It kills me to say this about Roy *Merge*


Mr. Wright
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BigDFan5;1778748 said:
I vote for the user title to be "Almost as smart as dirt"

Hostile;1778753 said:
Hmm, should we have a poll?


Anyone wanna make a bet that involvs changing our user name to whatever the popular vote is on a public poll?

This would be the single greatest bet ever on a forum, as great as that is :D


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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dallasfaniac;1778242 said:
The funny thing: Most people can't realize that the grass is ALWAYS greener.

I did a test and went to 5 different Steelers forums. Each and every one had a thread in them calling out Troy Polamalu. Each and every one had the fans chanting for someone else because he hasn't played like the 2004 season.

One site said if they had Bob Sanders, they wouldn't have lost yesterday. Another wished they had Roy because he can cover like Troy but can actually tackle, even if it is a horse collar.

Some of you people need to start watching highlights of other teams like you were fans of the other teams. When you see a TD highlight, check to see who gave it up, you might be surpised.

I think anyone who posts that Williams should be benched, replaced or cut should be required to A) tell what other team they watch for every game of the season; B) tell that they focus on that team's strong safety play and/or C) do that for a season before being overly critical of Roy.

Shockey and Cooley are two of the best tight ends in the league, but we expect Williams to not give up catches to them. We expect Williams to be better in coverage than other NFL strong safeties. We expect too much.

Isolation of a receiver or top tight end on a strong safety is a matchup offensive coordinators drool over. The offensive player might lose some of those battles, but they are going to win far more than they lose.

The thing is even if people just watch the opponents in Dallas' games and look at what Witten does when he draws single safety coverage, you think they'd understand this. It's the reason some teams have put a corner on Witten and most teams run a linebacker(s) underneath and safety over the top of him.


The Duke
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Logging out without rising to the challenge.

I like that one. Enjoy it.


Salary Cap Analyst
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Rampage;1778615 said:
that's cause statboy keeps saying he only gave up 4 catches for 24 yards against shockey.

It was four for 23.

i'm saying he also gave up a 23 yard completion to toomer.

That completion was against Burnett. Luckily, Roy read the play early and prevented it from being a big gain.

roy hesitated in his zone the same way he did on the cooley td. i'm right about the toomer completion

You're wrong. Toomer's catch didn't come in Roy's zone, it came in Burnett's zone. Roy was playing the deep zone on the right side (defense's right, offense's left). Toomer didn't continue up the seam into Roy's zone, like Cooley did. Toomer ran a 15-yard in across the middle, right behind Burnett, and caught the ball at the left hash (defense's left, offense's right). What kind of zone coverage would ask the right-side safety to leave his deep zone and cross over to the intermediate zone on the other side to break up a pass right behind the middle linebacker, when he's got another receiver on his side running a deep route into his zone? Roy read the play and made the tackle, but the catch certainly wasn't against him.

Here's the Giants' pre-snap alignment --


^--- They have two wide receivers and a tight end to the defense's right, one wide receiver to the defense's left and a back to the left of the quarterback (from the defense's viewpoint).

We have five defenders at the line, one linebacker in the middle and Newman in the slot. The four outside guys at the line rush the passer, and the nose tackle (Ratliff) drops off and picks up the running back in the left flat.

Here's three seconds after the snap --


^--- You can see Ratliff covering the back (he's on the superimposed "3rd") in the left flat and Newman at the top on our 44, waiting to see if Shockey releases into the flat.

Going back to immediately after the snap, here's the positioning of Newman, Roy and Burnett --


^--- Burnett is in the middle, shaded toward the tight end's side of the line. Roy is in his deep half, well outside the right hashmarks. Newman is in the right flat, set to jam Toomer coming off the line.

Manning has time in the pocket, letting the receivers run longer routes. Sinorice Moss, the outside receiver on the right, runs a deep in/post past Henry. Toomer runs a deep in and crosses to the other side of the field. On the left side against Reeves, Burress runs a deep hook.

Now let's look at where Toomer catches the ball --


^--- Toomer catches the ball clear over the on left hasmarks, not on Roy's half of the field. Notice where Sinorice Moss is in the upper right -- in Roy's deep zone, with Henry in a trailing position (as he should be in zone coverage with a deep safety). Notice Hamlin in the lower right by the "0" in "40." Burress' route pulled him up out of the deep zone, meaning that Toomer would have had a lot of open field if Roy hadn't made the tackle. And there's Reeves at the very bottom around the 40-yard line, covering Burress (who is off the screen).

Now notice Burnett (in the middle of the photo, with his foot on the first-down line). He's 5 yards in front of Toomer, which allowed Manning to throw the ball right over his head. He actually took a step forward as Toomer crossed behind him, which made it an even easier throw. There is no receiver running underneath to keep him from getting a proper drop. He just doesn't drop far enough, and Toomer is able to get behind him for the catch. If you want to see how he should have played it, watch Ayodele earlier in the quarter against Shockey, or Roy against McCardell late in the third quarter against the Commanders or Ware against Cooley early in the fourth quarter. All of them got great depth on their drops (14-15 yards) and were either able to knock the ball away or force a difficult pass that fell incomplete. When you're too shallow, it makes for an easy completion right over your head.

Now let's pretend that Roy was supposed to be where Toomer is in time to break up the pass. I don't have PhotoShop, so this MS Paint beauty will have to suffice --


^--- Wow. Who's covering Sinorice Moss deep over the middle? Who's zone is he in? How could Roy blow that coverage???

Yeah, let's expect Roy to be two places at once, 15 yards apart, no matter where his zone actually is.

the kid 05

Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds
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can we change Adams name to Mr. Know it all :)


Well-Known Member
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I'd say thats case closed.......

And thats a hell of a job with MS paint.


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hey adam, isn't that a little too much space to be asking a mlb to cover? serious question


Well-Known Member
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Rampage;1779054 said:
hey adam, isn't that a little too much space to be asking a mlb to cover? serious question

Man-to-Man on a WR, Yes. Zone, No.


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Rampage;1779054 said:
hey adam, isn't that a little too much space to be asking a mlb to cover? serious question

That's why the best Cover 2 teams in the league have very fast MLBs. In certain situations, a MLB, in zone coverage, has to go back pretty dang far. Did you see how far back Washington's MLB was on some of their plays?


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Ozzu;1779056 said:
That's why the best Cover 2 teams in the league have very fast MLBs. In certain situations, a MLB, in zone coverage, has to go back pretty dang far. Did you see how far back Washington's MLB was on some of their plays?
has our mlb's been given this information?:laugh1:


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Rampage;1779057 said:
has our mlb's been given this information?:laugh1:

I'm not sure, but we saw a lot of it last year too when our defense started to falter. We'd see James chasing 5 yards behind some receiver and giving Roy basically no chance in the play.

I think it's been less of a problem this year, but it still shows up.


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Next_years_Champs;1778375 said:
Geez your a dim bulb, The Giants scored 2 TDs and the Commanders scored 2 TDs.


In some school systems, that would be 5.;)


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TVMan;1779064 said:
In some school systems, that would be 5.;)

Well I understand some teachers don't want to hurt students self esteem and all. Fortunately (although I didn't think so at the time) I went to a Catholic grade school and the Nuns would just bust me over the head.


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The top teams in this league are passing teams right now and that is what our problem is.We where hammered against The Pats because of the pass and Favre is a pretty good QB as well. If we don't pressure him into alot of mistakes he will torch our secondary now and in the playoffs.

I would like to see us draft a top safety and a corner with our top picks this year. The way the league is giving the WR the advantage compared to years past it puts even more emphasis on having superior athletes in the secondary.


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rlgiv;1779146 said:
I would like to see us draft a top safety and a corner with our top picks this year.

I get what you are saying and it makes sense, but we have a lot of guys to take care of after the season is over.

Do we keep Hamlin? How much? It wont be cheap.
Do we extend Newman? How much?
Do we keep Reeves?
Do we keep Davis?

FAs to consider...

Madieu Williams
Eugene Wilson