It is the end! LOST Final Season

masomenos;3414477 said:
The numbers were explained in an online interactive game a few years ago. Here's an explanation of what they are and how they relate to the Dharma Initiative...

That was just from an Alternate Realilty Game though. If you go by what was portrayed in the actual show, the numbers represent the final remaining canidates to replace Jacob as the protector of The Island.
The Ominous;3414491 said:
That was just from an Alternate Realilty Game though. If you go by what was portrayed in the actual show, the numbers represent the final remaining canidates to replace Jacob as the protector of The Island.

The Valenzetti explanation is what Damon Lindeloff (one of the writers) stands by.

In the Sri Lanka video the numbers are revealed to be both environmental and human factors. While we're never told what the individual numbers mean, it seems pretty clear that each number is assigned to the remaining candidates because they have character traits in line with the "human factors".
masomenos;3414522 said:
The Valenzetti explanation is what Damon Lindeloff (one of the writers) stands by.

In the Sri Lanka video the numbers are revealed to be both environmental and human factors. While we're never told what the individual numbers mean, it seems pretty clear that each number is assigned to the remaining candidates because they have character traits in line with the "human factors".

Yes, I played the game myself and watched that video years ago. The problem with the "Valenzetti Equation" is that it was never mentioned in the show itself and the ARG's are only semi-canon. If it was that important someone from Dharma would of told the Losties about it, yet it was never mentioned, by anybody. Damon also said that the numbers wouldn't be seen much or explained after like the 3rd Season. Yet here they are, a part of the end game with the emergence of the canidates. I really don't trust one word that comes out of Darlton's mouths.
The Ominous;3414571 said:
Yes, I played the game myself and watched that video years ago. The problem with the "Valenzetti Equation" is that it was never mentioned in the show itself and the ARG's are only semi-canon. If it was that important someone from Dharma would of told the Losties about it, yet it was never mentioned, by anybody. Damon also said that the numbers wouldn't be seen much or explained after like the 3rd Season. Yet here they are, a part of the end game with the emergence of the canidates. I really don't trust one word that comes out of Darlton's mouths.

Both Cuse and Lindelof are on record as saying that The Lost Experience is to be taken as canonical. Of course, since you didn't give weight to what the writers say, I guess that doesn't matter. There's no reason to think that the Valenzetti Equation would have been mentioned to any of the Losties simply because none of them were in research/scientific roles and they would have just been operating under the general goals outlined in the Swan initiation video...

to create a large-scale communal research compound where scientists and free-thinkers from around the globe could pursue research in meteorology, psychology, parapsychology, zoology, electromagnetism,
masomenos;3414599 said:
Both Cuse and Lindelof are on record as saying that The Lost Experience is to be taken as canonical. Of course, since you didn't give weight to what the writers say, I guess that doesn't matter. There's no reason to think that the Valenzetti Equation would have been mentioned to any of the Losties simply because none of them were in research/scientific roles and they would have just been operating under the general goals outlined in the Swan initiation video...

The ARG also states that the whole purpose of forming the Dharma Inititative was to go to the island and change the numbers. It is surprising to me that they never showed that on screen, especially with Dharma being so prevelant. Anyway, I like your idea of the numbers connecting to both the equation and the canidates. The only problem with this is that the numbers represented the end of the world, which we also never saw in the show. But perhaps the numbers did infact change with how the Losties found themselves in the afterlife.

I like to look at it with the Science vs Faith approach and perspective. A scientific mind sees the numbers as the equation, the mind of faith sees the numbers as the canidates. As with everything in Lost, it's pretty much up to interpretation.
I thought the finale was pretty good. I was definitely sad to see Jack die and to have confirmation that Jin and Sun had really died. Heck, I think my only real problem with the finale is that it wasn't happy enough. Chalk it up to quality character development I suppose.

I was hoping that they would allow the Man in Black some kind of peace at the end. A final scene with him and Jacob (both dead) would have been a nice touch IMO. I mean, as a human, he was a pretty decent kid/man. Then his brother had to go and send him to a fate "Worse than death". For the love of God, just let the guy leave the island. I felt his frustration and was halfway rooting for him to win in the end. :D
Undisputed;3417307 said:
I thought the finale was pretty good. I was definitely sad to see Jack die and to have confirmation that Jin and Sun had really died. Heck, I think my only real problem with the finale is that it wasn't happy enough. Chalk it up to quality character development I suppose.

I was hoping that they would allow the Man in Black some kind of peace at the end. A final scene with him and Jacob (both dead) would have been a nice touch IMO. I mean, as a human, he was a pretty decent kid/man. Then his brother had to go and send him to a fate "Worse than death". For the love of God, just let the guy leave the island. I felt his frustration and was halfway rooting for him to win in the end. :D

The MIB was the good guy. Recall the episode with Jacob's bottle analogy, where the liquid represents evil and the cork is the island that keeps things from spilling out... but then right before Jacob becomes a light defender later on, he drinks from that same bottle. That is him accepting the evil into him, becoming evil, the same bottle the man in black later busts to prevent the evil from being consumed ever again.

That last part about what the MIB does to the bottle was kind of hard to BS, like 20 seconds of thought to rationalize.

A scientific interpretation is that the entire show didn't happen (well, duh). It was fully contained within Jack's head as a hallucination as he lay dying from an injury sustained on the initial plane crash. Hallucination brought about from a concussion and the very high fever he would have from a septic intestinal injury (bacteria stockpile). Remember his appendicitis? Wasn't his appendix he was trying to self-operate on, it's that injury, he just mis-diagnosed his abdominal pain while hallucinating. That includes everything up to the religious experience as his neurons fire off in a frenzy from oxygen depletion after his final breath, making the part of the brain responsible for spiritual experiences hyper-active. The only thing I can't figure out is why his hair is different. :laugh2: I only came up with that theory because at the very end they showed the wreckage of the initial plane crash still there and burning with Jack in the same spot he was first woken up by the dog.

Just a couple of BS theories brought about by sleep deprivation inspired by you.

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