Twitter: Jason Garrett on 105.3 The Fan - 11/25/19


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Hopefully, Jerry is sitting down with his football people and they are evaluating the coaching talent around the league so they can make a decision as soon as the season ends.

You mean he hasn't been doing this for the past 20+ years already? Thank gawd, that means there's still hope. His learning curve is just a little longer than Garrett's l guess...
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If he still can say that he can coach better, it means that this guy will never ever learn from his mistakes. He didn't even get a lesson from the game played 2 weeks ago. What the hell he is talking about? He has been a HC for 10 years but he didn't even know what to do while he was getting punked by Bellichik on that punt play.
He's been learning for 10 yrs. It is asinine that he still has a job
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Fattening up
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You haven't gotten in the red zone all game and now you think they can do it two times in a row? That makes no sense.

Further, you highlight what many analysts have said. Garrett coached that series before the FG like he was content to take the FG. In other words, if you understand the situation properly and know a FG is not the wise decision, your thinking on 3rd down changes. You can maybe run the ball there and get 4-5 yards and then set up a 4th and 2 which is way more manageable.

It was just bad coaching and situational analysis there by Garrett. And the fact he admitted today on radio that they were either completely unaware of the statistics and data and/or didn't care what the data told them just further shows what a cluster crap this staff was at the end of the game.

Kicking is not the right decision because it nets you nothing. You still need a TD and have left yourself only one drive, at best, to score that TD.

Your boy once again showed a complete lack of late game awareness. It's his calling card.

No he didn’t. We had a good play call on in that situation and were obviously playing for the touch. That’s just nonsense to suggest otherwise. If talking heads are doing it, it’s to get some easy attention.

It’s the same rank second-guessing we hear every time a sound tough decision doesn’t work out. It’s the easiest thing in the world to come out and say we should have done the opposite for any 50/50 call, and the sheep will follow that reasoning whenever the chosen route doesn’t work out.


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I bring it up because I think it’s amusing how often it comes up unprompted.
I use it to provide context to my Garrett Sucks assessment. I know and have met many coaches that are much better than your red rocket, including my Pee Wee football coach. He'd make your gingerbread man look like a gingerbread man!!! Lol. Keep riding his red rocket, it's about to explode!!!


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As he should have yesterday. Not that you wouldn’t have been yelling even louder if he went for it on 4th and 7 against that defense yesterday.
Yeah. I can see that the gutless game plans have made you believe that was the right call. Every head coach on every show this morning was calling him GUTLESS. Which is exactly what it was. Same thing in Minnesota.


Fattening up
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Yeah. I can see that the gutless game plans have made you believe that was the right call. Every head coach on every show this morning was calling him GUTLESS. Which is exactly what it was. Same thing in Minnesota.

It was the right call. And it wasn’t gutless. And I don’t believe you when you say that every head coach in every show disagrees. I think it’s more of the echo chamber nonsense we hear after literally every close loss no matter what the coaching decisions happen to be.


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It was the right call. And it wasn’t gutless. And I don’t believe you when you say that every head coach in every show disagrees. I think it’s more of the echo chamber nonsense we hear after literally every close loss no matter what the coaching decisions happen to be.
Of course you dont believe it. It goes against Garrett. Rex Ryan called it gutless, so has literally every talking head on TV or the radio. It wasnt the right call. AT ALL. You can sit there and defend it all you want. I would have much rather failed at converting the 4th and giving them a long field as opposed to kicking the field goal. then having to march down the field again. You're a joke


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We're beating a dead horse now, IMO. I think Jerry just announced he is not re-signing Jason Garrett. But Jerry is not going to make a change right now and I agree with him. Making a change in the middle of the season is basically giving up on the season. The Cowboys are still in first place over the Eagles with some tough games coming up. They can win all of them but not with a disruption like a coaching change. Besides, changing the head coach is not going to make a difference in the way the team plays the rest of the season. Get the team focused on winning each and every game they have left. Don't give them a reason to quit. Let the season play out, then fire the coaching staff.

Hopefully, Jerry is sitting down with his football people and they are evaluating the coaching talent around the league so they can make a decision as soon as the season ends.

As an FYI the Cleveland Cavaliers fires their head coach mid season while they were 30-11 and had the best record in the conference.

They went on to win their first nba championship that year


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No sweat to disagree, but I’m not wrong. The Pats getting a quick TD on the next possession beats you, regardless. You’re bound to get the ball back at least once in that situation otherwise. You don’t forgo the game-winning points in order to take a very low-percentage shot in the rain against a defense that’s given up six offensive TDs all season. Going for it on 4th and 7 there is not playing with balls. It’s playing without brains.


Fattening up
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Of course you dont believe it. It goes against Garrett. Rex Ryan called it gutless, so has literally every talking head on TV or the radio. It wasnt the right call. AT ALL. You can sit there and defend it all you want. I would have much rather failed at converting the 4th and giving them a long field as opposed to kicking the field goal. then having to march down the field again. You're a joke

Please. Stop regurgitating the same old nonsense. Believe it or not, 50/50 calls, or nearly 50/50 calls, do exist in football. The fact that I can recognize that and that I’m not impressed by the idiot reaction to come down on the opposite side of any tough call for no other reason than you don’t like the coach does not make me “gutless.”

And Rex Ryan is a fat, unemployed loser with a foot fetish. He doesn’t represent every talking head on football and radio.


Star Power
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Gronk would be optimal casting for the jock Ogre in a “Revenge of the Nerds” remake.


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Hopefully, Jerry is sitting down with his football people and they are evaluating the coaching talent around the league so they can make a decision as soon as the season ends.
Jerry has football people?!?!