Jane Slater: Vrabel, Harbaugh, and Belichick were interested in Cowboys job


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No clue here...he studies all coaches and teams. Jerry is a loyalty person....some times that restricts change, not respect.
mr CCBoy---..or...or....he is just half drunk all the time and dementia is setting in....he use to want to win and swung for the fences...i get it....that can go too far

and must reel in...but its the motive i like....when you are lazy, selfish and now dont even try....after you give most embarrassing product to the fans of all time

you must show you care...but instead....rinse and repeat....he thinks the fans are the true clowns....maybe we are...we make him billions rich and lay down for

him....not me...no more


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I'd be curious what proof Jane Slater has that all three of these guys had expressed an interest in the job other than "I heard from a friend of a friend" type stuff

None of these guys publicly expressed interest in the job from what I have seen and I have to think if any of the 3 (Belichick, Harbaugh, or Vrabel) had put direct feelers out to Jerry that would have been news

If any of them had truly been interested in the job my guess is they would have directly called Jerry and expressed interest rather than sitting around and "hoping and preparing for his call" as slater described it

Personally I've always thought Slater was a bit of a fib teller and this clip makes me think that even more
Belichick made a comments about want to go to an "underperforming team" which many people took to mean the Cowboys. I don't know about the other two guys. I don't think they would call Jerry as long as Mike McCarthy still had the job.

But the Cowboys HC job would be a jewel among coaching jobs. The have a team with a lot of talent. They have an established QB. Stars on offense and defense. I would be Harbaugh and Belichick look at the Cowboys and thing they could easily win with this team making only a few adjustments to the roster. Vrabel probably thinks he could toughen this team up in one off season and get them playing much more physical by the time September starts.

I don't know what Slater has in terms of evidence to back up her statements, but it is easy to believe what she is saying.
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WELL SAID. BTW, my son is in the Army. I can kinda see what you mean.
Rayman---i had been loyal cowboy HOMER 50+ years...sunday was like being strapped down and given highest amperage level shock treatment of all time

so i no longer buy into the lets try to lose but call it good category anymore



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Belichick made a comments about want to go to an "underperforming team" which many people took to mean the Cowboys. I don't know about the other two guys. I don't think they would call Jerry as long as Mike McCarthy still had the job.

But the Cowboys HC job would be a jewel among coaching jobs. The have a team with a lot of talent. They have an established QB. Stars on offense and defense. I would be Harbaugh and Belichick look at the Cowboys and thing they could easily win with this team making only a few adjustments to the roster. Vrabel probably thinks he could toughen this team up in one off season and get them playing much more physical by the time September starts.

I don't know what Slater has in terms of evidence to back up her statements, but it is easy to believe what she is saying.
her pretty looks is her super power...men lay down like zombies and give it up to her....i have no doubt she is telling the truth because never known her to lie

she does not have too....she would not lose all credibility saying something so easy to check only to be found as a liar....nawww makes no sense


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The last thing Jerry wanted to do is have Bill Belichick come in and win a Super Bowl and have that trophy all to himself and Jerry and his fat son in the background.

He wants to win with his hand, chosen coach and his hand chosen defensive coordinator and show the world that Prescott was the right move to pay him, etc. etc..

Jones is a narcissist, and it’s hard for him to understand and comprehend how foolish he looks to the rest of the.

However, the real fools here are us. We’ve all should’ve Jumped ship to another team by now.


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its kind of an unwritten rule that you dont lobby publicly for another coach's job .

I'm not saying they would call a press conference and ask for an interview

But they are in front of reporters constantly and you can subtly make your interest known

Heck jimmy flat told a reporter he'd be interested in coaching Jacksonville if that opportunity presented itself and that was when he was still employed here lol


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David Moore said on his Ticket show last night that he'd be shocked if Jerry didn't put feelers out to all three of those guys.

And he's probably as connected as anyone out there.

Some people want to believe that everyone is super interested in this job and Jerry isn't listening

I think it's not as much of a dream job as many of our fans think and they're looking for a reason to be upset after Sundays collapse


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There's a big difference between Bayless and Slater.
Bayless for 17 years has just been on ESPN or FS1 arguing topics for the sake of arguing. He's a television personality(troll) for almost two decades now.

I would also be willing to bet he has zero ties to the Cowboys in terms of whispers around the Star, something Jane probably has insight to, as she actually covers the team at this time.

Not saying I take Slater's word as the gospel, but that was just an odd comparison.

I think they are both liars and self promoters

Slater is just more subtle about it :muttley:

There's tons of people who cover the cowboys beat yet she's the only one who even remotely hinted at anything having to do with Belichick and Harbaugh wanting this job. The two biggest names on the coaching market have interest in the Dallas Cowboys job and somehow nobody knows about it except Jane Slater and she chooses to let everyone know the day after Jerry announced McCarthy is coming back

Just seems a bit convenient to me

But she's got people pissed at Jerry and talking about her. So mission accomplished I guess


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Belichick made a comments about want to go to an "underperforming team" which many people took to mean the Cowboys. I don't know about the other two guys. I don't think they would call Jerry as long as Mike McCarthy still had the job.

But the Cowboys HC job would be a jewel among coaching jobs. The have a team with a lot of talent. They have an established QB. Stars on offense and defense. I would be Harbaugh and Belichick look at the Cowboys and thing they could easily win with this team making only a few adjustments to the roster. Vrabel probably thinks he could toughen this team up in one off season and get them playing much more physical by the time September starts.

I don't know what Slater has in terms of evidence to back up her statements, but it is easy to believe what she is saying.
What a wasted opportunity. I'd love to see this team with a smidgen of discipline and toughness.


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Belichick made a comments about want to go to an "underperforming team" which many people took to mean the Cowboys. I don't know about the other two guys. I don't think they would call Jerry as long as Mike McCarthy still had the job.

But the Cowboys HC job would be a jewel among coaching jobs. The have a team with a lot of talent. They have an established QB. Stars on offense and defense. I would be Harbaugh and Belichick look at the Cowboys and thing they could easily win with this team making only a few adjustments to the roster. Vrabel probably thinks he could toughen this team up in one off season and get them playing much more physical by the time September starts.

I don't know what Slater has in terms of evidence to back up her statements, but it is easy to believe what she is saying.
I understand I'm in the minority on this one but I don't think it's so easy to accept what she's saying

Harbaugh is notorious for having friction with management. His clashes with Jed York in SF were well documented. Do you think he'd want to lock up with Jerry and his meddling style and answer to him as GM? I don't

Same with Belichick. He and Parcells go way back and I have no doubt Parcells has told him all about the millions of ways that Jerry got under his skin during his tenure here

I'm not saying it's impossible I'm just saying I have my doubts.

People want to believe that the two most desired coaches in football right now want to coach our team, because we're fans. There are a lot of compelling reasons that Dallas wouldn't necessarily be a great fit for Harbaugh or BB.

And again I default to, if they were interested there would be more people talking about it besides only Jane Slater. No way that kind of news could be kept totally under wraps except for only one person finding out about it IMO

Slater is obviously upset by MM staying. She made that clear with her questions at the presser. Which is fine, I think she asked MM what a lot of us were thinking

I think she took her indignation a step further with this little nugget to Eisen. If people weren't furious with Jerry yesterday, they sure are now. "We could have had Belichick and or Harbaugh but Jerry wouldn't take their call"

Seems to convenient to me. Again I understand most disagree and that's fine.


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Jones never once talked to any other coach s he knew he was sticking with MM as soon as the game was over


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Unfortunately, Jerry starts his list from the bottom up. Goes to the has beens, cast offs, kicked to the curb, just happy to be somewhere crowd.. Sell their soul, self respect and ego to Jerry. Just to collect a check. SMDH.....

But i really doubt two of those three wanted the job....only maybe Vrabel would be willing to at least listen.