It's just a matter of time, muchachos


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Boysboy;2303785 said:
1) Nobody idolizes Wade

2) Wade can't motivate the players all by himself. There has to be guys on the team that have to step up and do so. For example, Andy Reid comes off as very soft, but he has guys like Brian Dawkins firing everyone up.

3) Why couldn't Parcells motivate anyone? Of course, he's notorious for being the GREATEST motivator, but he couldn't do anything either.

There is a lot in what you say.
Thank you, beloved fellow Zoner.


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GimmeTheBall!;2303715 said:
Though the Cowboys might turn on the defensive firepower Sunday against the Bengals -- an interception, maybe, sacks and, at last, real pressure on the QB -- it could turn out to be a one-game abberation.

What I saw last Sunday was a mini-meltdown of our defensive strategy.
Missed tackles. A failure to pressure that kid QB (I salaute his grit and accuracy). Soft coverage (again) and the attendant lack of full man-to-man that this team is capable of.
I would be remiss to mention that, lastly, I was reduced to cleaning off Yahoo Chocolate Drink off my wall when we witnessed 12 men on defense. Ms. Busty looked on disapprovingly, arms akimbo. 12 men on the field. A good idea, actually, but, alas illegal in modern football.

It makes it difficult for this died-in-the-wool Cowboy fan (since 1957) to walk hard and live hard and truly believe in a defense that we all recognize has more talent than the lineup at the Mustang Ranch. Prototype defensive players, most of them first-rounders, selected and paid well by Jerra. So many great pieces that Wade and Stew seemingly cannot put together
into a consistent and cohesive unit.

Yes, before Wade was brought in (finally! a defensive genius, we enthused!) there were the smirks and wise-guy replies that came hurtling my way when I wondered what a Swoopes could do with the emerging defensive talent.
Incredibly naive some said. Remarkably insipid and inspired by a lack of footballl knowledge.

Now, today, with our defense facing lots of questions, is there any question that a Swoopes could have done worse?

But this is not about Swoopes or a similar hard-bitten football boss.

It's about Wade. And Stew. Two defensive gurus brought in to hosannas and tributes worthy of the Second Coming.

But I would have to say -- actually guess -- that many of you today if not already disillusioned with Wade/Stew now have second thoughts about Wade's traveling show.

It's not easy assailing a coach who is likable, self-effacing (except when he loses) and humble. A man who takes great pains in not publically calling out his players for mistakes (well except the 12th man Wade ridiculed just after the head coach said he took full responsibility for the awful game). An Everyman who just happened to be the son of another former NFL head coach. A journeyman defensive coach who became a defensive "guru" and then a HC.

But Wade is not the aggressive, fire-breathing coach that fits the profile of a Super Bowl coach. I cannot name another Super Bowl coach other than Marv Levy or Red Berry who were considered quiet, nice guys without the scorched-earth theory of a Jimma Johnson or Ditka, Ryan or Cowher.

Wade has to go, mein freundes.

He's not Super Bowl material. Never was. It's been debated in his other stops as HC as to whether he was even HC material. I cannot see Wade leading this team to the Super Bowl, must less a Super Bowl win.
Yes, fling invectives and flames at this loyal Cowboys fan who only wants to see his team be a SB winner. And who questions whether a Cupcake can turns into a pound cake if you will excuse the poor metaphor.

Yet, Wade can still be the coach that Jerra believes Wade can be.
But Wade is a loyal guy. He won't can Stew. He will, instead, march through this season with the soft pass defenses. The zone that Wade believes will not open his team up to getting burned deep. Instead his team will get burned in mid-field. Instead his defensive team will continue to allow the big runs off tackle or up the middle. So focuses is the line at pressuring the QB (a lofty goal for this team) that they are seeing the running backs zip by all too often. And then he'll shrug yet again and say "We're fine."

So we return to last Sunday's game. A 12th man does not represent a team in disarray.
But it does point to just another example of defensive lapses in which the team just flat out doesn't know what to do. Uninspired and underwhelming in intensity and fire and the elusive killer instinct.

Like you, I hope to see Jerra and Wade and Ware and Romo lift that Lombardini trophy in February.
Hope springs infernal in the mind of Jerra. Our beloved owner/GM has cobbled together a magnificent team. Jerra, you just need a leader for it now. It's just a matter of time, sir, when you will have a Gailey, Switzer or Campo epiphany and do the right thing. And it won't be too soon for many loyal fans.

I will be in my office mending my crown of thorns because I suffer for my team. You can flame away. Or not.
You can't hurt me anymore. Wade has already done that.

Join the September 28 GROW/GROS Peasants' Movement.

Tom Landry was quiet nice guy.

But I agree, Phillips must go.


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GimmeTheBall!;2303715 said:
Though the Cowboys might turn on the defensive firepower Sunday against the Bengals -- an interception, maybe, sacks and, at last, real pressure on the QB -- it could turn out to be a one-game abberation.

What I saw last Sunday was a mini-meltdown of our defensive strategy.
Missed tackles. A failure to pressure that kid QB (I salaute his grit and accuracy). Soft coverage (again) and the attendant lack of full man-to-man that this team is capable of.
I would be remiss to mention that, lastly, I was reduced to cleaning off Yahoo Chocolate Drink off my wall when we witnessed 12 men on defense. Ms. Busty looked on disapprovingly, arms akimbo. 12 men on the field. A good idea, actually, but, alas illegal in modern football.

Good start and the last sentence made me smile. But then i fell asleep while reading on....


Junior College Transfer
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TwentyOne;2303934 said:
Good start and the last sentence made me smile. But then i fell asleep while reading on....

Well, wake up and smell the toffee melting in Wade's office!!!:)

I appreciate you reading some of my humble post, anyway, my friend.

Join the September 28 GROW/GROS Peasants' Movement.


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GimmeTheBall!;2303725 said:
Yeah, take Wade's side!!!!

Man you two guys are quick readers!!!
Hadn't even picked up the crown of thorns for refurbishing when you two responded. You have a future in speed reading.

actually, it's just the fact that anything you post screams stupidity, so your posts aren't hard to predict.


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Boysboy;2303771 said:
Dungy has personnel with just that...FIRE-Peyton and Bob Sanders provide alot of that on game day.

The same can be said for Reid's personnel-if he doesn't have Brian Dawkins and Jon Runyan, the Iggs would be pretty mediocre.

Frankly-look at our personnel, and the same couldn't be said.

did you even see the pregame video of Tank firing everyone up? I guess you must've missed that part...


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Audiman;2304014 said:
did you even see the pregame video of Tank firing everyone up? I guess you must've missed that part...

We're talking on the practice field, THROUGHOUT the ENTIRE 60 minutes, the locker room, I mean EVERYWHERE, ALL the time.

We just don't have anyone like that here.


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Boysboy;2304020 said:
We're talking on the practice field, THROUGHOUT the ENTIRE 60 minutes, the locker room, I mean EVERYWHERE, ALL the time.

We just don't have anyone like that here.

how do you know this? are you at every game and every practice watching every Cowboys player 100% of the time?


Junior College Transfer
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Audiman;2304014 said:
did you even see the pregame video of Tank firing everyone up? I guess you must've missed that part...

Yessirie, that Tank did a great job of firing them up. :rolleyes: Speaking of Tank, whatever happened to him. Must have gotten his behind kicked.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
GimmeTheBall!;2303715 said:
It makes it difficult for this died-in-the-wool Cowboy fan (since 1957) to walk hard and live hard and truly believe in a defense that we all recognize has more talent than the lineup at the Mustang Ranch. Join the September 28 GROW/GROS Peasants' Movement.

I know this is nitpicking, but the Cowboys didn't begin until 1960.

However, you could go see the Dallas Texans in 1957 at the Cotton Bowl.

I watched Abner haynes with the Texans back in the day.

I also sat in the endzone when kids could get in to see the Cowboys for 1 dollar, back in the day.

Not to take a poke at your thesus, but just something I noticed.


Junior College Transfer
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TwoDeep3;2304042 said:
I know this is nitpicking, but the Cowboys didn't begin until 1960.

However, you could go see the Dallas Texans in 1957 at the Cotton Bowl.

I watched Abner haynes with the Texans back in the day.

I also sat in the endzone when kids could get in to see the Cowboys for 1 dollar, back in the day.

Not to take a poke at your thesus, but just something I noticed.

Darn! No wonder I can never find stats from the late 50s!!!!!

And you pointing that date shows a discerning eye. I am gonna keep my eye on you . . . .

Ah, those were the days, weren't they?
At Love Field you could walk your sweetie all the way up to the stairs leading to the plane.
At the cotton bowl you could buy a soda for a dime. A DIME!!!!!
Some men would wear suits and ties to the game and the women wore hose and high heels!!!
And them kiddoes could smell secondhand cigarette smoke all day long and it never hurt them none!!

that is why I choose to live in FB where we relive the '50s ever day.


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Audiman;2304005 said:
actually, it's just the fact that anything you post screams stupidity, so your posts aren't hard to predict.


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GimmeTheBall!;2304041 said:
Yessirie, that Tank did a great job of firing them up. :rolleyes: Speaking of Tank, whatever happened to him. Must have gotten his behind kicked.

not every game will be perfect. we played a bad game all around in the NFL's toughest conference. regardless of what you say, Tank was very aggressive and intense in firing up the defence.

it's football! games are lost and won. I'll give you some examples:

1. the ever intense Patriots won every game last year and lost the Super Bowl.

2. the year before that, the ever intense Colts lost to the Cowboys and a couple other teams and won the Super Bowl against a very intense Bears defense.

3. in the early 90's the Cowboys lost games and still won back to back Super Bowls.

my point? it's friggin football!


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Audiman;2304057 said:
not every game will be perfect. we played a bad game all around in the NFL's toughest conference. regardless of what you say, Tank was very aggressive and intense in firing up the defence.

it's football! games are lost and won. I'll give you some examples:

1. the ever intense Patriots won every game last year and lost the Super Bowl.

2. the year before that, the ever intense Colts lost to the Cowboys and a couple other teams and won the Super Bowl against a very intense Bears defense.

3. in the early 90's the Cowboys lost games and still won back to back Super Bowls.

my point? it's friggin football!

And less not forget last year how every time the Giants put up a win streak and solidified momentum, they would put up a stinker just about every time(i.e. loss to us at The Meadowlands after the bye week, getting annihilated by the Vikings at home, and then after 2 big road wins, layed an egg against the Skins at home who were playing a 10 year backup QB).

Of course, you know what happened at the end.


Junior College Transfer
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Audiman;2304057 said:
not every game will be perfect. we played a bad game all around in the NFL's toughest conference. regardless of what you say, Tank was very aggressive and intense in firing up the defence.

it's football! games are lost and won. I'll give you some examples:

1. the ever intense Patriots won every game last year and lost the Super Bowl.

2. the year before that, the ever intense Colts lost to the Cowboys and a couple other teams and won the Super Bowl against a very intense Bears defense.

3. in the early 90's the Cowboys lost games and still won back to back Super Bowls.

my point? it's friggin football!

God bless America and god bless Tank!

As to the other teams, well, I only care about the ever-intense Cowboys. I mean, I want them to be ever-intense in an intense way.