It's Time To Be Honest About Micah Parsons

He’s a one trick pony and his one trick only works against bad teams.

He’s horrible in run support and can’t play a full drive without coming out a few plays.

He can have games where you wouldn’t know he was playing if you wasn’t looking for him.

He's NEVER been the guy that made a big play when the defense needed it.

He looks completely disinterested when he or the team isn’t playing well.

He, more so than any player I’ve seen, has “will quit when paid” written all over him. He has too much outside of football stuff going on and adding generational wealth to it will only make it worse.

There is NO WAY I make him the highest paid defensive player ever.
Trade him asap !
I read what he wrote... twice It's pretty obvious he doesn't think Parsons should have a future as Dallas Cowboy and that's fine. I disagree.....
I'm not getting into who's right or wrong.....both are opionions. I respect his and hope he can repsect mind, if not, so be it.
No, only your post is an opinion. He did not write what you said. Thats a fact.

Now you try to turn stuff around. And whats even more disgusting is that you now explain to us what the guy meant. As if he isnt able to do that or his post wasnt precise enough. And all of that just to justify your offensive post? How about asking the guy instead of attacking him personally for stuff you just made up?

And you dont want to get in who is right or wrong? How generous from you!

Man after your post you are the least one who has the right to decide whats wrong and whats right.
He can have games where you wouldn’t know he was playing if you wasn’t looking for him.
It's time to be honest about your use of the English language.

However, I agree with your point to some extent. I've long felt he was as interested in his podcast as anything else. I don't doubt his on-the-field effort and actually have come to believe that his need to take plays off is due to a combination of being asked to do too much and his own misallocation of his energy/battery/endurance. I sorta get the feeling (and that is all it is at this point) that he is a bit uncoachable and will have a hard time adjusting as age and wear-and-tear take their toll. When his mind-bending speed and acceleration drop back down to mere mortal levels, I think his production will take a quick and steep hit. It feels like he'll be a player that'll get 17.5 sacks and eleventy-billion pressures one season but show up the next and get 8 sacks and a third as many pressures. Running backs are usually the players that hit walls like this (or at least they come to mind more often), but I'd put DEs as next in line. Yes, I know his history is at LB but, if we're "being honest" in this thread, his production comes as a pass rusher.

Somewhat contrary to what I said earlier about his being uncoachable, I do think that he (along with the rest of the defense) has finally adjusted to Zimmer's scheme. I think some of the early struggles were due to the relative complexity of Zimmer's approach compared to that of Quinn. I believe that Quinn's approach was going to wear Parsons down very quickly. Zimmer's somewhat less so. That might buy Parsons some time before he drops off a cliff...if I'm right about him being one of those players. This is a long way around to saying that signing Parsons to a long-term, high-dollar deal feels like a trap. Not an intentional one laid Parsons' agent or anything conspiratorial, just that even if his big contract is a result of good faith from both him and the Cowboys, it seems likely that he'll end up being a very high-profile case of "dead money" in 2-3 years. If he continues to be equally productive for three more years, then it might not be the end of the world. If signs a huge contract and then proceeds to have one good year, a plummet in production in the second one, and prayers aren't answered for a recovery in the third, then it will have been a disaster.

Obviously, all that is hypothetical and speculative. Much depends on the value, length, and structure of any deal he gets (and he is way more likely than not that the one he gets will be with the Cowboys). But I do have reservations about handing him a huge sack of cash. This is based largely on personality, playing style (I haven't mentioned that it could, in my mind, increase the chances of injury), and track record of players like him (clearly talented and great while they lasted, but with sustainability issues).
He wasn't as effective without D-Law imo. He needs that high level opposite side player to be really effective.
No, only your post is an opinion. He did not write what you said. Thats a fact.

Now you try to turn stuff around. And whats even more disgusting is that you now explain to us what the guy meant. As if he isnt able to do that or his post wasnt precise enough. And all of that just to justify your offensive post? How about asking the guy instead of attacking him personally for stuff you just made up?

And you dont want to get in who is right or wrong? How generous from you!

Man after your post you are the least one who has the right to decide whats wrong and whats right.
:facepalm: why are you so angry? Not sure what triggered you but I'm done....
I'm not a big fan either but he does cause.quite a bit of disruption in the backfield
Dallas really can’t afford him along with those other big contracts. Well, they could if the double bozos knew what they were doing. Also, Dallas can’t afford to lose him either if they want to have a respectable defense. Most teams would know how to build around him.

I sometimes think he wants to be a celebrity rather than hoisting a Lombardi but I could be wrong. Micah is not the problem but overpaying him will just add to the current financial mess. He might not even finish the next contract healthy if he stays at his current position.

I am good with whatever direction they take with him.
Read what he wrote. He never wrote about ",bench,release."

The problem with some "fans" is that they dont read or/and arent able to understand. But then post wrong stuff somewhere else or in reply. Its funny on one hand because people can read the full respone including the original post: i can just imagine how embarrassing this must feel for you. Especially when you attack the original poster with reasons based on your misunderstanding.

Its a big problem if you dont think before you write. Its even a bigger problem if you are not even able to understand well written simple stuff.

If you are not able to understand simple stuff you are certainly not the one to listen to when you try to judge players.
this is rich. the poster your chastising also never said the OP said it. he said "fans". so apparently you're falling for the same stuff you're trying to be condescending about lol. even still though, the OP made a list of the things he dislikes about parson, says he will quit once paid, and in NO WAY would he pay him market value. So what do you think the options would be if not to pay? What could you infer? I know that's a big word for Elmo.
This is the frist time I have seen him give up on plays. I don't like seeing that. He quit on a play yesterday and then the Qb ran back to him and he was like oh crap, I need to play again!
Been saying this about Paraons for a couple of years now. As far as being a sack producer and being explosive when he's not tired, I'll give Parsons his due. But personally I want the next Charles Haley. The psycho game wrecker that bullied QBs and OL and just wore down opponents. These so called sack artists that command close to QB money are generally overrated IMO
There is NO WAY I make him the highest paid defensive player ever.
So what? You sign him for $5mil dollars less and think that $29 million dollars a year versus $34 will do anything?

It is effectively the same thing and does nothing to help Dallas compete.

What will that $5 million dollars get you? Nothing. Some Jag free agent that doesn't move the needle.

The problem is not Parsons. It is the fact our idiot front office refuses to put better players around our stars. The Eagles are paying out ridiculous salaries at OL, QB, WR, etc and are willing to add more free agents because they understand how to ride the boom and bust cycles of a salary cap league. Our front office is too stupid and/or lazy to even attempt it.
Dallas really can’t afford him along with those other big contracts. Well, they could if the double bozos knew what they were doing. Also, Dallas can’t afford to lose him either if they want to have a respectable defense. Most teams would know how to build around him.

I sometimes think he wants to be a celebrity rather than hoisting a Lombardi but I could be wrong. Micah is not the problem but overpaying him will just add to the current financial mess. He might not even finish the next contract healthy if he stays at his current position.

I am good with whatever direction they take with him.
they can afford him. its not that hard. actually redoing the contract will open up cap space and lower his cap hit in 25.
the question is should we resign him?
He’s a one trick pony and his one trick only works against bad teams.

He’s horrible in run support and can’t play a full drive without coming out a few plays.

He can have games where you wouldn’t know he was playing if you wasn’t looking for him.

He's NEVER been the guy that made a big play when the defense needed it.

He looks completely disinterested when he or the team isn’t playing well.

He, more so than any player I’ve seen, has “will quit when paid” written all over him. He has too much outside of football stuff going on and adding generational wealth to it will only make it worse.

There is NO WAY I make him the highest paid defensive player ever.
Jerry would rather overpay players. He wants them to stay in Dallas for money and doesn't want to go anywhere else for rings.

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