It's time for CZ to be The Zone again! *Read Post 32*

If the horse was “dead”, Dak wouldn’t be here or be an issue. Just because you are tired of the issue doesn’t mean it isn’t still an issue.

Again, the fans want to talk about WHAT THE FANS WANT TO TALK ABOUT. You have no more agency to change this than Dak does…and Dak’s only agency is his play…not the feeling or sentiments of the fans.

The passion lies where people feel passionate…and while I may like some topics more than others, being mad or chastising folks for a LEGIT ISSUE is EQUALLY COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. Why are you mad that someone else is mad? Can’t you TOO “move on”? Again, once the people who want to stifle or censor topics get their way, what is next? Kumbaya? Doubtful.

Christians, Muslims, Jews…all religions use this same trick. As soon as we get rid of the “others”, everything will be great. Meanwhile, all it means is that Christians, Muslim, Jews fight one another over the right KIND of Christian, Muslim or Jew. People are going to fight and debate, so the best you can do is encourage TOLERANCE imo.
Still beating that dead horse I see. Ground Hog day all over again.
Your “point” is actually a very public cry for sympathy and attention.

First, you should only speak for yourself…seeing as how you struggle to do THAT well, you shouldn’t presume to speak for others. It shows WEAKNESS and a need to argue from popularity.

Second, you can’t prove your point even if you tried. You have no idea how even a minority feel much less a majority.

Third, you speak as if you are the majority opinion and - even if that were true - do all opinions have to be appealing to you and others?

I could go on, but your “point” seems to be what I originally suspected: YOUR FEELINGS WERE HURT BY FACTS.

That’ll definitely ruin someone’s “experience” for sure. :)
Nope. That's rich for someone crying about free speech lol. The "point" just goes to show how full of it you are and show exactly how your nonsense derails everything on this board.

I only spoke for myself. I think this nonsense ruins the experience for people.

It's an opinion, don't need to prove it. But the evidence is all the good posters who have left, the existence of this thread, and the fact that you're stupid enough to get banned on this board to begin with lol.
1. The Dak hate was not near this level for Romo and they have the same playoff wins and the same stats. Double standard and its unfair to Dak.

2. This fan base is fed up with the same old Jones model of trying to win and it will never change. We are a broken franchise that Ive loved since a child in the Landry Staubach days. I will always love the Cowboys and abhor what Jerry has done to our team.

3. All opinion forums get nasty from time to time.
I'd guess that another near decade of playoff failure has made many even more bitter, and that's probably why Dak gets as much as he does. It's probably not that they would normally dislike him any more than Romo, if the additional time hadn't soured them more.

(I hope that's the reason, anyway.)

(Of course, Romo got an unfair amount of criticism as well.)
I'd guess that another near decade of playoff failure has made many even more bitter, and that's probably why Dak gets as much as he does. It's probably not that they would normally dislike him any more than Romo, if the additional time hadn't soured them more.

(I hope that's the reason, anyway.)

(Of course, Romo got an unfair amount of criticism as well.)
We always hear "What would (Player A) be if he was drafted by the Jets?" well boys dont look now but this FO has turned this franchise into....the Jets...
I'd guess that another near decade of playoff failure has made many even more bitter, and that's probably why Dak gets as much as he does. It's probably not that they would normally dislike him any more than Romo, if the additional time hadn't soured them more.

(I hope that's the reason, anyway.)

(Of course, Romo got an unfair amount of criticism as well.)
Theres a lot of sources that outline romos (mostly) unfair treatment. Ive taken two common threads from them.
1) a lot of romos failures were late in the game, which we wouldnt have even been in if not for him..
2) when it was him...just terribly bad timing.

I personally rember many late games...romo had to keep going back out after d only works so many times in a row then the numbers turn on you..then you run out of time and get desperate. People remember THAT...not d caving.
At least with those who post. We have over 20,000 members on this site and we aren’t hearing from most of them.

Unfortunately we all too often hear from a very vocal minority from both sides. I’d imagine most roll their eyes and stay away.
Rocky, you lead the vocal minority for a QB that won't hunt, as they say in Jacksboro.
The last one was Romo. Then there was Aikman.
I am going to buy you a wall-size poster of Dak to keep you warm this season.
what did Romo hunt that Dak has not..Ill send you a Jerry poster if you like...Aikman hunted for Jimmy..i feel like you dont know the story here..
If the horse was “dead”, Dak wouldn’t be here or be an issue. Just because you are tired of the issue doesn’t mean it isn’t still an issue.

Again, the fans want to talk about WHAT THE FANS WANT TO TALK ABOUT. You have no more agency to change this than Dak does…and Dak’s only agency is his play…not the feeling or sentiments of the fans.

The passion lies where people feel passionate…and while I may like some topics more than others, being mad or chastising folks for a LEGIT ISSUE is EQUALLY COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. Why are you mad that someone else is mad? Can’t you TOO “move on”? Again, once the people who want to stifle or censor topics get their way, what is next? Kumbaya? Doubtful.

Christians, Muslims, Jews…all religions use this same trick. As soon as we get rid of the “others”, everything will be great. Meanwhile, all it means is that Christians, Muslim, Jews fight one another over the right KIND of Christian, Muslim or Jew. People are going to fight and debate, so the best you can do is encourage TOLERANCE imo.
I get everyone has an opinion and everyone can express their opinion. it doesn't mean you should especially if you are just being redundant in expressing...that's called futility. everyone here knows the loudest barkers position. no one is changing their views because the loudest barkers keep screaming the same nonsense at the top of their lungs. There is no... zero...none...value added to the conversation. all it does is scream I'm a narcissist...please pay attention to me look at me...hear me...blah blah blah.. While the rest of us would like to read and discuss and hear more about what is happening with the team...real x's and o's who looks good...who doesn't in training camp. I remember a time when we used to get play by play updates on training camp. between the media and the fans that attended, it felt like you had a front row seat at camp. now every single post is hi jacked with a Dak Sucks blah blah blah....Dak's the best, blah blah gets old real quick.
what did Romo hunt that Dak has not..Ill send you a Jerry poster if you like...Aikman hunted for Jimmy..i feel like you dont know the story here..
Im trying to remember how many all pro linemen romo had at any one time, how many 1st round wrs in their prime he had. And how many 1st round rbs IN THEIR early prime he had.

Defense is prolly a wash.:laugh:
Still beating that dead horse I see. Ground Hog day all over again.
Even after it's dead for sure. I bellowed about Quincy Carter being dumped for a good year or so'd get used to it or put me on ignore.
Even after it's dead for sure. I bellowed about Quincy Carter being dumped for a good year or so'd get used to it or put me on ignore.
I hope you mods don’t think this is aimed towards you. I’m very grateful for the work you do, and the time you spend. @Reality I’ve been a fan of yours, and hopefully a forum friend of yours since 2006 so this has nothing to do with you.Im eternally thankful for the work you’ve done. . It’s nothing but a love for the site, and a love of the Cowboys that have made me decide to say this… I’m sure I speak for a multitude. At least I hope I do.

It’s time for CZ to be the most awesome and most amazing Cowboys fan forum on the internet again. What has happened to this place? I get it, I’m as disappointed as you are with the team. I wish everyone from the FO, to the QB, to the staff, and all the other players would bring glory back to the Cowboys.

With that being said. Every single thread does not have to be about how much you love, or how much you hate Dak Prescott. Every post doesn’t have to end with the same argument. It’s beyond tiring and has driven many great fans away from the site.

All of you, the people who think he’s the best, and all of you who think he’s the worst need to stop trying to argue that point in every single dang thread! You’re not going to change anyone’s mind.

At one time a few mods would warn people not to make a thread a Dak thread. Some even got benched when they broke the rule. Where did that rule go? We need it back immediately!

This is a Cowboys fan site. We don’t have to agree about anything other than we are all fans of America’s Team! You’re not a better fan , and he’s not a worse fan than you because you don’t agree. The fact that most people take time out of their busy lives to talk about the Cowboys, should be enough for everyone to realize that the person you’re arguing with might not agree with you but they are still a fan!!They still have a right to express their thoughts and opinions.

It’s ok for all of us to have our own opinions, it’s ok for you to argue and debate how you feel. But why in a thread about the Defensive Line do you have to discuss Dak and remind us all how you feel about him? Why do you have to talk about Dak when we are discussing Trevon starting practice again? We don’t need your opinion on Dak when we are talking about Mize Zimmer having a different approach than DQ!!!

Mods, please bring a change to this place. Stop the madness. You have the power. I don’t want to act like I have an answer for it to be 100% effective, but I have some serious suggestions on how to begin the process.

I just want this to once again be the best Cowboys Fan Site on the planet like I know it has been, and how it should be.

Very well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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