It is the end! LOST Final Season

Finally finished it. I like the way they ended it, was very fitting. Sad to the show go though.
Really tremendous finale. The Island LIVES and yet DIES!

Jack was a beast.

The Circle has closed. Namaste and Good Luck!
When Vincent lays down next to Jack in the jungle at the end there? Wow. Animals always have an easier time getting an emotional response out of me than people do and that was just so well done.
Ozzu;3412163 said:
When Vincent lays down next to Jack in the jungle at the end there? Wow. Animals always have an easier time getting an emotional response out of me than people do and that was just so well done.

I am a huge dog lover and I thought, yes this is the way to go! Best friends...
This song from the very beginning of the show inspires immediate emotion:

Worst television since the shower in Dallas.

They took what had great potential and turned it into a 2 1/2 hour chick flick.

They took what should have been the ultimate battle Jack v. Flocke, good v. evil, science v. faith.......and prematurely ended it with a gunshot so they'd have more time for that crap?

Every time I think there's a show that tests intelligence they dumb it down to the least common denominator or IQ.
StanleySpadowski;3412202 said:
Worst television since the shower in Dallas.

They took what had great potential and turned it into a 2 1/2 hour chick flick.

They took what should have been the ultimate battle Jack v. Flocke, good v. evil, science v. faith.......and prematurely ended it with a gunshot so they'd have more time for that crap?

Every time I think there's a show that tests intelligence they dumb it down to the least common denominator or IQ.

Well unless you consider the show is about "lost" souls who were alone and in strife with their real lives and at the end they all find meaning and no longer are which case the "chick" aspect of the show comes into play. Just something to consider.:)
BrAinPaiNt;3412205 said:
Well unless you consider the show is about "lost" souls who were alone and in strife with their real lives and at the end they all find meaning and no longer are which case the "chick" aspect of the show comes into play. Just something to consider.:)

No, they went for the happy ending to appease the masses. The only thing that surprised me at the end was that they didn't break into "Kumbaya".

I should have watched Something, Something, Something Dark Side instead. At least they poked fun at the tired, old formula.
StanleySpadowski;3412242 said:
No, they went for the happy ending to appease the masses. The only thing that surprised me at the end was that they didn't break into "Kumbaya".

I should have watched Something, Something, Something Dark Side instead. At least they poked fun at the tired, old formula.

I don't know why you are upset. If follows perfectly to the premise of the show and it is a logical conclusion to it.

They are lost, they are alone, their lives (off the island) were all a mess.

They go through a test or trial period of sorts, they all find meaning to their lives, they are no longer alone and they are rewarded for it and are better for it.

It is a pretty straight forward concept.

Now if you would have preferred they all suffered in a lake of fire for being on the island I guess that is another way to go with it but that would not make much sense as it would go completely away from the build up...if that is your ending they all would have just died and went straight away because they were all lost and there would be no reason to go through all they did.

But as always I have found that no matter how something ends, there will always be those that complain. Can't make everyone happy I guess.
So someone please tell me, what was the deal with the smoke? I didn't watch after season 2 and never heard.
big dog cowboy;3412267 said:
So someone please tell me, what was the deal with the smoke? I didn't watch after season 2 and never heard.

The smoke represented the dark side, the evil side, the adversary or whatever other name or idea you would like to use concerning the whole concept of good vs evil.

The island had two being the good guy that would protect the island the other winds up being the bad brother who wants to destroy while at the same time getting off the island.
BrAinPaiNt;3412265 said:
I don't know why you are upset. If follows perfectly to the premise of the show and it is a logical conclusion to it.

They are lost, they are alone, their lives (off the island) were all a mess.

They go through a test or trial period of sorts, they all find meaning to their lives, they are no longer alone and they are rewarded for it and are better for it.

It is a pretty straight forward concept.

Now if you would have preferred they all suffered in a lake of fire for being on the island I guess that is another way to go with it but that would not make much sense as it would go completely away from the build up...if that is your ending they all would have just died and went straight away because they were all lost and there would be no reason to go through all they did.

But as always I have found that no matter how something ends, there will always be those that complain. Can't make everyone happy I guess.

I'm not upset. Greatly disappointed but not upset.

And you're right, it's a pretty straightforward concept. And that's my issue. I thought Lost was better than that.
StanleySpadowski;3412281 said:
I'm not upset. Greatly disappointed but not upset.

And you're right, it's a pretty straightforward concept. And that's my issue. I thought Lost was better than that.

What exactly where you looking or hoping for? An ending that made no sense what so ever to the story line? An ending that just left everything up in the air making someone just have to imagine their own ending ala the Sopranos? And ending that was bizarre in order to fill some kind of notion that it was genius because it went completely away from the story or made no sense?

I just don't get why you think it has to be more than it is just to satisfy some kind of it must stink because it is a happy ending kind of thing.

It is a story that follows it's logical conclusion but it seems like you are upset that it does and in being so would seem to indicate that you would have preferred they spent 6 seasons on a show just to have it end on an illogical conclusion. Just does not make much sense or maybe I am just missing it.
I was satisfied with how business ended on the Island itself. Actually, outside of how short the Jack vs. Locke battle was I thought it was very good.

The alternate timeline ending left me a little disappointed, but I understand the reasoning behind it. What I really liked were the final words spoken between Hurley and Linus at the Church. It gave an indication that their years on the island together were good and Ben used his second chance to redeem himself. I did not like that Sayid did not end up with Nadia after all of those years trying to be with her, but I suppose it was not in the cards.
Joe Rod;3412349 said:
I was satisfied with how business ended on the Island itself. Actually, outside of how short the Jack vs. Locke battle was I thought it was very good.

The alternate timeline ending left me a little disappointed, but I understand the reasoning behind it. What I really liked were the final words spoken between Hurley and Linus at the Church. It gave an indication that their years on the island together were good and Ben used his second chance to redeem himself. I did not like that Sayid did not end up with Nadia after all of those years trying to be with her, but I suppose it was not in the cards.

The only thing that disappointed me about the ending was that Michael wasn't there. I guess that could mean he wasn't dead.
CliffnMesquite;3412356 said:
I haver seen a single epsiode. Might pick up season one and check it out.

I don't know if there are still there but at one time ABC had every episode on their website.
StanleySpadowski;3412202 said:
Worst television since the shower in Dallas.

They took what had great potential and turned it into a 2 1/2 hour chick flick.

They took what should have been the ultimate battle Jack v. Flocke, good v. evil, science v. faith.......and prematurely ended it with a gunshot so they'd have more time for that crap?

Every time I think there's a show that tests intelligence they dumb it down to the least common denominator or IQ.

If you watched 6 seasons of the show and came to the understanding the show is about "Jack vs Locke", "Good vs Evil" or "Science vs Faith", I think you missed the point entirely.

The thing is that they did test your intelligence. Especially your ability to not think the show needed to end like The Matrix trilogy with people flying and hurling lightning bolts at each other, and you completely failed. ;)
Couple questions...

What did time travel have to do with LOST?

What was Whitmore's character all about?

Was the flashsideways just a purgetory place made up of everyone who died before they crossed to the other side?

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