News: It's Zeke


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When was the last time a top 5 RB was a good pick? I'm worried about longevity. RBs these days are a dime a dozen and with the wear and tear they don't last long.

Obviously Zeke is an incredible talent, but taking ANY RB at 4 just isn't smart. I hope I'm wrong, but Ramsey should've been the pick.

Don't live in the past. Waste of time.


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To everyone I argued with about picking Zeke with the 4th overall pick, I apologize. You were right. Am I forgiven?

It's all good. Nobody knew for sure, even we who believed the Cowboys would take Zeke.


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As the top RB prospect in each of the last two years, and the fact that we couldn't get Gurley last year (at all) but somehow, luckily ended up with Elliott this year, I'd like to 'hear' folks' thoughts on a comparison between the two. Naturally, Gurley has one season under his belt and it was impressive one while EE has yet to play a down in the NFL... but do people think we got the better of the two or not or just different type of runners.


(is it okay to make a Zeke thread now?)


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As the top RB prospect in each of the last two years, and the fact that we couldn't get Gurley last year (at all) but somehow, luckily ended up with Elliott this year, I'd like to 'hear' folks' thoughts on a comparison between the two. Naturally, Gurley has one season under his belt and it was impressive one while EE has yet to play a down in the NFL... but do people think we got the better of the two or not or just different runners.


(is it okay to make a Zeke thread now?)

Two part answer:

No - because Gurley is the better runner of the two.
Yes - Because Zeke is the better overall running back when you consider all of his other qualities and he has the potential to actually log better production than Gurley because of the team he is on and the teams he will face in this division by comparison to who the Rams face in the NFCW.


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I don't really follow this guy that closely. Is he as amazing as the excitement seems to suggest?