It's Far from OVER...


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I guess all the doomsayers are posting tonight... I have a different take. The NFL is a week to week league. Yes The Pats were strong last year but beatable. The Giants were left for dead last year at this point in the season and well they won the big one. So we now find ourselves at the same crossroads. I knew we would get blown out today for obvious reasons average D and NO QB. Brad Johnson is garbage. (Yes we can blame jerry for not bringing in a solid Back up) This is not new, but we again killed ourselves with turnovers and penalties with Back-ups and rookies. So Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this season is far from over. But when Tony comes back he will utilize this offense to its full potential no doubt about it. Our team is built on the Offense not the Defense. We need to score 40 + points a game, and the D needs to be able to bend but not break. I feel no need to go into the whole structure of the team but just deal with what we have. The line is built around Romo; the real test is in 2 weeks we cannot lose to the skins. And then we still have 2 more division games, the giants will drop 4 of the next 6 games. I still think we can run the table. The team now must focus and believe in each other and not point fingers. This is it. We can write all day long blame him blame him blame him it doesn't matter, all that matters is how you finish the season. We still have the potential to be great don’t lose sight of it, it will turn around, It’s far from over. I hope the players haven’t given up on themselves, I still believe in the team; I would like to hear from positive Cowboy fans out here who feel the same way.


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IF we beat the skins, we have the 49er's and Seahawks next. 8-4 is easily in our reach, IF we beat the skins.


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Smith22;2394365 said:
IF we beat the skins, we have the 49er's and Seahawks next. 8-4 is easily in our reach, IF we beat the skins.

Yes we cannot lose to the Skins, 100%. The giants and or the Skins will lose a bunch of games So dont count us out just yet. But we need to beat the SKINS


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ilovejerry;2394385 said:
Yes we cannot lose to the Skins, 100%. The giants and or the Skins will lose a bunch of games So dont count us out just yet. But we need to beat the SKINS

How do you suggest we are going to beat the skins? Are we magically going to figure out to stop committing stupid penalties? Is the OL going to magically figure out how to play again? What about the defense? We gave up 200 yards of rushing today. How are we going to contain Portis?

If we are going to beat the skins, we need to hope for massive injuries for them tomorrow night vs. the Steelers.....


Cowboy for Life
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come on man, just admit it. its over. the sooner we realize this the sooner we can talk draft.


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links18;2394403 said:
How do you suggest we are going to beat the skins? Are we magically going to figure out to stop committing stupid penalties? Is the OL going to magically figure out how to play again? What about the defense? We gave up 200 yards of rushing today. How are we going to contain Portis?

If we are going to beat the skins, we need to hope for massive injuries for them tomorrow night vs. the Steelers.....

The Giants had the ball for what 40 plus minutes ? When we have the ball and Romo we can execute long drives or match them points for points. With the starting QB. OL is built for Romo not a drop back 40 year old bum QB. The D sucks I have been saying this all year. Hopefully we get TDS they get Field goal. We need to stop turning over the ball and penalties obviously


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zeroburrito;2394419 said:
come on man, just admit it. its over. the sooner we realize this the sooner we can talk draft.

No way..I'M not that impressed with the competition


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Well I will agree with you that it is a week to week league.

And when romo is back, if he is sharp this offense is going to be tough to stop.

But this defense will do nothing but let us down, throw in the penalties, the turnovers and short kickoffs and I think the end is closer than many want to believe.

there are only 4 teams with worse records in the nfc and one, the rams blew us out.


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theebs;2394465 said:
Well I will agree with you that it is a week to week league.

And when romo is back, if he is sharp this offense is going to be tough to stop.

But this defense will do nothing but let us down, throw in the penalties, the turnovers and short kickoffs and I think the end is closer than many want to believe.

there are only 4 teams with worse records in the nfc and one, the rams blew us out.

The D sucks no doubt about it, But the Team is built on offense, I dont know what the problem is on D. 3-4 ? Campo and the other coaching ? But We can win in this leauge with our O. Going to where we want to go is another thing The D needs to get it together.


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Smith22;2394365 said:
IF we beat the skins, we have the 49er's and Seahawks next. 8-4 is easily in our reach, IF we beat the skins.

Let's just worry about the Skins first. We were supposed to win our games before this Giants game, yet lost 2 out of the 3.

This team isn't good enough to look past teams anymore.


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ilovejerry;2394491 said:
The D sucks no doubt about it, But the Team is built on offense, I dont know what the problem is on D. 3-4 ? Campo and the other coaching ? But We can win in this leauge with our O. Going to where we want to go is another thing The D needs to get it together.

Its the players. They are just not that good.. We have a couple of great players and a whole bunch of average players who think they are great players.

We can get to the playoffs because of our tremendous of offensive skill players, but we will get kicked out as soon as we get there because defense wins. always has and always will.


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theebs;2394510 said:
Its the players. They are just not that good.. We have a couple of great players and a whole bunch of average players who think they are great players.

We can get to the playoffs because of our tremendous of offensive skill players, but we will get kicked out as soon as we get there because defense wins. always has and always will.

I agree D and a running game, I think this losing will humble them and get them scared straight. I little humble pie never hurt anyone, This is starting to get good now


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The season is definitely not over. We have to beat the Skins and should win the two after that and can beat everyone else on the schedule. They just have to come out and play with some heart and desire. That is my concern. I wish Tom Coughlin was our coach. He's tough and Wade is soft as Wonder bread. We need someone who is willing to let heads roll. Parcells was good at that part but his X's and O's left a lot to be desired. That and the fact that he refused to adjust to other teams.


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zeroburrito;2394419 said:
come on man, just admit it. its over. the sooner we realize this the sooner we can talk draft.

I wonder how many Giants and Chargers fans had your attitude last year and just threw in the towel.

I really wish fans like this would just go somewhere else. Find another team. Stop watching football. Something.

For people who honestly don't think we've got any shot in the second half of the season, with all the injuried players we've got returning, is just plain insanity or complete ignorance when it comes to sports.

Joe Realist

No Kool-Aid here!
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I am not sure I see it.

  • Wade Phillips is a soft coach
  • There is a lack of leadership on this team
  • Our talent is overrated
  • We were having problems before Romo got hurt
  • We have no heart
Seems like 1997. We started off 3-0, then everything went down and we finished 6-10. I am not saying 6-10, but it is a stretch. I don't care what the Giants did last year. They are a different team with a different coach.


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dacoming;2395211 said:
The season is definitely not over. We have to beat the Skins and should win the two after that and can beat everyone else on the schedule. They just have to come out and play with some heart and desire. That is my concern. I wish Tom Coughlin was our coach. He's tough and Wade is soft as Wonder bread. We need someone who is willing to let heads roll. Parcells was good at that part but his X's and O's left a lot to be desired. That and the fact that he refused to adjust to other teams.

You know I still don't understand this mindset, These old school coaches to me don't work in today's NFL. Players today make too much money you cant just come in there and threaten them look at Plaxico Burress He told TC to " #*@*@ Off, I'm sure TC would love to get rid of him GOOD Luck, This is not 70s football not even 90s. Fans have to understand its a very slippery slope dealing with players that have big contracts and owners and coaches are on salary cap restraints. Anyways the coaches are a problem , But I don't know who is out there that can fix this..To bring in a whole coaching staff takes a few years get the players on board, The real problem is the D Coordinator. It doesn't matter right now about coaches and all this... We are at the mid way point buckle up and play end of story. we have just as good a chance ( when healthy ) as everyone else..