and it's, "Trade him. We should've never drafted him in the first place."

But then sometimes you gotta say your peace and just take your lickin's as they come. Like last season when Romo went on vacation. I knew I was going to take some heat for saying it was a big mistake; he needed to stay home. However, I felt strongly about my position and had to say what was on my mind. Without fail, I, and the other like-minded sensible folks:p:, got bashed. But so what. As long as no one gets banned for having contrary views, there is nothing wrong with a little bashing over them.

And, having said that...if Gurode has one more bad snap, I don't care how many Pro Bowls that mofo has been to, "Bench him!" :D

Nice post, but I have to admit, your avatar makes me feel...awkward.:p:

I guess after seeing so many of these instant evaluator type of threads over the years...for the most part I just shake my head, post a goofy picture for my own amusement and move on.

Occasionally I will get in the mix if I am bored but for the most part I save my mock outrage for the political zone.:laugh2:
WoodysGirl;2188748 said:
This thread SHOULD end with this post, but it's not, so carry on folks.

In the meantime, SweetDC, please post more. Logic will always outshine the manic-depressive folks. At least that's what they tell me in therapy.

BrAinPaiNt;2188757 said:
I had to combat the likes of you..

WoodysGirl;2188748 said:
This thread SHOULD end with this post, but it's not, so carry on folks.

In the meantime, SweetDC, please post more. Logic will always outshine the manic-depressive folks. At least that's what they tell me in therapy.
I would post more but your football knowledge, and mostly everyone else's here, puts mine to shame. So instead of embarrassing myself by getting into discussions which will inevitably go knee deep into stats that defy average human memory retention levels, I quietly lurk, trying to soak up what I can from you all.
SweetDC;2188803 said:
I would post more but your football knowledge, and mostly everyone else's here, puts mine to shame. So instead of embarrassing myself by getting into discussions which will inevitably go knee deep into stats that defy average human memory retention levels, I quietly lurk, trying to soak up what I can from you all.
Heh, please don't overrate my knowledge. I know just enough to engage a person and just enough to then back out when it goes outside my realm. :p:

Mostly because I don't take any of the stuff posted on here personal. If you don't know, don't be afraid to be told you're wrong.

I've learned alot just by being on this board. There have been some really good football discussions and not of the stat-driven kind which make my eyes glaze. For those of us who have never played organized football, this is one of the better forums when it comes to discussing football, especially draft time.

It's unfortunate, but since the team is so good, many of the discussions are of the lint on carpet variety. Folks can't really ***** about much, so they find little things to gripe about.

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