Jason Garrett - Where's the love?


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So, you think that was coaching blowing our interior DL off the ball? Because I disagree.

Yeah, if they knew our tendencies like the Rams offensive line said they did, then yes, I could see them blowing us off the ball play in and play out, if they don't have to think many times throughout the game which way our defensive lineman is going, it makes it a whole lot easier sir.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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As JJ said yesterday, had JG been fired, it would have taken him a minute and a half to find a new job. Let's look at JG in an historical perspective. He was young (45) when he took the team over. He has a decent sample size of games coached to assess his career to date, so how does his winning percentage stack up with some of the greats of the game? It is worth noting that, aside from Belichick, no other coach had a HOF QB that was willing to leave over $100m on the table to help their team win.

Jason Garrett's win percentage is .566. That puts him either statistically tied (within 3%) or better than the following list of coaches:

Bill Parcells (HOF)
Chuck Knoll (HOF)
Dan Quinn
Marv Levy (HOF)
Mike Ditka (HOF)
Ron Rivera
Jimmy Johnson
Mike Shanahan

He's within striking distance of (all less than .600)

Pete Carrol
John Harbaugh
Mike Zimmer
Mike Holmgren
Hank Stram
Don Coryell

The point is that fans tend to look at the latest 'boy wonder' or some other nonsense and they think that:

1. These guys grown on trees
2. That these new coaches that have been successful in the short term will also be successful in the long term. That's FAR from a guarantee.

As an example, Cowboy fans LOVED Jimmy Johnson after he started winning, but there was some serious hate flowing through the Cowboys fan universe after his first two seasons. He had an amazing run with Dallas, then shuffles off to Miami and manages just one 10 win season in four years. He had 11 win and 13 win seasons and a Super Bowl in his first four years with Dallas and arguably started with a lesser team before the talent flowed in like a water fall. Much of that great talent was a product not necessarily of luck, but of being at the right place at the right time (move a draft pick one position and the results might have been radically different, or don't take a chance on a troubled player like Haley and we might have won no SBs during his tenure).

The point is this: Jason Garrett is not an elite coach yet, but he IS a damn good coach. You're free to think he isn't, but you'd be wrong.

The over/under for Dallas this year was 8 games. It will be 8 or 9 next year with the schedule we play. The NFL has structured their league for parity, so if a coach can dodge losing seasons in our current era, he's done a good job.

Pete Carroll had 2 winning seasons during his first 6 years.
Belichick was an awful coach before he got Brady.
Chuck Knoll (HOF) had ONE 10 win season in his last 12 seasons.
In the 3 comparable years during his coaching career (2016-18 for Garrett), Bill Cowher went 7-9, 6-10, 9-7 and only had one 12 win season before that. JG has had 2 seasons with more wins.

You'd be wise to thank the coaching gods that JG is our coach. I look forward to many wininng seasons with him at the helm.
Is that you in the white shirt bro?



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Winning regular seasons mean nothing without super bowl wins!!
Attaining a record of 9-7 (2016) simply because you play a team in week 17 with nothing to play for and all starters in street clothes (and still manage to only put up 6pts) is not a winning season.

Jason Garrett prior to these last couoke seasons was a .500 coach..
He's not great in the short term or horrible in the long term ...HES BEEN AVERAGE THE WHOLE TERM!!


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It wa
Yeah, if they knew our tendencies like the Rams offensive line said they did, then yes, I could see them blowing us off the ball play in and play out, if they don't have to think many times throughout the game which way our defensive lineman is going, it makes it a whole lot easier sir.
s coaching
Yeah, if they knew our tendencies like the Rams offensive line said they did, then yes, I could see them blowing us off the ball play in and play out, if they don't have to think many times throughout the game which way our defensive lineman is going, it makes it a whole lot easier sir.

It was coaching that decided to run the same dam 4th n 1 play we always run into the teeth and best players on that whole defense...
Then turnaround on the next drive and run the play they should have ran on a second down I believe which was plyaction bootleg ...situational football


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Pete Carroll had 2 winning seasons during his first 6 years.
Belichick was an awful coach before he got Brady.
Chuck Knoll (HOF) had ONE 10 win season in his last 12 seasons.
In the 3 comparable years during his coaching career (2016-18 for Garrett), Bill Cowher went 7-9, 6-10, 9-7 and only had one 12 win season before that. JG has had 2 seasons with more wins.

You'd be wise to thank the coaching gods that JG is our coach. I look forward to many wininng seasons with him at the helm.[/QUOTE]

I think its safe to say that Garrett's biggest influence on his offensive philosophy is Norv Turner. Yet Norv was able to design and implement a scheme that fused his Coryell based attack with what Cam Newton does well. Newton was having a great season until he got hurt. So if Norv Turner can modify and evolve his scheme to fit his personnel then I see zero excuse for Garrett. If I am Jerry I am telling the coach design an offense that fits Dak or I will find someone that will...

They can't run a scheme that is based on having the best OL in football. Even if they have the best personnel that's not accounting for injuries and regression. I think the roster is good enough and the coaches are squandering it.


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So, you think that was coaching blowing our interior DL off the ball? Because I disagree.

Naw I think Rams know hat we were doing "90%" of the time allowed them to get blown off the ball.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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As JJ said yesterday, had JG been fired, it would have taken him a minute and a half to find a new job. Let's look at JG in an historical perspective. He was young (45) when he took the team over. He has a decent sample size of games coached to assess his career to date, so how does his winning percentage stack up with some of the greats of the game? It is worth noting that, aside from Belichick, no other coach had a HOF QB that was willing to leave over $100m on the table to help their team win.

Jason Garrett's win percentage is .566. That puts him either statistically tied (within 3%) or better than the following list of coaches:

Bill Parcells (HOF)
Chuck Knoll (HOF)
Dan Quinn
Marv Levy (HOF)
Mike Ditka (HOF)
Ron Rivera
Jimmy Johnson
Mike Shanahan

He's within striking distance of (all less than .600)

Pete Carrol
John Harbaugh
Mike Zimmer
Mike Holmgren
Hank Stram
Don Coryell



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Leadership often involves hard decisions that must be made as dispassionately as possible— with the best interests of the organization in mind.

The wisest person I know said “wisdom is proved right by it’s children.” What results from a decision verifies whether or not it was the right decision.

When JJ fired Landry and brought about change— many were up in arms at the thought of firing a legendary coach. I was for certain. The manner the decision was handled and communicated may have lacked respect and tact— but the results of that decision speak for themselves. Championships came forth bc a leader saw what change needed to occur and made a tough decision.

Now I fear the opposite has occurred: JJ is too close relationally to Garrett to see clearly what is best for Dallas. His personal feelings for Garrett have blinded him to the truth staring him in the face that everyone else can see:

Two wildcard wins in 10 years.

Jason is a good guy, a good motivator, and a solid regular season coach. But he has not been able to lead this team to post-season success, and at some point, results must be considered before personal feelings.

Personally— I think Garrett should have been fired after the debacle in Philly a few years back when we lost 44-6 or whatever.

But this has been allowed to continue and we are living in our own horrific version of “Groundhog Day”.


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So, you think that was coaching blowing our interior DL off the ball? Because I disagree.

It actually was partly coaching if you care to actually read analyses of the game as opposed to sitting in a dark room, in the fetal position telling yourself that Garrett is a really good coach over and over.

One reason they were able to “blow” us off the line has already been explained and one can only conclude you are purposely ignoring it.

The Cowboys DL was giving the Rams tells by how they lined up, etc. it was reported they could often guess when a stunt was coming and where it was coming from, so they could then call a run into that vacant area caused by the stunt. It was also reported they used motion to confuse and get LVE and Smith moving before the snap and get them out of position.

That’s coaching. Sure, there was definitely something to the Rams physicially handling us at times, but it’s been well reported that the Rams had our front seven well scouted.

That’s coaching to anyone who isnt predisposed to defend Garrett at every turn.
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As JJ said yesterday, had JG been fired, it would have taken him a minute and a half to find a new job. Let's look at JG in an historical perspective. He was young (45) when he took the team over. He has a decent sample size of games coached to assess his career to date, so how does his winning percentage stack up with some of the greats of the game? It is worth noting that, aside from Belichick, no other coach had a HOF QB that was willing to leave over $100m on the table to help their team win.

Jason Garrett's win percentage is .566. That puts him either statistically tied (within 3%) or better than the following list of coaches:

Bill Parcells (HOF)
Chuck Knoll (HOF)
Dan Quinn
Marv Levy (HOF)
Mike Ditka (HOF)
Ron Rivera
Jimmy Johnson
Mike Shanahan

He's within striking distance of (all less than .600)

Pete Carrol
John Harbaugh
Mike Zimmer
Mike Holmgren
Hank Stram
Don Coryell

The point is that fans tend to look at the latest 'boy wonder' or some other nonsense and they think that:

1. These guys grown on trees
2. That these new coaches that have been successful in the short term will also be successful in the long term. That's FAR from a guarantee.

As an example, Cowboy fans LOVED Jimmy Johnson after he started winning, but there was some serious hate flowing through the Cowboys fan universe after his first two seasons. He had an amazing run with Dallas, then shuffles off to Miami and manages just one 10 win season in four years. He had 11 win and 13 win seasons and a Super Bowl in his first four years with Dallas and arguably started with a lesser team before the talent flowed in like a water fall. Much of that great talent was a product not necessarily of luck, but of being at the right place at the right time (move a draft pick one position and the results might have been radically different, or don't take a chance on a troubled player like Haley and we might have won no SBs during his tenure).

The point is this: Jason Garrett is not an elite coach yet, but he IS a damn good coach. You're free to think he isn't, but you'd be wrong.

The over/under for Dallas this year was 8 games. It will be 8 or 9 next year with the schedule we play. The NFL has structured their league for parity, so if a coach can dodge losing seasons in our current era, he's done a good job.

Pete Carroll had 2 winning seasons during his first 6 years.
Belichick was an awful coach before he got Brady.
Chuck Knoll (HOF) had ONE 10 win season in his last 12 seasons.
In the 3 comparable years during his coaching career (2016-18 for Garrett), Bill Cowher went 7-9, 6-10, 9-7 and only had one 12 win season before that. JG has had 2 seasons with more wins.

You'd be wise to thank the coaching gods that JG is our coach. I look forward to many wininng seasons with him at the helm.
Nice try. A noble effort.

Garrett sucks, period.

Sean McVey absolutely owned him last Saturday. Garrett is still trying to figure out what hit him.

He has no clue.

He should have been gone years ago.


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The funniest part of all this?

Jerry admits we tipped our plays and signals. And it wasn’t the first time this happened this year, last year, etc.

And yet after admitting that? He concludes coaching is not an issue.

He’s one of the smartest “owners”, he’s one of the dumber “GMs”.


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What is the singular difference between Garrett's three successive 8-8 seasons and Campo's three 5-11 seasons?

Garrett had Romo.

Campo has a concussion Aikman about to retire, and then two consecutive Quincy Carter seasons.

I don't believe there was a man jack of you people who wanted Campo to remain as the head coach. Yet there are those who seem to want Garrett.

And with Garrett, his first three seasons at 8-8 has delivered three play-off seasons and lost the divisional game in each.

He is not innovative.

He doesn't hold people responsible - ie Linehan.

He makes coaching errors and it requires Jerry to get on his butt so he understands playing it safe, especially at home, is the road to a loss.

Which means he shows no faith in his troops. We can all argue that Switzer was an idiot for running the 4th and 1 twice, and the same play each time to lose the game to the eagles. But he believed in the team. He also understood that with the wind in his kicker's face, if he surrendered the football at that point the Eagles would drive the field to win. He played to win.

Garrett doesn't seem to assess the situation and pull the trigger on aggression on the field. He is as surprised as the rest of us with his game understanding. He has no forward vision.

Garrett is a marionette and his actions are guided by Jerry Jones. Perhaps the last person at The Star you'd want to make game time decisions. Outside of the janitor.

And now we find the team at a crossroads, with huge money owed if the team is to retain major pieces to the defense. The offensive line needs some major work. Counting on FredBeard is folly and a recipe for disaster if the team does not make adjustments.

The comment by Stephen, "We just don't like Free Agency," tells you all you need to know about shoring up a couple of positions. And save the argument about free agency never produces. It appears teams likole the Eagles bring in players that prosper.

Firing Garrett will not fix the problem completely. This team has a journeyman quarterback who possesses an iron will to win, and can do so against teams with holes. But when he faces teams that require him to perform at a level where he puts up 25 plus point to win a game, he will always be lacking. He also is so sketchy, other teams work to stop Zeke because Dak doesn't scare girl scouts from an ice cream truck.

Jerry is not a great owner as some say.

Jerry allows an incompetent boob to be the GM. Jerry continues to do press conferences, ahead of his head coach, and tells secrets a real head coach might not want passed along to the press.

Dallas got beast by a better team in the Rams. The Rams controlled both lines of scrimmage. It's like Garrett had no plan.

Which is exactly what Garrett brings.

No plan. No innovation. No mojo. He's just a guy that is happy to be invited to the dance and will ride his luck as long as Jerry allows.


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Wrong forum bro. This is the Cowboys forum, not the Browns......……..we dont measure success here by regular season wins, we use playoffs as the measuring stick.

Whats your boy's winning percentage in the playoffs compared to Belichick, Knoll, Landry, Cowher, Carroll, ect…..

After a decade, were these coaches still trying to get past the divisional round?