Jake Plummer to Tampa Bay; trade nullified Plummer to retire

theogt;1400125 said:
Bob Barker has slept with more women on accident than most men have on purpose. He is a true American hero.

Dude is an icon.

But avatar smack? Teh weakness.....:rolleyes:
Why do everyone named Jake have the nickname of Snake?

Why don't they get more creative? Like Cake, or Flake, or Milk Shake, or Pan Cake?

Why always Jake the Snake?

I happen to like Jake the Steak. :)
iceberg;1400126 said:
you musta crapped out a live cow when elway did his little dance to get where he wanted, huh?

selfishness? cause at this point in his career he wants to choose where to go? PU-LEASE. the world doesn't revolve around your own whacked out view of morality and this isn't the military - he can call it quits whenever the hell he damn well pleases.

sometimes i think you say things that would make the stupid marvel at it's stupidity on purpose. if you want room to move in this world you should try giving it as well. if plummer would rather quit than go to tampa, why should he have to take a job he doesn't want just because denver doesn't want him anymore either?

get down off that horse before you hurt yourself.

I'll get off that horse when you extract your head from Jerry's arse. You're in no position to dispense lectures.

Yes, he can quit whenever he pleases, so long as it's not a ploy. Morality? It's called "being a man." Its called "honoring your contract." It's called "keeping your word." And unless his name was forged on that contract, he does not control his own destiny. Period. But what would you know about honor? Or for that matter, hygiene?
bbgun;1400215 said:
I'll get off that horse when you extract your head from Jerry's arse. You're in no position to dispense lectures.

Yes, he can quit whenever he pleases, so long as it's not a ploy. Morality? It's called "being a man." Its called "honoring your contract." It's called "keeping your word." And unless his name was forged on that contract, he does not control his own destiny. Period. But what would you know about honor? Or for that matter, hygiene?

Broncos don't want him any longer and Jake has no obligations to Tampa Bay. Denver could allow Jake to retire and get nothing for him at all or they could sit down and work with him and try to get something in return. I don't see either side doing anything wrong, they are both looking out for themselves. Denver no doubt has the right to play hardball but how does that help them? It is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
bbgun;1400215 said:
I'll get off that horse when you extract your head from Jerry's arse. You're in no position to dispense lectures.

Yes, he can quit whenever he pleases, so long as it's not a ploy. Morality? It's called "being a man." Its called "honoring your contract." It's called "keeping your word." And unless his name was forged on that contract, he does not control his own destiny. Period. But what would you know about honor? Or for that matter, hygiene?
"Being a man" -- what a nice euphism for, "he should adhere to whatever moral standard I spew."
I think Jake is having some mental issues he looks like he is going Unibomber or colobine. He had that traffic incident and maybe some marital issues. He has become Jake the Flake. Hell he probably is doing Tampa a favor saying he is spent.
bbgun;1400215 said:
I'll get off that horse when you extract your head from Jerry's arse. You're in no position to dispense lectures.

sure i am. i took classes and everything. : ) most people talk with a give and take nature - all hitting our extremes. so far, you're just a whacked out extreme who shouts a lot and takes, but never "gives". call it constructive feedback and i'm sure something you've heard a lot of before.

Yes, he can quit whenever he pleases, so long as it's not a ploy. Morality? It's called "being a man." Its called "honoring your contract." It's called "keeping your word." And unless his name was forged on that contract, he does not control his own destiny. Period. But what would you know about honor? Or for that matter, hygiene?

what do you know about MY honor? hygene either for that matter. : ) nothing is the only answer that comes to mind but you like to pretend you already know it all.

see 1st paragraph in reply to you and re-insert here.

plummer is not a slave and when signing contracts, he signed it w/denver. yes that means a player can be traded - but in no way, shape or form does that mean he has to follow through and can't simply retire, if he so chooses.

is it a "real" possibility? dunno - but you're sure jumping on his arse as well now aren't you - and his own morals - without even KNOWING for sure.

see my 1st paragraph response to you and reinsert it here. : )

as for the rest, kiss my hygiene, bbboy.
bbgun;1400215 said:
Yes, he can quit whenever he pleases, so long as it's not a ploy.

As long as the law of the land is 'at will' employment, he can quit for any reason, whether or not its a ploy. Period.


David Myers.

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