It is the end! LOST Final Season

SLATEmosphere;3413081 said:
Couple questions...

What did time travel have to do with LOST?

After some of them left the island and Ben "moved" the island, the island and its occupants started jumping through time. This stopped only when those who left it returned to the island. When they returned, the island was stuck in 1975 or so.

What was Whitmore's character all about?

Widmore was an "other" who was banished from the island. He had two children - Daniel Faraday and Penny. He was married to Eloise who was also an "other". Widmore was trying to return to the island, presumably to exploit it as he had become a rich industrialist.

Now he and Ben had a feud going for many years (Ben had banished him, I believe) which got taken to another level after Widmore's mercenaries killed Ben's "daughter". Ben ultimately got revenge by killing Widmore in the final episode.

Widmore had claimed to turned over a new leaf in terms of the island when he finally returned to it in the final season. He said Jacob came to him and told him to bring Desmond to help kill Jacob's brother (the black smoke thing who took the form of John Locke in the final season).

Was the flashsideways just a purgetory place made up of everyone who died before they crossed to the other side?

TheCount;3413068 said:
If you watched 6 seasons of the show and came to the understanding the show is about "Jack vs Locke", "Good vs Evil" or "Science vs Faith", I think you missed the point entirely.

The thing is that they did test your intelligence. Especially your ability to not think the show needed to end like The Matrix trilogy with people flying and hurling lightning bolts at each other, and you completely failed. ;)

It might have tested my intelligence if I had the brainpower of an overcooked turnip.

There were so many potentially great philosophical questions that were almost touched upon then forgotten.

It's the easily amused masses who are to blame for the sad state of modern cinema, television and literature. If the mouthbreathers are happy with crap, take the easy way out and serve them crap.........
StanleySpadowski;3413468 said:
It might have tested my intelligence if I had the brainpower of an overcooked turnip.

There were so many potentially great philosophical questions that were almost touched upon then forgotten.

It's the easily amused masses who are to blame for the sad state of modern cinema, television and literature. If the mouthbreathers are happy with crap, take the easy way out and serve them crap.........

You didn't like it. Move on my "philosophical friend". No need to spread your superior intelligence around here.

But my mouth can breathe the flames of a thousand Islands.
StanleySpadowski;3413468 said:
It might have tested my intelligence if I had the brainpower of an overcooked turnip.

There were so many potentially great philosophical questions that were almost touched upon then forgotten.

It's the easily amused masses who are to blame for the sad state of modern cinema, television and literature. If the mouthbreathers are happy with crap, take the easy way out and serve them crap.........

Ironic that this is written by a user whose avatar could be the spokesperson for those very same masses.
Ozzu;3412163 said:
When Vincent lays down next to Jack in the jungle at the end there? Wow. Animals always have an easier time getting an emotional response out of me than people do and that was just so well done.


I thought that was so sad.

Can't say I was surprised they were in wife said that when we were watching the first season.

LOST at it's best was one of the best shows I have ever watched.

IMO it lost (no pun) it's way a little bit with all the Flash sideways stuff...I loved it when all the action was on the Island...the Smoke Monster, the Others, Jacob when he was just a figure in the shack, the Polar Bear...all the Dharma Stations, the Hatch, the Statue, the distress signal being sent for 16 years, Desmond having to punch in the numbers or who knew what would happen...Etc...Etc...

I will miss it.

Here's to you LOST!


ConcordCowboy;3413705 said:

I thought that was so sad.

Can't say I was surprised they were in wife said that when we were watching the first season.

LOST at it's best was one of the best shows I have ever watched.

IMO it lost (no pun) it's way a little bit with all the Flash sideways stuff...I loved it when all the action was on the Island...the Smoke Monster, the Others, Jacob when he was just a figure in the shack, the Polar Bear...all the Dharma Stations, the Hatch, the Statue, the distress signal being sent for 16 years, Desmond having to punch in the numbers or who knew what would happen...Etc...Etc...

I will miss it.

Here's to you LOST!



The island wasn't purgatory... they specifically say that everything that happened to them really happened. That "flash sideways" where Jack is a dad and all that was the part that was "purgatory", if you want to explain it that way.

I totally missed the relevance of Vincent showing up during the show to put him to sleep, it's been so long. I didn't remember Vincent was the one that woke him up on the island when they first got there.
TheCount;3413737 said:
The island wasn't purgatory... they specifically say that everything that happened to them really happened. That "flash sideways" where Jack is a dad and all that was the part that was "purgatory", if you want to explain it that way.

I totally missed the relevance of Vincent showing up during the show to put him to sleep, it's been so long. I didn't remember Vincent was the one that woke him up on the island when they first got there.

True...but purgatory was in the end part of the wife and I (like a lot of people) just had it wrong about the Island actually being purgatory.

So like I said no big surprise that in the end they ended up in purgatory.

I missed the Vincent connection too.

But it made me very sad.
TheCount;3413737 said:
The island wasn't purgatory... they specifically say that everything that happened to them really happened. That "flash sideways" where Jack is a dad and all that was the part that was "purgatory", if you want to explain it that way.

I totally missed the relevance of Vincent showing up during the show to put him to sleep, it's been so long. I didn't remember Vincent was the one that woke him up on the island when they first got there.

Another interesting link to the beginning of the show is how Jack "dies" at the end. His saying all along was "we stand together or we die alone."

And in the end he ends up dying alone, but he does it for everyone else.

Still SOOOOO many questions they left unanswered.

It was a nice ending, but they really set themselves up with all the expectations that had built up over the years.
ConcordCowboy;3264977 said:
So the Bomb did work and it didn't work? just got to love Lost.


It did work, it prevented the Swan from being built and drove off the Dharma initiative which was what the island wanted.
baj1dallas;3414053 said:
I think almost every question was answered, just not directly.

What was the deal with the numbers?

How come in the first season, Walt was portrayed as being THE KEY, essential figure on the island, but then was completely ignored after that?

Why were all the babies dying?

What happened with all those from the other part of the plane who were introduced in the middle of the series but then killed off... why weren't they brought back to the gathering at the end?

Maybe some of these have been answered... I did miss a couple seasons... but if they were, I'd like to know the answers.
Danny White;3414070 said:
What was the deal with the numbers?

How come in the first season, Walt was portrayed as being THE KEY, essential figure on the island, but then was completely ignored after that?

Why were all the babies dying?

What happened with all those from the other part of the plane who were introduced in the middle of the series but then killed off... why weren't they brought back to the gathering at the end?

Maybe some of these have been answered... I did miss a couple seasons... but if they were, I'd like to know the answers.

I watched the Jimmy Kimmel (sp?) show that had some of the lost guys on it. Essentially it seemed that Little Walt went through a big growth spurt and that changed things and basically took him off and michael as well for the most part.

Don't know about the babies issue. I don't remember if that was addressed but it might have had something to do with the magnetic phenom on the island. Actually I think it touched on something where it may have effected the sperm from the men as the women that were pregnant before getting to the island were ok. See Jen, Claire and the lady that had jacob and the man in black.

Not all members were brought back in the end. I believe Michael was still on the island as he was not redeemed due to killing a couple of people. Mr Eco died at the hands of smokey and went on with his brother. Some others just weren't on the end because of contract issues (the girl that got busted for DUI).
BrAinPaiNt;3414097 said:
I watched the Jimmy Kimmel (sp?) show that had some of the lost guys on it. Essentially it seemed that Little Walt went through a big growth spurt and that changed things and basically took him off and michael as well for the most part.

Don't know about the babies issue. I don't remember if that was addressed but it might have had something to do with the magnetic phenom on the island. Actually I think it touched on something where it may have effected the sperm from the men as the women that were pregnant before getting to the island were ok. See Jen, Claire and the lady that had jacob and the man in black.

Not all members were brought back in the end. I believe Michael was still on the island as he was not redeemed due to killing a couple of people. Mr Eco died at the hands of smokey and went on with his brother. Some others just weren't on the end because of contract issues (the girl that got busted for DUI).

soooo hot. want to touch the hiney...
Danny White;3414070 said:
What was the deal with the numbers?

How come in the first season, Walt was portrayed as being THE KEY, essential figure on the island, but then was completely ignored after that?

Why were all the babies dying?

What happened with all those from the other part of the plane who were introduced in the middle of the series but then killed off... why weren't they brought back to the gathering at the end?

Maybe some of these have been answered... I did miss a couple seasons... but if they were, I'd like to know the answers.

Walt was important for Jacob/the Island to figure out how to send some of the characters back in time to detonate the bomb and prevent the Swan station from having to have been built. He was obviously important for other emotional reasons.

Somebody pointed out to me that Ethan had been conceived and born on the island, before the Swan station/incident. So whatever happened then that resulted in the buttons having to be pressed probably also was killing the babies...maybe their souls weren't able to inhabit their bodies, ie being moved on to the next world or something instead.

People who didn't show up at the end went on to live fulfilling lives that eventually caused the memories/importance of the island to fade. The people at the end were the people most profoundly affected by the island, or their loved ones (or both).
Danny White;3414070 said:
What was the deal with the numbers?

How come in the first season, Walt was portrayed as being THE KEY, essential figure on the island, but then was completely ignored after that?

Why were all the babies dying?

What happened with all those from the other part of the plane who were introduced in the middle of the series but then killed off... why weren't they brought back to the gathering at the end?

Maybe some of these have been answered... I did miss a couple seasons... but if they were, I'd like to know the answers.

They were the numbers assigned to each of the candidates (Jack, Hurley, Sawyer....) on the cave wall.

Radiation from the bomb or like BP the magnetic energy of the island.

My guess is the others were all killed at some point.
Can't wait for tonight's episode.

If they don't explain why Ben's off-island butcher prefers the ribeye to a porterhouse I will kill myself.
baj1dallas;3414210 said:
Walt was important for Jacob/the Island to figure out how to send some of the characters back in time to detonate the bomb and prevent the Swan station from having to have been built. He was obviously important for other emotional reasons.

Huh? Where was that explained, I think I missed it.

The producers or whatever did a sit down and basically said that Walt dissapeared because he was a 12 year old playing an 8 year and and once he hit puberty, they had to get him off the show cause he got huge, so they put him on the raft.

They also said we hadn't seen the last of him, suggesting there might be bonus content on the DVD that includes him.

But they didn't actually explain why he was so important.

During the same sitdown the explained that the only one that had ever said Aaron was special was a psychic that was later revealed to be a fake, but that the Others wanted him because he was born alive on the island and they wanted to test him because of their own fertility issues.
I really don't understand the "Walt" thing.

He was "special", probably psychic, who could make birds crash into windows. The others liked to kidnap kids. When they took Walt they tried to brainwash him in Room 23 and he made some birds fly into the windows at Hydra Island and it freaked the others out. They used a crazed Michael to free Ben and get Walt off the Island because he freaked them out. The End.

Why wasn't he at the church? Because he isn't dead yet. The End.
Danny White;3414070 said:
What was the deal with the numbers?

How come in the first season, Walt was portrayed as being THE KEY, essential figure on the island, but then was completely ignored after that?

Why were all the babies dying?

What happened with all those from the other part of the plane who were introduced in the middle of the series but then killed off... why weren't they brought back to the gathering at the end?

Maybe some of these have been answered... I did miss a couple seasons... but if they were, I'd like to know the answers.

The numbers were explained in an online interactive game a few years ago. Here's an explanation of what they are and how they relate to the Dharma Initiative...

According to the 1975 orientation film in the Sri Lanka Video, the Valenzetti Equation "predicts the exact number of years and months until humanity extinguishes itself." During the video, Alvar Hanso also states that the radio transmitter on the Island, will "broadcast the core numerical values of the Valenzetti Equation." The numbers, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42, are explained in the Sri Lanka Video, as the numerical values to the core environmental and human factors of the Valenzetti Equation. Alvar Hanso also states in the video that the purpose of the DHARMA Initiative is to change the numerical values of any one of the core factors in the equation in order to give humanity a chance to survive by, effectively, changing doomsday.

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