It's just a matter of time, muchachos


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Chocolate Lab;2304115 said:
Without a doubt.

Until then, ignore will have to do.

I just hate it when you put me on ignore.
Just last night I was wondering why you were not vehemently denying my eight-month liaison with your sis.
Now I know, you are ignoring me. Your loss.



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GimmeTheBall!;2303715 said:
Though the Cowboys might turn on the defensive firepower Sunday against the Bengals -- an interception, maybe, sacks and, at last, real pressure on the QB -- it could turn out to be a one-game abberation.

What I saw last Sunday was a mini-meltdown of our defensive strategy.
Missed tackles. A failure to pressure that kid QB (I salaute his grit and accuracy). Soft coverage (again) and the attendant lack of full man-to-man that this team is capable of.
I would be remiss to mention that, lastly, I was reduced to cleaning off Yahoo Chocolate Drink off my wall when we witnessed 12 men on defense. Ms. Busty looked on disapprovingly, arms akimbo. 12 men on the field. A good idea, actually, but, alas illegal in modern football.

It makes it difficult for this died-in-the-wool Cowboy fan (since 1957) to walk hard and live hard and truly believe in a defense that we all recognize has more talent than the lineup at the Mustang Ranch. Prototype defensive players, most of them first-rounders, selected and paid well by Jerra. So many great pieces that Wade and Stew seemingly cannot put together
into a consistent and cohesive unit.

Yes, before Wade was brought in (finally! a defensive genius, we enthused!) there were the smirks and wise-guy replies that came hurtling my way when I wondered what a Swoopes could do with the emerging defensive talent.
Incredibly naive some said. Remarkably insipid and inspired by a lack of footballl knowledge.

Now, today, with our defense facing lots of questions, is there any question that a Swoopes could have done worse?

But this is not about Swoopes or a similar hard-bitten football boss.

It's about Wade. And Stew. Two defensive gurus brought in to hosannas and tributes worthy of the Second Coming.

But I would have to say -- actually guess -- that many of you today if not already disillusioned with Wade/Stew now have second thoughts about Wade's traveling show.

It's not easy assailing a coach who is likable, self-effacing (except when he loses) and humble. A man who takes great pains in not publically calling out his players for mistakes (well except the 12th man Wade ridiculed just after the head coach said he took full responsibility for the awful game). An Everyman who just happened to be the son of another former NFL head coach. A journeyman defensive coach who became a defensive "guru" and then a HC.

But Wade is not the aggressive, fire-breathing coach that fits the profile of a Super Bowl coach. I cannot name another Super Bowl coach other than Marv Levy or Red Berry who were considered quiet, nice guys without the scorched-earth theory of a Jimma Johnson or Ditka, Ryan or Cowher.

Wade has to go, mein freundes.

He's not Super Bowl material. Never was. It's been debated in his other stops as HC as to whether he was even HC material. I cannot see Wade leading this team to the Super Bowl, must less a Super Bowl win.
Yes, fling invectives and flames at this loyal Cowboys fan who only wants to see his team be a SB winner. And who questions whether a Cupcake can turns into a pound cake if you will excuse the poor metaphor.

Yet, Wade can still be the coach that Jerra believes Wade can be.
But Wade is a loyal guy. He won't can Stew. He will, instead, march through this season with the soft pass defenses. The zone that Wade believes will not open his team up to getting burned deep. Instead his team will get burned in mid-field. Instead his defensive team will continue to allow the big runs off tackle or up the middle. So focuses is the line at pressuring the QB (a lofty goal for this team) that they are seeing the running backs zip by all too often. And then he'll shrug yet again and say "We're fine."

So we return to last Sunday's game. A 12th man does not represent a team in disarray.
But it does point to just another example of defensive lapses in which the team just flat out doesn't know what to do. Uninspired and underwhelming in intensity and fire and the elusive killer instinct.

Like you, I hope to see Jerra and Wade and Ware and Romo lift that Lombardini trophy in February.
Hope springs infernal in the mind of Jerra. Our beloved owner/GM has cobbled together a magnificent team. Jerra, you just need a leader for it now. It's just a matter of time, sir, when you will have a Gailey, Switzer or Campo epiphany and do the right thing. And it won't be too soon for many loyal fans.

I will be in my office mending my crown of thorns because I suffer for my team. You can flame away. Or not.
You can't hurt me anymore. Wade has already done that.

Join the September 28 GROW/GROS Peasants' Movement.

Who is Swoopes? Surely you don't mean Sheryl Swoopes?

You just proved you aren't a true Cowboy fan beacause Tom Landry won two Super Bowls and he never was a fire breathing dragon of a coach. Know your history before you make insane statements.

Yakuza Rich

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The pressure was on Campbell, but we kept missing tackles on him and were just missing tackles all over the field. I think now is the time to test some things for Dallas given a weaker opponent, although you don't want to do it at the expense of losing the game. But things like trying Montrae Holland out at LG and using more press coverage wouldn't be a bad idea. Although I would use some safety help over the top on some press coverages just to be safe.



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It's the tackling that drives me outta my mind crazy:mad:

I need to vent... Why does every QB in the league look surprisingly mobile and elusive when they go up against our highly paid front seven? When was the last time we saw one of our defensive players wrap-up and drive a QB into the turf? Heck, why should the QB feel "pressured" when he knows that at worst he will be gently dragged down to the turf if our guys actually get to him?

Our D looks like a monster on paper, but we just aren't very physical on the field.

There, now I feel better:rolleyes:


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Just because a person is soft-spoken doesn't make him self-effacing. Wade is just as stubborn as the next guy, unwilling to change his defensive philosophy. Right now, he is more willing to say the player's were not in position, then to say, maybe I need to press the receivers more.


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Yakuza Rich;2304523 said:
The pressure was on Campbell, but we kept missing tackles on him and were just missing tackles all over the field. I think now is the time to test some things for Dallas given a weaker opponent, although you don't want to do it at the expense of losing the game. But things like trying Montrae Holland out at LG and using more press coverage wouldn't be a bad idea. Although I would use some safety help over the top on some press coverages just to be safe.


How many times are we going to say the pressure was on the QB but we just couldn't make the tackle, then admit the pressure wasn't all that? If Jason Campbell is escaping the 'pressure', Mr. Slow-Footed Jason Campbell, than that isn't pressure. If there is real pressure, even if the first guys misses, that first guy forces the QB into another player causing a sack or fumble, because of carelessness with the ball. The only time the opposing team fumbles is when they botch a hand-off, like they did in the Philly game...

I don't care if it is because of the CBs playing off or our DL not holding the QB... We are not forcing the QB into making mistakes, which is a clear indicator our pressure is not all that...


Junior College Transfer
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rangers71;2304401 said:
Who is Swoopes? Surely you don't mean Sheryl Swoopes?

You just proved you aren't a true Cowboy fan beacause Tom Landry won two Super Bowls and he never was a fire breathing dragon of a coach. Know your history before you make insane statements.

Talk about insane.:)

Either that was a lame attempt at hummus or you have your women's basketball confused with NFL.
Either way you lose.
Sorry. Try again.


Junior College Transfer
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khiladi;2305170 said:
How many times are we going to say the pressure was on the QB but we just couldn't make the tackle, then admit the pressure wasn't all that? If Jason Campbell is escaping the 'pressure', Mr. Slow-Footed Jason Campbell, than that isn't pressure. If there is real pressure, even if the first guys misses, that first guy forces the QB into another player causing a sack or fumble, because of carelessness with the ball. The only time the opposing team fumbles is when they botch a hand-off, like they did in the Philly game...

I don't care if it is because of the CBs playing off or our DL not holding the QB... We are not forcing the QB into making mistakes, which is a clear indicator our pressure is not all that...

To Khiladi and Yakuza:
QBs escaping the pressure from the 'Boys is nothing new.
I remember during Zimmer's last two years the same happening. And it seems to have extended into Stew's tenure.
Of course, Zim did not have Ware and others.
But this lack of pressure is nothing new now with Stew. I just had to say that in a slight defense of Stew.:)


Cowboys Forever
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GimmeTheBall!;2303715 said:
Though the Cowboys might turn on the defensive firepower Sunday against the Bengals -- an interception, maybe, sacks and, at last, real pressure on the QB -- it could turn out to be a one-game abberation.

What I saw last Sunday was a mini-meltdown of our defensive strategy.
Missed tackles. A failure to pressure that kid QB (I salaute his grit and accuracy). Soft coverage (again) and the attendant lack of full man-to-man that this team is capable of.
I would be remiss to mention that, lastly, I was reduced to cleaning off Yahoo Chocolate Drink off my wall when we witnessed 12 men on defense. Ms. Busty looked on disapprovingly, arms akimbo. 12 men on the field. A good idea, actually, but, alas illegal in modern football.

It makes it difficult for this died-in-the-wool Cowboy fan (since 1957) to walk hard and live hard and truly believe in a defense that we all recognize has more talent than the lineup at the Mustang Ranch. Prototype defensive players, most of them first-rounders, selected and paid well by Jerra. So many great pieces that Wade and Stew seemingly cannot put together
into a consistent and cohesive unit.

Yes, before Wade was brought in (finally! a defensive genius, we enthused!) there were the smirks and wise-guy replies that came hurtling my way when I wondered what a Swoopes could do with the emerging defensive talent.
Incredibly naive some said. Remarkably insipid and inspired by a lack of footballl knowledge.

Now, today, with our defense facing lots of questions, is there any question that a Swoopes could have done worse?

But this is not about Swoopes or a similar hard-bitten football boss.

It's about Wade. And Stew. Two defensive gurus brought in to hosannas and tributes worthy of the Second Coming.

But I would have to say -- actually guess -- that many of you today if not already disillusioned with Wade/Stew now have second thoughts about Wade's traveling show.

It's not easy assailing a coach who is likable, self-effacing (except when he loses) and humble. A man who takes great pains in not publically calling out his players for mistakes (well except the 12th man Wade ridiculed just after the head coach said he took full responsibility for the awful game). An Everyman who just happened to be the son of another former NFL head coach. A journeyman defensive coach who became a defensive "guru" and then a HC.

But Wade is not the aggressive, fire-breathing coach that fits the profile of a Super Bowl coach. I cannot name another Super Bowl coach other than Marv Levy or Red Berry who were considered quiet, nice guys without the scorched-earth theory of a Jimma Johnson or Ditka, Ryan or Cowher.

Wade has to go, mein freundes.

He's not Super Bowl material. Never was. It's been debated in his other stops as HC as to whether he was even HC material. I cannot see Wade leading this team to the Super Bowl, must less a Super Bowl win.
Yes, fling invectives and flames at this loyal Cowboys fan who only wants to see his team be a SB winner. And who questions whether a Cupcake can turns into a pound cake if you will excuse the poor metaphor.

Yet, Wade can still be the coach that Jerra believes Wade can be.
But Wade is a loyal guy. He won't can Stew. He will, instead, march through this season with the soft pass defenses. The zone that Wade believes will not open his team up to getting burned deep. Instead his team will get burned in mid-field. Instead his defensive team will continue to allow the big runs off tackle or up the middle. So focuses is the line at pressuring the QB (a lofty goal for this team) that they are seeing the running backs zip by all too often. And then he'll shrug yet again and say "We're fine."

So we return to last Sunday's game. A 12th man does not represent a team in disarray.
But it does point to just another example of defensive lapses in which the team just flat out doesn't know what to do. Uninspired and underwhelming in intensity and fire and the elusive killer instinct.

Like you, I hope to see Jerra and Wade and Ware and Romo lift that Lombardini trophy in February.
Hope springs infernal in the mind of Jerra. Our beloved owner/GM has cobbled together a magnificent team. Jerra, you just need a leader for it now. It's just a matter of time, sir, when you will have a Gailey, Switzer or Campo epiphany and do the right thing. And it won't be too soon for many loyal fans.

I will be in my office mending my crown of thorns because I suffer for my team. You can flame away. Or not.
You can't hurt me anymore. Wade has already done that.

Join the September 28 GROW/GROS Peasants' Movement.

the Cowboys were'nt an established team until 1960.They were the Dallas Texans,and they moved to Kansas City to become the Kansas City havent been a Cowboys fan since 1957.


Junior College Transfer
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djdoug;2305398 said:
the Cowboys were'nt an established team until 1960.They were the Dallas Texans,and they moved to Kansas City to become the Kansas City havent been a Cowboys fan since 1957.

Right you are. You have a good eye for detail.
Anyway, ah loves the Dallas Cowboys. I kin recall the first time I saw the Cowboys, in 1957 . . . :)


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
GimmeTheBall!;2303715 said:
It makes it difficult for this died-in-the-wool Cowboy fan (since 1957)...
DallasEast;2303789 said:
GimmeTheBall!;2303810 said:
Just believe.
~Fast forward 21 hours later~
djdoug;2305398 said:
the Cowboys were'nt an established team until 1960.They were the Dallas Texans,and they moved to Kansas City to become the Kansas City havent been a Cowboys fan since 1957.
GimmeTheBall!;2305417 said:
Right you are. You have a good eye for detail.
Anyway, ah loves the Dallas Cowboys. I kin recall the first time I saw the Cowboys, in 1957 . . . :)


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GimmeTheBall!;2305354 said:
Talk about insane.:)

Either that was a lame attempt at hummus or you have your women's basketball confused with NFL.
Either way you lose.
Sorry. Try again.

How am I insane? Your original comment asked what could the cowboys had done if Swoopes had been brought in? You said it first I didn't. You were the one thinking basketball not me.


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zeromaster;2305800 said:
Maybe he means Stoops?

I would hope so. I was just pointing out the error jusst like I did with the Landry comparison in the original comment.


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rangers71;2305822 said:
I would hope so. I was just pointing out the error jusst like I did with the Landry comparison in the original comment.

Yes, Stoops. Stoops. Stoopes. What-evah:)

Man, when you are right you are right.

Hey, how about them Sooners!!!
Every body now, Sooner boomer, Sooner boomer . . . . I love that team and Texas Tech and The Longhorns.


Junior College Transfer
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rangers71;2305822 said:
I would hope so. I was just pointing out the error jusst like I did with the Landry comparison in the original comment.

Hey, btw: I am re-reading Goldenbock's book "Landry's Boys."

Man, Landry comes off as a real jerk. Mr. Inflexible. Mr. Aloof.

The most telling part was the day Tex Schram axed Landry to be available so they could talk about the new direction the team was taking. Tex said Jerra should deliver the news to Landry face-to-face.
So what does genius Landry do?
He flies to the Austin area.
Finally, when a weary Jerra and Tex catch up to Landry on the golf course, Landry, pouting, has the nerve to say "If you two are doing this as a publicity stunt, you need not have bothered."
And as Goldenbock points out, everybody in the NFL eventually has his day of reckoning, as in clean out our locker, and Landry was not immune.

I also remember when the Cowboys first went to the Super Bowl under Jimma Johnson. An interviewer, about a week before the Super Bowl, caught up to Landry and talked football. When he asked Landry if he'd be watching the Super Bowl Landry, again, had the nerve to say he would be too busy that weekend. Too busy????? Like, what, Tom, dry cleaning yer hat? What a pouter.

But I digress . . . . A good read, all in all.


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proline;2306355 said:
I'd like to meet Ms. Busty sometime ..... :D

Oceanic eyes and ... she is a good carpenter and a hell of a good cook!