***Jason Garrett Rant thread RUN THE BALL(merged)***


The Sarcastic One
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theogt;1837636 said:
It's funny how Jason Garrett is a genius when Tony is playing great and an idiot when Tony isn't.

I quit calling him a genius in the first half of the season when I saw that this entire season was on Romo. Not a smart idea and this game amplifies that.


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Called a masterpiece didn't ya? The game was never more then 7 points away and you ditched the run. Ditched it just like last week.

Had multiple possessions inside Philly territory in the 3rd and 4th quarter and you still didn't run the ball. I especially liked the series that started on the Philly 40. If dallas could have gained maybe 4 yards then going for it on 4th down would have been worth while. What did you do? Didn't run it. Pass, pass, pass.

Series in the redzone where you threw on 1st and then ran to the 5 or so on second, only to go right back to the run on 3rd was just really special.

My favorite call today though. Had to be the roll out designed play for TO. Just to try and make him happy, you try to throw him a bone.

So, good game Garrett. You did what you could with what you had. Constantly threw the ball inside the opponents 10 yard line and repeatedly put the defense back on the field with short notice. I congratulate you. You called a marvelous game with 70% passing plays. You shot time of possession all to hell and even with Tony having an off game and a messed up thumb, you still threw and threw......and threw.......and threw. Even when Barber made is painfully obvious that he could move the ball, you threw. So hats off you to Big Red. You called a hell of a game.

P.S. Mike Martz called. He wants his playbook back.


Nikola Tesla
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RCowboyFan;1837649 said:
I agree, been worried about Jason Garrett turning to Sean Payton too much. Seems like he has the making of it. But at the same time, our Running game didn't do much either. JJ just simply is not good, but Blocking hasn't been that good either on Run.

JJ sucks... MB3 turns a negative gain into a positive most of the time and they are running behind the same line


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We shouldnt use Romo thumb as a excuse......he was off from the beginning....and on the sidelines he said it was fine....

Romo was just not very good today.....

lets hope this doesnt continue....


The Sarcastic One
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smarta5150;1837661 said:
Garret has had NOTHING BUT PRASIE all year until now, funny people want him out already

Stupid thread #4

Not a stupid thread because I haven't been praising him. Been warning people of this but nobody wanted to listen.


Nikola Tesla
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smarta5150;1837661 said:
Garret has had NOTHING BUT PRASIE all year until now, funny people want him out already

Stupid thread #4

How is it stupid?? i have been talking about this problem all season..

always coming out and throwing on 1st and 10 not running the ball when we need to


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Mash;1837632 said:
If Romo hit his passes to open receivers.......then that would of opened the running game.....

Our running game is set up with the Pass.......has happened all yr.......

So I dont blame Garrett......but Romo....

This Lost is all on Romo......too many fumbles....to many missed passes....he was off

Our OL and defense played well......it seemed like our receivers were open....but Romo didnt play well and thats all good....better now then in the
You make a good point, but when you're not hitting on all cylinders in the passing game, and your Pro Bowl center goes down, you must try something else like running the ball. At least if you have a couple of good runs, that will set up the play action better.


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Well, I suppose I shouldn't have typed a long thread about how he called the perfect game. Took too long and there is already one. Oh well, this merge will look nice when complete.


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theogt;1837636 said:
It's funny how Jason Garrett is a genius when Tony is playing great and an idiot when Tony isn't.

Garrett is an idiot when we are down 4 points, our QB is completing 33% of his passes, over 30 passes and we have only run a total of 13-14 times? Putrid play calling today


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RCowboyFan;1837649 said:
I agree, been worried about Jason Garrett turning to Sean Payton too much. Seems like he has the making of it. But at the same time, our Running game didn't do much either. JJ just simply is not good, but Blocking hasn't been that good either on Run.

This running back by committe is ok but we need to allow one of our running backs time to get a rhythm. Mainly MB. JJ is just a waste of a down.

Romo needs to get in the gym. If you fart on him, the ball is coming out.

We are almost there but inexperience is hurting us both with players and OC.


Nikola Tesla
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Mash;1837676 said:
We shouldnt use Romo thumb as a excuse......he was off from the beginning....and on the sidelines he said it was fine....

Romo was just not very good today.....

lets hope this doesnt continue....

Thats not the point..

We were down by 4 points with a struggling QB plenty of time left and he goes gung-ho


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Jason Garret with a HORRIBLE game..This guy was pathetic coaching the team today, it felt like We were the lions.

PASS PASS PASS PASS pASS pASS pass pass pass pass pass pass pass..

and when we do run it's Julius Run into a brick wall JOnes...

I'm Bleeping pissed off right now!!!...Bleeping Freaking PISSED...PAthetic.:banghead:


Well-Known Member
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This seems like a good place to reiterate that if Garrett has to go at season's end, I'm ok with that.


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We have been a pass first and pass happy team all season. Same as today. Fact of the matter is, the offense did not execute and Romo was horrid. He stared down TO almost every time he threw it to him. The offensive line folded in the 4th quarter and it was not because of Gurode going out. Romo was under pressure like crazy in the last quarter.

Apollo Creed

Stackin and Processin, Well
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Balance. Even against poor teams, you have to display balance. Jim Johnson feeds off teams coming one-dimensional, we did tonight.

Way I see it. We've "lost" 3 games this year Buffalo, Detroit, and Philly. And we happen to be 2-1 in those games.


The Sarcastic One
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GoinForSix;1837733 said:
Balance. Even against poor teams, you have to display balance. Jim Johnson feeds off teams coming one-dimensional, we did tonight.

Way I see it. We've "lost" 3 games this year Buffalo, Detroit, and Philly. And we happen to be 2-1 in those games.

Not just tonight.....been one-dimensional pretty much all year long.


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superpunk;1837718 said:
This seems like a good place to reiterate that if Garrett has to go at season's end, I'm ok with that.

Im sure sporano couldn't do a whole lot worse.


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khiladi;1837556 said:
This game should end all doubts about the not really needing a running attack in today's NFL. Jerry should do whatever it takes to get McFadden, because it is obvious that with our deep vertical passing game, Jason Garrett prefers to have his receivers run intermediate and deep routes. The quick slant through the middle is unheard of for this offense and without it, teams are just droppng men back into coverage to take away TO as a threat and we are not forcing the defense up. You can't dominate a defensive line if your OL is in passing situations all day.

Also, the style of offense we have, especially on days when the QB is out, is bad for the defense and wears them out. Romo can't be on every game.
mcfaden is a lock to come to the cowboys .. jerry is going to get a wow player even if it isn't mcfadden.. I would say jerry wanting mcfadden is almost as much of a lock as KiDD was to come to the spurs


Original Zoner (he's a good boy!)
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Jason Garret displayed a lack of poise in this game. His inexperience really showed.

Parcells for all his faults knew how important running the ball is.

I know the league has changed and its more wide open then ever but my friends and i have been bemoaning a lack of commitment to the running game for a long time.

We simply do not run well, we don't run block well, and we don't run well early in games.

Our statistics are, i feel, misleading, its looks like we run well but i don't believe we do.

Tony Romo is working on 18 or 19 starts, thereabouts. He is going to have stretches like this, we have to protect him by giving him more options.

See any Philly players buying a play fake in this game?

Tough loss. Have to win the last two now. Would have had essentially a 3 week break by winning today and at Carolina.
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