It's time for CZ to be The Zone again! *Read Post 32*

I hope you mods don’t think this is aimed towards you. I’m very grateful for the work you do, and the time you spend. @Reality I’ve been a fan of yours, and hopefully a forum friend of yours since 2006 so this has nothing to do with you.Im eternally thankful for the work you’ve done. . It’s nothing but a love for the site, and a love of the Cowboys that have made me decide to say this… I’m sure I speak for a multitude. At least I hope I do.

It’s time for CZ to be the most awesome and most amazing Cowboys fan forum on the internet again. What has happened to this place? I get it, I’m as disappointed as you are with the team. I wish everyone from the FO, to the QB, to the staff, and all the other players would bring glory back to the Cowboys.

With that being said. Every single thread does not have to be about how much you love, or how much you hate Dak Prescott. Every post doesn’t have to end with the same argument. It’s beyond tiring and has driven many great fans away from the site.

All of you, the people who think he’s the best, and all of you who think he’s the worst need to stop trying to argue that point in every single dang thread! You’re not going to change anyone’s mind.

At one time a few mods would warn people not to make a thread a Dak thread. Some even got benched when they broke the rule. Where did that rule go? We need it back immediately!

This is a Cowboys fan site. We don’t have to agree about anything other than we are all fans of America’s Team! You’re not a better fan , and he’s not a worse fan than you because you don’t agree. The fact that most people take time out of their busy lives to talk about the Cowboys, should be enough for everyone to realize that the person you’re arguing with might not agree with you but they are still a fan!!They still have a right to express their thoughts and opinions.

It’s ok for all of us to have our own opinions, it’s ok for you to argue and wdebate how you feel. But why in a thread about the Defensive Line do you have to discuss Dak and remind us all how you feel about him? Why do you have to talk about Dak when we are discussing Trevon starting practice again? We don’t need your opinion on Dak when we are talking about Mize Zimmer having a different approach than DQ!!!

Mods, please bring a change to this place. Stop the madness. You have the power. I don’t want to act like I have an answer for it to be 100% effective, but I have some serious suggestions on how to begin the process.

I just want this to once again be the best Cowboys Fan Site on the planet like I know it has been, and how it should be.

You speak for only yourself not the multitudes, you do realize you are in violation of rule 1 I believe. Keep your suggestions to yourself stop crying and use your ignore button, it’s a discussion board, don’t respond if you don’t like the posted message. Let’s in your opinion over moderate to how you want the message to be allowed.
You speak for only yourself not the multitudes, you do realize you are in violation of rule 1 I believe. Keep your suggestions to yourself stop crying and use your ignore button, it’s a discussion board, don’t respond if you don’t like the posted message. Let’s in your opinion over moderate to how you want the message to be allowed.
How about you learn how to comprehend?
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DE laying the smack down.
I hope you mods don’t think this is aimed towards you. I’m very grateful for the work you do, and the time you spend. @Reality I’ve been a fan of yours, and hopefully a forum friend of yours since 2006 so this has nothing to do with you.Im eternally thankful for the work you’ve done. . It’s nothing but a love for the site, and a love of the Cowboys that have made me decide to say this… I’m sure I speak for a multitude. At least I hope I do.

It’s time for CZ to be the most awesome and most amazing Cowboys fan forum on the internet again. What has happened to this place? I get it, I’m as disappointed as you are with the team. I wish everyone from the FO, to the QB, to the staff, and all the other players would bring glory back to the Cowboys.

With that being said. Every single thread does not have to be about how much you love, or how much you hate Dak Prescott. Every post doesn’t have to end with the same argument. It’s beyond tiring and has driven many great fans away from the site.

All of you, the people who think he’s the best, and all of you who think he’s the worst need to stop trying to argue that point in every single dang thread! You’re not going to change anyone’s mind.

At one time a few mods would warn people not to make a thread a Dak thread. Some even got benched when they broke the rule. Where did that rule go? We need it back immediately!

This is a Cowboys fan site. We don’t have to agree about anything other than we are all fans of America’s Team! You’re not a better fan , and he’s not a worse fan than you because you don’t agree. The fact that most people take time out of their busy lives to talk about the Cowboys, should be enough for everyone to realize that the person you’re arguing with might not agree with you but they are still a fan!!They still have a right to express their thoughts and opinions.

It’s ok for all of us to have our own opinions, it’s ok for you to argue and debate how you feel. But why in a thread about the Defensive Line do you have to discuss Dak and remind us all how you feel about him? Why do you have to talk about Dak when we are discussing Trevon starting practice again? We don’t need your opinion on Dak when we are talking about Mize Zimmer having a different approach than DQ!!!

Mods, please bring a change to this place. Stop the madness. You have the power. I don’t want to act like I have an answer for it to be 100% effective, but I have some serious suggestions on how to begin the process.

I just want this to once again be the best Cowboys Fan Site on the planet like I know it has been, and how it should be.

I get what you're saying,but 30yrs of nothing has fractured the fan base to no end,most of us still have that green bay loss on our stomachs...jmo
How about you learn how to comprehend?
I comprehend completely, you don’t like so start crying. Like I said use the ignore button or don’t respond to posts you don’t like, everyone else’s opinions are valid not just your opinion or wants, bye.
I don't know about past management but...I much rather the current leadership. I've made 100000 posts - and counting - on online forums and I've been kicked off of 1 or 2 boards (including this one about 15 years ago lol).

Bottom line: Most management tends to pick a side and then run the losing side off the board. This board allows a balance.

Free speech is not costs in tolerance and division. But the alternative is FAKE value places where they are willing to pay the coin for free and unscripted opinions. The goal is NOT to have a Kumbaya if once that happens it will be good forever and ever. The GOAL is to have a place where the honest opinions of Cowboys fans can be voiced...and to discover how we all feel about those opinions. The latter is unscripted, organic and real...and those places will always have an audience. The stuffy HOMER boards that demand fandom are TRASH.
There's a big difference in having and e pressing different views and opinions versus constantly beating a dead horse over and over and over and over and over again...and then beating it hundred more times just to get your point across that you made on the previous 10K posts....the. belittling and name calling the other side. That goes for both sides.
I comprehend completely, you don’t like so start crying. Like I said use the ignore button or don’t respond to posts you don’t like, everyone else’s opinions are valid not just your opinion or wants, bye.
That’s cap. Now you’re just being plain ignorant. I don’t cry, II get it though .Comprehension is tough with your generation so I’ll help you out. If you need me to spell it out for you, here goes. The point is it doesn’t matter if I don’t like the opinion, or that I love the opinion. The difference between me and you is that I’m right down the middle with the whole conversation.But here is where the lack of comprehension plays center court. This isn’t about if I like it ,or don’t like it , this is about hijacking threats. PERIOD.. but with your comprehension skills, I see why you probably inundate each thread with the same topic.. Better luck next time
I hope you mods don’t think this is aimed towards you. I’m very grateful for the work you do, and the time you spend. @Reality I’ve been a fan of yours, and hopefully a forum friend of yours since 2006 so this has nothing to do with you.Im eternally thankful for the work you’ve done. . It’s nothing but a love for the site, and a love of the Cowboys that have made me decide to say this… I’m sure I speak for a multitude. At least I hope I do.

It’s time for CZ to be the most awesome and most amazing Cowboys fan forum on the internet again. What has happened to this place? I get it, I’m as disappointed as you are with the team. I wish everyone from the FO, to the QB, to the staff, and all the other players would bring glory back to the Cowboys.

With that being said. Every single thread does not have to be about how much you love, or how much you hate Dak Prescott. Every post doesn’t have to end with the same argument. It’s beyond tiring and has driven many great fans away from the site.

All of you, the people who think he’s the best, and all of you who think he’s the worst need to stop trying to argue that point in every single dang thread! You’re not going to change anyone’s mind.

At one time a few mods would warn people not to make a thread a Dak thread. Some even got benched when they broke the rule. Where did that rule go? We need it back immediately!

This is a Cowboys fan site. We don’t have to agree about anything other than we are all fans of America’s Team! You’re not a better fan , and he’s not a worse fan than you because you don’t agree. The fact that most people take time out of their busy lives to talk about the Cowboys, should be enough for everyone to realize that the person you’re arguing with might not agree with you but they are still a fan!!They still have a right to express their thoughts and opinions.

It’s ok for all of us to have our own opinions, it’s ok for you to argue and debate how you feel. But why in a thread about the Defensive Line do you have to discuss Dak and remind us all how you feel about him? Why do you have to talk about Dak when we are discussing Trevon starting practice again? We don’t need your opinion on Dak when we are talking about Mize Zimmer having a different approach than DQ!!!

Mods, please bring a change to this place. Stop the madness. You have the power. I don’t want to act like I have an answer for it to be 100% effective, but I have some serious suggestions on how to begin the process.

I just want this to once again be the best Cowboys Fan Site on the planet like I know it has been, and how it should be.

I have a very simple solution!!!!
Create a Dak Zone!!!
All Dak related threads go there!
Problem solved!
That’s cap. Now you’re just being plain ignorant. I don’t cry, II get it though .Comprehension is tough with your generation so I’ll help you out. If you need me to spell it out for you, here goes. The point is it doesn’t matter if I don’t like the opinion, or that I love the opinion. The difference between me and you is that I’m right down the middle with the whole conversation.But here is where the lack of comprehension plays center court. This isn’t about if I like it ,or don’t like it , this is about hijacking threats. PERIOD.. but with your comprehension skills, I see why you probably inundate each thread with the same topic.. Better luck next time
With all your wonderful suggestions why don’t you start your own forum, you can run it your way, I see you have nothing so what do you do, resort to insults, let freedom reign. Like I said don’t like the post skip it the mods will take care of it if they don’t like it, it’s what they do, even if you're a forum friend.
How so? Did it hurt your feelings? I've found that most folks who pretend to be intellectual criticize and never make an actual point.

My point is that you're annoying and ruin the experience for others.
Booze man still posts here once in a while under another name. It is not me and I am not saying who it is.
Yep…and I go all the way back to the Austin 360 days.
I have a very simple solution!!!!
Create a Dak Zone!!!
All Dak related threads go there!
Problem solved!
Best idea to come from this thread .
  • Fan Zone | For general discussions about the Dallas Cowboys
  • Overtime Zone | Where Cowboys-related threads get more exposure and longer lifespans than they would in the Fan Zone
Both descriptions above display either beneath the forum name or by hovering a cursor over the forum name on the site's front page forum directory. The Overtime Zone is the destination for all threads--Dak Prescott-themed ones as well--that the staff determines are needed for relocation. The same was true of Prescott predecessor's threads judged by the staff.

It is highly unlikely most members, who are in favor of the creation of a new site forum for these threads, will agree or shall ever agree with the staff's judgment concerning which threads remain or not remain in the Fan Zone. That difference of opinion is understood.

That said, there is always a chance anything in life can happen eventually. With that in mind, Lloyd Christmas' famous line should also be self-acknowledged by all members believing such a forum will pop into existence on CowboysZone.
My point is that you're annoying and ruin the experience for others.
Your “point” is actually a very public cry for sympathy and attention.

First, you should only speak for yourself…seeing as how you struggle to do THAT well, you shouldn’t presume to speak for others. It shows WEAKNESS and a need to argue from popularity.

Second, you can’t prove your point even if you tried. You have no idea how even a minority feel much less a majority.

Third, you speak as if you are the majority opinion and - even if that were true - do all opinions have to be appealing to you and others?

I could go on, but your “point” seems to be what I originally suspected: YOUR FEELINGS WERE HURT BY FACTS.

That’ll definitely ruin someone’s “experience” for sure. :)
There's a big difference in having and e pressing different views and opinions versus constantly beating a dead horse over and over and over and over and over again...and then beating it hundred more times just to get your point across that you made on the previous 10K posts....the. belittling and name calling the other side. That goes for both sides.
If the horse was “dead”, Dak wouldn’t be here or be an issue. Just because you are tired of the issue doesn’t mean it isn’t still an issue.

Again, the fans want to talk about WHAT THE FANS WANT TO TALK ABOUT. You have no more agency to change this than Dak does…and Dak’s only agency is his play…not the feeling or sentiments of the fans.

The passion lies where people feel passionate…and while I may like some topics more than others, being mad or chastising folks for a LEGIT ISSUE is EQUALLY COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. Why are you mad that someone else is mad? Can’t you TOO “move on”? Again, once the people who want to stifle or censor topics get their way, what is next? Kumbaya? Doubtful.

Christians, Muslims, Jews…all religions use this same trick. As soon as we get rid of the “others”, everything will be great. Meanwhile, all it means is that Christians, Muslim, Jews fight one another over the right KIND of Christian, Muslim or Jew. People are going to fight and debate, so the best you can do is encourage TOLERANCE imo.

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