It's 3 of our LBers and our NT


Optimist Prime
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You may have a point, Eddie! We'll need to get some new OLBs because 94 and 93 should be moved to DEs and 99 and 96 would be shown the door (which I'm sure won't break many hearts in the Zone)!

Bob Sacamano

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we need quick DEs, get a NT and move Ratliff over, and we improve our D by 25%

need quick LBs too, Bradie is good at his role, not on 3rd downs though, but we need a faster guy at WILB, Zach isn't as fast as he used to be, or he's just not comfortable in this D, we need an ILB who's capable of playing on 3 downs

a 3rd pass-rusher could help, albeit another OLB, a ILB, or a safety, hell, send Henry on more corner blitzes


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BehindEnemyLinez;2400324 said:
You may have a point, Eddie! We'll need to get some new OLBs because 94 and 93 should be moved to DEs and 99 and 96 would be shown the door (which I'm sure won't break many hearts in the Zone)!

Yes, Spencer and Ware would move to the DE spots in the new 4-3, and Ratliff, Canty, and Spears would rotate at the DT's.

Ellis would be gone.

Two new OLB's would need to be brought in while James mans the middle.

Not a terribly difficult job to do. Better than what we have now.


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BehindEnemyLinez;2400324 said:
You may have a point, Eddie! We'll need to get some new OLBs because 94 and 93 should be moved to DEs and 99 and 96 would be shown the door (which I'm sure won't break many hearts in the Zone)!

99 and 96 should be back up tackles in a 4-3, Ware and Spencer are either 4-3 DE's or 3-4 OLB's. Right now I'd like to see us use a 4-3 set in the 2nd half because our line is getting gased. We are giving up to much push in the middle, mainly because the O can't sustain drives, The D is on the field to long and it's making our guys look mediocre. We currently use a 4-3 set when running the nickle and dime package anyways, so why not tweak it some? We need to get creative here because this D-line is getting pummeled. I don't ever want to see Greg Ellis in coverage again, it's stupid, it's idiotic, and it's assinine. Same goes for Brady James. We need more bodies on the line absorbing the blockers so the LB's don't have to. I hate seeing our secondary bring down running backs....
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I was ticked off last draft when we didn't get a NT. A 3-4's foundation is the NT. Therefore, your NT needs to be great, not just good. Also, as was said, Ratliff would be much more effective at DE. As far as our LBs, we need to go by the Steeler formula. I KNEW they would draft Lamarr Woodley out of Michigan. He's just their kind of guy. Well, if THEY can draft their kind of guy, why can't we.

We draft LBs who are finesse players. Finesse is Latin for "Men who have no reproductive organs". We need to trade Carp for whatever we can get for him. He would make a decent 4-3 'Backer, but he was never meant to play this scheme. When they drafted James, he couldn't even tear a tissue, as Parcells use to say. We need to start bringing in high character FOOTBALL PLAYERS, instead of prima donnas.

I pray that Stephen Jones has the sense his dad doesn't & hires a personnel director. When you have a very good one, it makes all the difference in the world. When you don't, you draft & recruit players with no heart. Guess which category we fall into.


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Billy Bullocks;2400191 said:
Toomer's TD...weak zone. He just found a fat hole.

Boss' TD...soft zone..cover 2 it looked like....Brady James looking hopeless. The safety had to react to the post by Smith, as well as Boss going to the corner.

I agree. The team isn't nearly aggressive enough.

Sadly, I almsot think that our team doesn't have hte balls to play aggressively. By that I mean we don't have what it takes to come back after giving up a big play. If we blitzed and had our corners 1 on 1, I could see teams beating us deep every once in a while...our team seems like they would just fold after that sort of set back.

That was man 2 man coverage. James got beat.


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Wow. I'm shocked by the comments about Bradie. I always thought of him as a solid linebacker. By no means a liability like some seem to state. He's not good in coverage. What linebacker is? And that's not an excuse. I'd like to hold these players accountable but find me a better option.


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rocyaice;2404535 said:
Wow. I'm shocked by the comments about Bradie. I always thought of him as a solid linebacker. By no means a liability like some seem to state. He's not good in coverage. What linebacker is? And that's not an excuse. I'd like to hold these players accountable but find me a better option.

Sure it isn't.

James got beat for a TD by a TE that couldn't outrun Flozell Adams in the 40. He's a HUGE liability in coverage and he's only "Solid" vs the run and that's only if it's between the tackles... sometimes.


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Rack;2404551 said:
Sure it isn't.

James got beat for a TD by a TE that couldn't outrun Flozell Adams in the 40. He's a HUGE liability in coverage and he's only "Solid" vs the run and that's only if it's between the tackles... sometimes.

He has problems in coverage. What linebacker doesn't? They'd be safety's if they were better in coverage. I think its all overblown to be honest with you. IMO, we don't have a linebacker who's good in coverage which is what hurts us. And I say that loosely because this year we actually haven't been getting beat by tight ends and fullbacks this year. And you say he's solid against the run as if that's something that isn't important. That his role on this team. We've been getting hurt by the run but I wouldn't put it on Bradie's shoulders. There's a problem on the right side of the field for us.


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rocyaice;2404583 said:
He has problems in coverage. What linebacker doesn't? They'd be safety's if they were better in coverage. I think its all overblown to be honest with you. IMO, we don't have a linebacker who's good in coverage which is what hurts us. And I say that loosely because this year we actually haven't been getting beat by tight ends and fullbacks this year. And you say he's solid against the run as if that's something that isn't important. That his role on this team. We've been getting hurt by the run but I wouldn't put it on Bradie's shoulders. There's a problem on the right side of the field for us.
Bradie James is an average LBer....which would NOT be so bad if we have a monster NT and/or the other ILBer was very good. If you want to fully appreciate the LBers in a 3-4...look at Pitt and Baltimore. Threre is a reason both defenses are far superior to ours.


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cowboyjoe;2399466 said:
Thats the rub though, think about this,

wade said when he came aboard the team last year, he looked at film and said, a linebacker wasnt making plays, and they shouild get another linebacker, that player wade was talking about was bradie james;

then on NT what did wade say that he likes about NT, wade said i like smaller quicker NT's,

i disagree with wade, at NT you need to be big, and physical to occupy 2 blockers and tie up the middle,

i point to the buffalos defense that the cowboys played in the superbowls, in 90's our offensive line smothered their NT because he was too small, etc

so theres alot of the rub, along with drafting bobby carpenter whom is a 4-3 linebacker, even the cowboys players called him barbie doll in practice,

add those things and u see why we are bad on defense

what made us good last year, was we were scoring big and teams had to throw nad we could just tee off on the QB, now the cowboys arent doing anything on offense

Buffalo played a 3-4?


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Rack;2404551 said:
Sure it isn't.

James got beat for a TD by a TE that couldn't outrun Flozell Adams in the 40. He's a HUGE liability in coverage and he's only "Solid" vs the run and that's only if it's between the tackles... sometimes. NFL Expert Tom Marino said that Boss "really put on a show" at the NFL Combine. "He's a natural catcher who extends well to the ball," he said. "And he's one of those guys who can pluck the ball out of the air, using a good ability to adjust to the ball ... A clutch receiver who really excels in the short-passing game. When he catches the ball underneath, he's got the size and speed to create problems for the smaller players in the secondary ... Raised some eyebrows at the Combine by posting the best three cone score of any TE at the Combine and finishing in the top five amongst TEs in all categories he participated in except the 40-yard dash (7th) ... high quality character guy.

It seems he's apretty good athelete
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wayne motley;2399060 said:
I agree about our LBs...I actually like Brady James and think he gets a raw deal from fans...he is what he is, but he tries. Zach Thomas is a wiley veteran who also runs around, giving the effort, but he's no 3-4 stud.

Absolutely right.....

Both play with a lot of heart and effort. But Zach is what he is ... a 5'10 overachiever. Brady is a slow ILB and we need a more athletic and physical presence to play the position. I love them both because they dont quit but they are both too easily exposed.

Zach needs a running start to get in on a play and Bradie can't and shouldnt be covering anyone.


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We dont have Dick Lebuea so its time to switch to the 4-3.Much easier with our players.We could have ellis as a lineman always then.


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It's sad to think that we have done almost nothing but draft defensive players over the last 6 years or so, especially LB'ers, and we STILL fall short on defense by quite a bit.


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Spears is a good run defender. I would just bulk him up 10-20 pounds and stick him at NT and put Ratliff outside like they did some in preseason.


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aikemirv;2404860 said:
Spears is a good run defender. I would just bulk him up 10-20 pounds and stick him at NT and put Ratliff outside like they did some in preseason.

He would just be a miserable fat body then.


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streetcredit;2404754 said: NFL Expert Tom Marino said that Boss "really put on a show" at the NFL Combine.

I stopped reading right there.

They don't play football at the Combine.

rocyaice;2404583 said:
He has problems in coverage. What linebacker doesn't?

James doesn't "have problems in coverage". He's a huge LIABILITY in coverage.

Do you understand the difference?


Vet Min Plus
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Rack;2404942 said:
I stopped reading right there.

They don't play football at the Combine.

James doesn't "have problems in coverage". He's a huge LIABILITY in coverage.

Do you understand the difference?

As in Billions of dollars down the drain liability.:)


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Rack;2400119 said:
That said part II, I still want James benched. YOu don't have to have a good NG to cover a slow TE. James has always been and always will be a huge liability in coverage. A lot of you Roy haters out there, a lot of the "Mistakes" you claim Roy made were mostly James' fault. And that's just another reason to give Carp some reps (at least). He's a helluva lot faster and better in coverage than James.

Akin AYodele was about as bad in coverage as was Bradie James... They bought were confused and often getting smoked...