J.T. "The Brick" prediction on the game

Riggos Rangers said:
No but Brunell smoked you for 300+ and 2 tds no picks!!
You mean the game where we featured a nobody at cornerback, and the game where we had Willey rushing the QB?
And the game where we had Eddie George running the ball? How about the game where it took Brunell 43 attempts to get 325 yards. WOW!

Well Deadskins, introducing the new COWBOYS!!!!!
But that Statue behind the Cowboys o-line better beware :)

No, that statue is Drew Bledsoe. Ware is one of the guys that's going to be planting Brunell in the dirt all night. How convenient is it that Brunell likes to roll out to Ware's side? Save him a few steps of effort on the sack.
If I were you deadskin fan, I would not show my face to america after barely beating the worst offense in the history of the NFL.

You guys don't even know what the endzone looks like, smells like, or feels like. - and you won't find out this Monday night either. :skins: :skins: :suxskins:
Riggos Rangers said:
OK, I agree on Brunell and mobility.

But that Statue behind the Cowboys o-line better beware :)

I loved your QB in NE but his scrambling ability in 2005 is far far worse than our old man Brunell :)

Don't fret......the OL will protect. We are ready to burn the blitz so please bring it.. Old Statues arm is still strong and full of zip and will be ready to rip the skins.

Brunnells arm....lets see...I've heard it compared to a "noodle arm".....is that true? I understand when he throws the ball deep the ball flutters for a moment and just dies...falling a few yards short of the mark.
HeavyHitta31 said:

Respect your elders wasnt a nig part of the lesson plan is pre school I see

I see youn-un....letting this old coot fight your battles for ya. All blow no show. :D Why am I not surprised. ;)
You will never step in a GREAT Cowboyzone thread and survive. We are champions and we are AMERICA'S TEAM.

Your team is full of wanna-be's and your owner has the mind of a 6 year old. He tries to be like Jerry Jones, that will never happen. There is no greatness in your team, never has been , never will be.

So my prediction is that Brunell is sacked 5 times, throws 3 int's - Roy Williams will lay out atleast 2 of your remaining loser WR, and you guys will be force to watch the greatest tripple threat in the history of Man Kind. EMMITT, TROY, IRVIN
Cbz40 said:
Don't fret......the OL will protect. We are ready to burn the blitz so please bring it.. Old Statues arm is still strong and full of zip and will be ready to rip the skins.

Brunnells arm....lets see...I've heard it compared to a "noodle arm".....is that true? I understand when he throws the ball deep the ball flutters for a moment and just dies...falling a few yards short of the mark.

So how about this.

Commanders win...I get a special skins rule the cowboys avatar.

They lose, I get the avatar of your choice?

Noodle arm was last year.
Riggos Rangers said:
So how about this.

Commanders win...I get a special skins rule the cowboys avatar.

They lose, I get the avatar of your choice?

Noodle arm was last year.
you win, you get celebrate for beating this years SUPER BOWL CHAMPS.

You lose, you get to be what you are, LOSERS!!!!
By the way, how did it feel to put up 9 points on a pee-wee league team.

I wonder which quarter the announcers fell asleep in.
smashmouth said:
you win, you get celebrate for beating this years SUPER BOWL CHAMPS.

You lose, you get to be what you are, LOSERS!!!!

So you are saying the Avatar challenge is a no go???


I mean based on history it should be an immediate yes!!!
"Commanders win...I get a special skins rule the cowboys avatar"

No, you see that would be an untruth. You see, 2 wins out of 16 games does not=skins rule, even by Commander math.
Riggos Rangers said:
So you are saying the Avatar challenge is a no go???


I mean based on history it should be an immediate yes!!!
When we win, you will become an AMERICAN TEAM worshiper for a week. Meaning; You will get an avatar of Roy Williams smashing Brunell, and a picture of the Star Crashing down on the deadskins.

You will create a username called, The Cowboys Biotch.
If you win, it's a miracle.
Cbz40 said:
"Commanders win...I get a special skins rule the cowboys avatar"

No, you see that would be an untruth. You see, 2 wins out of 16 games does not=skins rule, even by Commander math.

Funny, I wouldn't want a cowboys fan to stand up to a little friendly competition :)

I bow down to your 2 of 16.

But this is Gibbs year 2.

If your scared just say it!
smashmouth said:
When we win, you will become an AMERICAN TEAM worshiper for a week. Meaning; You will get an avatar of Roy Williams smashing Brunell, and a picture of the Star Crashing down on the deadskins.

You will create a username called, The Cowboys Biotch.
If you win, it's a miracle.

Deal. And if the Commanders win???

See I will come back for my punishment...but can you guys stand the heat if "Noodle Arm" drops the loss on your team?

If I was 2-16 I wouldn't run scared.
Riggos Rangers said:
Funny, I wouldn't want a cowboys fan to stand up to a little friendly competition :)

I bow down to your 2 of 16.

But this is Gibbs year 2.

If your scared just say it!
We are classy fans over here, we don't play any wager games against no bodies. We'll wait for the Shegles game before we start wagering.

Gibbs? He hates coaching, he's just pimping your 6 year old owner out.
As a Commander fan you are welcome.

If you would like to think your team is going to win fine I would not expect anything less.

I referred to your team as Commanders........

I expect the same respect for my team. If you refer to my team as "cowboys" again your visit will be cut short.

As far as betting w/you ...NO....it would end up being an exercise in futility.
There is one reason your deadskins will never rule us. Dan Syder!
He is the biggest waste of ownership in history.

How about you sell me your franchise for a tank of gas, and a snickers bar. I know how to run your franchise better than that loser.

You guys were okay before he came along - and now your franchise is ruined forever as it should be.

So if you win in some miracle way, then it's only because Bill Parcells wants to send a message to our team. In other words; He shall let you win to prove a point to his squad.
smashmouth said:
We are classy fans over here, we don't play any wager games against no bodies. We'll wait for the Shegles game before we start wagering.

Gibbs? He hates coaching, he's just pimping your 6 year old owner out.

HMM I like the no tradition quote. You have owned us for the last 9 seasons, but its the only joy you have. How many playoff games have you Boys won 0 zippy, zilch, nada, none, nothing. We at least have 1! LOL! Oh yea are 6 year old owner has the what? Oh yea the # 1 valued football team in the NFL. Just imagine when Gibbs gets the ship going how much more it will be worth!

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