It's 3 of our LBers and our NT


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I agree, with our top pick we should draft a NT or ILB, both positions can be found in round 2


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Look at all the ILB's that we have drafted high. Carpenter, Burnett, James. HORRIBLE!!!!


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QuanTran;2400078 said:
Look at all the ILB's that we have drafted high. Carpenter, Burnett, James. HORRIBLE!!!!
Carpenter....not mean or but brittle and not physical...James...physical...but too stiff. The first think you HAVE to be as a LBers is on Gods green earth you use a 1st round pick on a LBer that is not physical is just puzzling. I mean the Steelers were punishing the Skins last night. The Skins look like some scared high schoolers.


Federal Agent
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I still don't understand how people say Carpenter is "Horrible". He hasn't been given anything even remotely close to a fair shot in Dallas. The guy hasn't played enough to show that he's "Horrible" and the last 2-3 games he started (especially the last one) he played very good.

James sucks. I say bench him and let Carp have a shot at it. If he sucks it up then we know FOR SURE he was a mistake and we can go ahead and get rid of both of them.

That said, both our ILB's would be performing better if we had a big run stuffing NG. So would both DE's.

If you're running the 3-4 and you don't have a REALLY good NG, then you don't have jack.

That said part II, I still want James benched. YOu don't have to have a good NG to cover a slow TE. James has always been and always will be a huge liability in coverage. A lot of you Roy haters out there, a lot of the "Mistakes" you claim Roy made were mostly James' fault. And that's just another reason to give Carp some reps (at least). He's a helluva lot faster and better in coverage than James.


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I just think the Cowboys have bad luck with drafting Defensive players high with the exception of Ware.

Shante Carver, Kavika Pittman, Ekebun, Greg Ellis (i know i know, but would rather have Moss :) ), Spears, 56, Burnett, Carpenter, etc...

I even think Newman and Roy are questionable for how high they went.

Wasn't a big Jenkins fan like most of the board was when we drafted him. Spencer looks injury prone.

Dallas D is just horrible again this year.

Billy Bullocks

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AmishCowboy;2399041 said:
We really need a Nose Tackle like Casey Hampton and Shift Ratliff to DE.

We had that with Ferguson. Was he as good as Hampton, no. But damn it, he demanded a double team. But it seems Jerry decided Tank was adequate...or at least a bigger name and more marketable.

I like Ratliff alot. And if there is any competence in our F.O., he's taking either Spears or Canty's spot next year.


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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wayne motley;2399205 said:
I like how Canty makes 2-3 tackles all season, but he celebrates and poses after each one.



When things are rare, they're more meaningful.


Federal Agent
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Billy Bullocks;2400131 said:
We had that with Ferguson. Was he as good as Hampton, no. But damn it, he demanded a double team. But it seems Jerry decided Tank was adequate...or at least a bigger name and more marketable.

I like Ratliff alot. And if there is any competence in our F.O., he's taking either Spears or Canty's spot next year.



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AmishCowboy;2399041 said:
We really need a Nose Tackle like Casey Hampton and Shift Ratliff to DE.

I'm wondering why we dont try Spears at NT and Ratliff and End. I really think this would help the run and pass defense.

Why try it in preseason and never try it in games? I hope this is one of the changes Wade was hinting at.


Optimist Prime
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I'll interject with a disagreement here. I think the main difference between ours and Pitt's defense is the COORDINATOR! They play fast, aggressive, and trust their CBs in single man coverage while Wade and/or Stew continue to call soft, unimaginative, mundane blitz schemes that wouldn't catch my son's Pop Warner team off guard! LeBeau was sending guys from everywhere and with seemingly reckless abandon...when have you seen that outta our 3-4 since it's been implemented here? I'd like to see Dallas "release the hounds" and in attack mode because I seriously doubt it's raw talent that separates our defensive players from theirs. We should've given Capers the D/C job...too bad Wade is too loyal for his own good and it'll probably end up costing him his job if this isn't turned around!

Billy Bullocks

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Toomer's TD...weak zone. He just found a fat hole.

Boss' TD...soft zone..cover 2 it looked like....Brady James looking hopeless. The safety had to react to the post by Smith, as well as Boss going to the corner.

I agree. The team isn't nearly aggressive enough.

Sadly, I almsot think that our team doesn't have hte balls to play aggressively. By that I mean we don't have what it takes to come back after giving up a big play. If we blitzed and had our corners 1 on 1, I could see teams beating us deep every once in a while...our team seems like they would just fold after that sort of set back.


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BehindEnemyLinez;2400176 said:
I'll interject with a disagreement here. I think the main difference between ours and Pitt's defense is the COORDINATOR! They play fast, aggressive, and trust their CBs in single man coverage while Wade and/or Stew continue to call soft, unimaginative, mundane blitz schemes that wouldn't catch my son's Pop Warner team off guard! LeBeau was sending guys from everywhere and with seemingly reckless abandon...when have you seen that outta our 3-4 since it's been implemented here? I'd like to see Dallas "release the hounds" and in attack mode because I seriously doubt it's raw talent that separates our defensive players from theirs. We should've given Capers the D/C job...too bad Wade is too loyal for his own good and it'll probably end up costing him his job if this isn't turned around!
disagree...James and Thomas do not have the speed and verstailtiy to do what Pitt does with their ILBers...and to do what Pitt does...Ellis would have to drop back in coverage at times...and you know that would send him straight to Jerrys office complaining....your LBers almost have to be interchangeable to pull off what Pitt does. These LBers were crafted to be LBers in the 1980s 3-4 mold....which is why Parcells had Bradie James at 265...and Wade wants him at 240....he is what he average player...and Zach is good in short tight spaces only..but because our front 3 get blown off the ball...Zach is not even touching the ball carrier until he hsa 5 or 6 yards and a full head of steam. Zach is much more effective if he can get to the ball carrier before the ball carrier gets goin good. Ratliff is a DE playing NT. We need a flat out ballling ILB....and we need a big ugly sitting on the Wilfok in New England


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BehindEnemyLinez;2400176 said:
I'll interject with a disagreement here. I think the main difference between ours and Pitt's defense is the COORDINATOR! They play fast, aggressive, and trust their CBs in single man coverage while Wade and/or Stew continue to call soft, unimaginative, mundane blitz schemes that wouldn't catch my son's Pop Warner team off guard! LeBeau was sending guys from everywhere and with seemingly reckless abandon...when have you seen that outta our 3-4 since it's been implemented here? I'd like to see Dallas "release the hounds" and in attack mode because I seriously doubt it's raw talent that separates our defensive players from theirs. We should've given Capers the D/C job...too bad Wade is too loyal for his own good and it'll probably end up costing him his job if this isn't turned around!

I also disagree. We never had the personnel. I'm afraid we won't see the personnel anytime soon with Jerry being the GM.


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The Cowboys have spend so many high draft picks on defense. For the defense to play the way it has the past years; it's ridiculous. Come on, we had hopes on Justin Berriaut or Berry-o. That's how sad it has been.


Optimist Prime
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We haven't seen a REAL 3-4 defense to begin with so how can you say it's the talent?! All I'm saying is if we played that aggressive style like Pittsburgh does I'm sure we wouldn't be having this conversation! If you switch d/c's do you think the Steelers "d" would be half as successful?


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They have a guy name Troy Palamalu. Roy Williams and Ken Hamlin couldn't even hold his jock. That is talent, not what we have...


Optimist Prime
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QuanTran;2400269 said:
They have a guy name Troy Palamalu. Roy Williams and Ken Hamlin couldn't even hold his jock. That is talent, not what we have...'re saying if Wade/Stew were in Pitt their defense still would be head and shoulders better than Dallas' with LeBeau because THAT was my question? Besides, I'd take our secondary over Pitt's, collectively, anyday! Except for TP, they're ordinary...


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I think it's time to scratch this nonsense 3-4 D. It hasn't worked.

Time to go back to the 4-3 after the season ends.