Its Official: Kornheiser to Join ESPN's 'Monday Night Football'

1fisher said:
Moose = Homer but not a jerk

Thiesman = Homer AND jerk

But how many points did you deduct from Thiesman for being a Commander? LOL
Somebody better tell Theisman that whenever the Giants play on MNF that he does not have to croutch up in the fetal position and beg for mercy....
Canadian BoyzFan said:
OMG...could it get any worse???

yeah, they could have just brought back Paul Maguire and Mike Patrick to work Mondays with Theismann.

IMO that would have been a lot worse....

At least Tirico is good....much better than Patrick.

And although I hate Kornheiser, he is a slight improvement over Paul Maguire.
Al Michaels certainly knew when to get out. ESPN is talking about making these games mini-Super Bowl broadcasts!? This is going to be an utter disaster with the announcing team they created. As someone else said earlier in the thread, I never thought Mike Tirico would be the best part of a broadcast crew. Kornheiser is a clown who just likes to scream and yell at people; he knows nothing about sports, IMO. Theismann never shuts up, it would have been interesting if he teamed with Michaels as there wouldn't have been enough room in the booth for both their egos. ESPN will do fine as long as the games are good, (which is questionable now that Sunday Night is the better package) because it's all about the games. But I guarantee half the country turns down the sound on this broadcast crew.
StanleySpadowski said:
I think Mike Greenberg's comments when discussing this are telling of the type "entertainment" that ESPN's looking for.

This morning he was talking about this and mentioned how Aikman is really good and knows football but he never says anything that's talked about around the watercooler the next morning.

I take that as they could give a rat's patootie about football fans or even the game, they just want people talking about ESPN for any reason. I think it's pretty evident that they "encourage" the studio people to say outrageous things to stir up controversy. They've gone from reporting about the story to trying to be part of the story.

It's little wonder that some people are starting to avoid them like the plague.
This is an absolute right-on, genius post! ESPN is truly driving away the hardcore sportsfan such as myself, and have been for years. Their signature show- Sports Center- is unwatchable in my opinion. Many people who love sports as I do agree. What does that say about the direction they are heading in? Stuart Scott represents everything that is wrong with ESPN and he is a major personality for them. It's all about style over substance. I can't believe I don't watch Sports Center but it's just too much. I'd rather watch ESPN News and get the news & scores I need and then move on. The only shows I can watch on that network now are Baseball Tonight and NFL Live. Even Sunday Countdown is a fluff piece (except for Tom Jackson who deserves better.) These guys running ESPN have truly lost it.
Honestly, you could have the original MNF cast and the ratings wouldn't change. Likewise, you could put the 3 stooges in the booth and if the games were good, people would watch and just put it on mute.

It just shows you that people in the entertaiment field are not the brightest people in the bunch. I'm still amazed to this day that ABC had the nerve to air COPROCKS, a show about cops who would break out into musical numbers. What genius ABC executive gave that the thumbs up!

Likewise, I laugh at these morons who think that by hiring some clever commentator, people are going to leave the channel on because Kornheiser is so funny to listen despite the fact that the Packers and Lions are still scoreless in the first half.

If you want MNF to be good then have the ability to alter the schedule during the season so you can air the game people actually want to watch. That will boost ratings.

It's a different generation, When MNF was big, people didn't have satellite. If you wanted to watch an out-of-conference team play, you were pretty much limited to them playing on MNF. They didn't air as many games back then either. They didn't have access to the internet so if you wanted updates, you had to watch football to see the score ticker and stats count. It's just not a big event any longer.
Just great I thought the days of monotone, innane commentary were gone with John Madden. Now I'm going to have to turn my surround system off completely when MNF is on so I don't get a headache listening to these 3 toolsheds. What a sideshow spectacle MNF has turned into! :mad:

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