It's 3 of our LBers and our NT


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I see so many people go on and on about not understanding why Pitts defense is so much better than ours. So I started a thread. Our ILBs are never going to allow our defense to look like theres. Greg Ellis is shuold NEVER play standing up. Period. And where are the people with guts in this organization to SIT HIM DOWN. We are at the point of desperation....he needs to play BEHIND Spencer. Our ILBs are "just a guy". Nothing fast, physical, or bonecrushing about them. And we need a REAL NT. Jay Ratliff is a DE playing NT...we need a real NT. Spears has the body for it, but I guess he does not have the mental toughness to play it.


if you ain't first, you're last
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We really need a Nose Tackle like Casey Hampton and Shift Ratliff to DE.


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bbailey423;2399021 said:
I see so many people go on and on about not understanding why Pitts defense is so much better than ours. So I started a thread. Our ILBs are never going to allow our defense to look like theres. Greg Ellis is shuold NEVER play standing up. Period. And where are the people with guts in this organization to SIT HIM DOWN. We are at the point of desperation....he needs to play BEHIND Spencer. Our ILBs are "just a guy". Nothing fast, physical, or bonecrushing about them. And we need a REAL NT. Jay Ratliff is a DE playing NT...we need a real NT. Spears has the body for it, but I guess he does not have the mental toughness to play it.
You are right on the money. and i was saying the same thing back this summer.we also need better ILB's. but nothing will change.

Chuck 54

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I agree about our LBs...I actually like Brady James and think he gets a raw deal from fans...he is what he is, but he tries. Zach Thomas is a wiley veteran who also runs around, giving the effort, but he's no 3-4 stud.

However, an even bigger problem than the lbs, or just as big, is the front line. Our DEs absolutely suck...Canty and Spears would be hard pressed to even make the rotation on a real 3-4 defense.

I know it sounds stupid, and I'm most likely wrong, but sometimes I think we have too many #1 draft picks on our defense (among other high picks)...too many guys for whom things came easy...we have very few lunch-pail type guys who worked their way and know how to give that effort and work all day long...funny that Ratliff is our best DLman, but he brings that blue-collar work ethic.


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I think Ratliff is doing a good job although Shaun Rogers would be a lot better....D'Qwell Jackson would be nice.......


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wayne motley;2399060 said:
I agree about our LBs...I actually like Brady James and think he gets a raw deal from fans...he is what he is, but he tries. Zach Thomas is a wiley veteran who also runs around, giving the effort, but he's no 3-4 stud.

Raw deal? The guy flat out sucks and he is starting. He hasn't really gotten called out since Wade got here. The Giants exposed his sorry butt again this week, burning him twice on passing downs. He is horrible and holds this defense down.

Too bad we have Bobby Carpenter to 'challenge' him...


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Our starting DE think their ONLY job is to stop the run. If they luck into 1 sack a season, they think it is gravy for us :rolleyes:

big dog cowboy

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bbailey423;2399021 said:
Greg Ellis is shuold NEVER play standing up. Period. And where are the people with guts in this organization to SIT HIM DOWN. We are at the point of desperation....he needs to play BEHIND Spencer.
Had Spencer been healthy all season I have no doubts he would be the starter.


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wayne motley;2399060 said:
However, an even bigger problem than the lbs, or just as big, is the front line. Our DEs absolutely suck...Canty and Spears would be hard pressed to even make the rotation on a real 3-4 defense.

I think Spears has played well at times this year. Seems like its hard to keep his motor running for an entire game, let alone week in and week out.

Canty's play has fallen off a cliff. I laughed when Canty got that clean up sack on Manning (when pressure up the middle forced Manning to roll out to his left) and he celebrated like he had blown by his defender and buried Manning. If Canty hadn't been blocked so far out of the play (one-on-one, no less), he wouldn't have been in position to make it.

Chuck 54

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I like how Canty makes 2-3 tackles all season, but he celebrates and poses after each one.

Chuck 54

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ykc;2399185 said:
Our starting DE think their ONLY job is to stop the run. rolleyes:

Sadly, they aren't doing that very well.


if you ain't first, you're last
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I think Spears does his job as a 3-4 End which is holding ground, but Canty hasn't done much this year, I bet He regrets turning down that Extension now, I still think Ratliff should be playing end.


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I honestly think that Zach and Bradie are playing below average.....

I dont know if they are not getting protected well enough in this system....are our interior DL playing poorly?

But these inside LB's are not difference makers here....Both are replaceable IMHO.


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Thats the rub though, think about this,

wade said when he came aboard the team last year, he looked at film and said, a linebacker wasnt making plays, and they shouild get another linebacker, that player wade was talking about was bradie james;

then on NT what did wade say that he likes about NT, wade said i like smaller quicker NT's,

i disagree with wade, at NT you need to be big, and physical to occupy 2 blockers and tie up the middle,

i point to the buffalos defense that the cowboys played in the superbowls, in 90's our offensive line smothered their NT because he was too small, etc

so theres alot of the rub, along with drafting bobby carpenter whom is a 4-3 linebacker, even the cowboys players called him barbie doll in practice,

add those things and u see why we are bad on defense

what made us good last year, was we were scoring big and teams had to throw nad we could just tee off on the QB, now the cowboys arent doing anything on offense


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Number 56 will never be a guy the offense is worried about. He is what he is as Parcells use to say. Parcells use to get on 56.

Our defense has always been over-rated and horrible. If it wasn't for Romo and the offense, we would have been KILT by the Eagles on Monday night.


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I am beginning to wonder about the cowboys coaches gameplanning now,

why, we have now on the cowboys offense 2 big key dominnat WR's in T O and Roy Wiliams with Witten or Bennett going down the middle of the field

Have you seen any new formations or the cowboys moving T O around like the 49ers did with jerry rice to get a mismatch no

remember when we got killed on defense, and jerry jones blew up, and there were words that wade had to demote stewart, and take over defense, but what happened in the giants game,

players were screaming at each other about gaps, did good ole wade turn the defense back over to stewart and let him run part of it,

sure the cowboys will come out fired out about playing the Commanders and paying them back, etc, but if the atmosphere of everything is ok, nothing is changed, dont worry about it that comes from good ole wade, then the cowboys will slump back into their old ways just like ole wade.

granted the players have to play, but the coaches have to have a great gameplans here on out;

did you see that when the cowboys got back into the game against the giants, and they were going to put in bollinger, then not, then were, then put in brad johnson, they hem hawed around on calling a play, indecision, and brad was late getting the play set up etc, you could see romo screaming on the sidelines, but it was too late, and sure enough brad johnson threw a flutter duck ball that was intercepted,

and you just watch, say the cowboys beat the Commanders, good ole wade will give the cowboy players monday and tuesday off against the Commanders

the coaches look like they dont know what they are doing and that is going over to the players to me, total confussion, its not good,


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next year get a real bone crushing ILB...get rid of bradie...move rat to end and get a real NT...start spencer...thenn we will be good


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STSINAZ;2399514 said:
next year get a real bone crushing ILB...get rid of bradie...move rat to end and get a real NT...start spencer...thenn we will be good

Might need some help in the secondary also. This defense NEEDS ALOT of help.

Chocolate Lab

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Bailey's first post is right on.

The shame of it is that with just one good draft (and a little luck), we could add that NT and a quick ILB or two. If you just put a really good big NT in the middle of this D and hit on an aggressive and fast ILB in the draft -- and those guys can usually be found after the first round -- it would make a world of difference for our D.

That's why some of us were disappointed that we gave a 1st and 3rd for Roy Williams, as much as we might like him as a player.

It's also why some of us were so happy we drafted Spencer. He's just the kind of real rush backer this kind of defense needs, and we didn't wait until Ellis was completely ready for pasture to draft him. But we need to have some foresight and draft guys a year or two ahead of time at other positions, too.


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Chocolate Lab;2399533 said:
Bailey's first post is right on.

The shame of it is that with just one good draft (and a little luck), we could add that NT and a quick ILB or two. If you just put a really good big NT in the middle of this D and hit on an aggressive and fast ILB in the draft -- and those guys can usually be found after the first round -- it would make a world of difference for our D.

That's why some of us were disappointed that we gave a 1st and 3rd for Roy Williams, as much as we might like him as a player.

The problem with this is that the Cowboys have missed on alot of defensive players in the draft. Brady James, Kevin Burnett, Spears, Carpenter, etc. All high draft picks. These defensive players are all over-rated with the exception of Ware and Ratliff.