Rome is a shock jock, plain and simple. He doesnt know anything about sports but is pompous as hell. I hate Wellbon but he knows a little about what he is talking about,
I always thought the Everett thing was funny, but even before that didnt care for him much. His radio show I always thought was irritating more than anything else.
The funniest part of that whole incident is how the Rome people tried to spin it: "Ahhhh........... he goaded Everett on purpose.....ahhhhh.....he got in his head and did it for PR purposes....AND IT WORKED!!!"
Wow....that's the last kind of PR in the world any male with cajones would or should want. Getting put to the ground on your back like a little girl and kicking like a B$!@%. Great PR........and he goes on to make millions....only in America as Don King use to say....only in America.
that isnt good, you dont mess with jungle karma. i hope this doesnt come back to bite us. i am superstitious. if we lose, its all on Witten now.:bang2: